数据结构-二叉树(应用篇)-之二叉搜索树 C和C++的实现
二叉搜索树(Binary Sort Tree/Binary Search Tree...),是二叉树的一种特殊扩展。也是一种动态查找表。

#ifndef _BINARYSEARCHTREE_H #define _BINARYSEARCHTREE_H #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include "BinaryTree.h" #include "BiTreeNode.h" template <typename T> class BinarySearchTree:public BinaryTree<T> { public: BinarySearchTree(int size,int rootIndex,T data); BinarySearchTree(vector<T> vect); virtual ~BinarySearchTree(); //get vector<T> getResult(); //add/delete bool addNode(int index,T data); bool insert(int index,T data, BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); bool deleteMinNode(); bool deleteMaxNode(); virtual bool deleteNodeByIndex(int index); //删除节点(使用索引) virtual bool deleteNodeByNode(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //删除节点(使用地址) virtual bool deleteNodeByData(T data); //删除节点(使用数据) //search bool searchNode(T data,BiTreeNode<T>** node); //sort bool sortToVec(); bool sort(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //pinrtf void BSTreePreorderTraversal(); //先序遍历 void BSTreeInorderTraversal(); //中序遍历 void BSTreeSubsequentTraversal(); //后序遍历 private: vector<T> m_tVec; }; template <typename T> BinarySearchTree<T>::BinarySearchTree(int size,int rootIndex,T data):BinaryTree(size,int rootIndex,T data) { } template <typename T> BinarySearchTree<T>::BinarySearchTree(vector<T> vect):BinaryTree((int)vect.size(),0,vect[0]) { unsigned int size = vect.size(); for(unsigned int i=1;i<size;i++) { this->addNode(i,vect[i]); } } template <typename T> BinarySearchTree<T>::~BinarySearchTree() { } template <typename T> vector<T> BinarySearchTree<T>::getResult() { sortToVec(); return m_tVec; } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::addNode(int index,T data) { if(IsTreeFull()) { return false; } insert(index,data,m_pRoot); return true; } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::insert(int index,T data, BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { if(data < pNode->getData()) { if(pNode ->getLChild() != NULL) { if(insert(index,data,pNode->getLChild())) return true; } else { if(addLeftNodeByNode(index,data,pNode)) return true; } } else { if(pNode ->getRChild() != NULL) { if(insert(index,data,pNode->getRChild())) return true; } else { if(addRightNodeByNode(index,data,pNode)) return true; } } return false; } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::deleteMinNode() { if(IsTreeEmpty()) return false; BiTreeNode<T> *pNode = m_pRoot; while(pNode->getLChild() != NULL) { pNode = pNode->getLChild(); } if(pNode==m_pRoot) { pNode = m_pRoot->getRChild(); while(pNode->getLChild()!=NULL) { pNode = pNode->getLChild(); } } deleteNodeByNode(pNode); return true ; } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::deleteMaxNode() { if(IsTreeEmpty()) return false; BiTreeNode<T> *pNode = m_pRoot; while(pNode->getRChild() != NULL) { pNode = pNode->getRChild(); } if(pNode==m_pRoot) { pNode = m_pRoot->getLChild(); while(pNode->getRChild()!=NULL) { pNode = pNode->getRChild(); } } deleteNodeByNode(pNode); return true; } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::deleteNodeByIndex(int index) { BiTreeNode<T> *pNode = getNodeByIndex(index); if(NULL != pNode) { /*there are 3 condition in the following: 1、The node has no child. 2、The node only has left child or right child. 3、The node both has left and right child,so make the target node replaced by precursor,and then delete precursor by useing condition 2 function. */ /*condition 1:no child*/ if(NULL == pNode->getRChild() && NULL == pNode->getLChild()) { if(pNode!=m_pRoot) { BiTreeNode<T> *pfatherNode= pNode->getParent(); if(pfatherNode->getLChild() == pNode) { pfatherNode->setLChild(NULL); } else { pfatherNode->setRChild(NULL); } this->m_iSize--; delete pNode; } else return false;//only root left } /*condition 3:The node both has left and right child*/ else if(NULL != pNode->getRChild() && NULL != pNode->getLChild()) { BiTreeNode<T> *preNode = pNode->getInorderPrecursor(); pNode->setIndex(preNode->getIndex()); pNode->setData(preNode->getData()); pNode = preNode; } /*condition 2: The node only has left child or right child.*/ if(NULL == pNode->getRChild()) { BiTreeNode<T> *pfatherNode= pNode->getParent(); if(pfatherNode->getLChild() == pNode )//Target node is father left son. { pfatherNode->setLChild(pNode->getLChild());//Target node left son link to it fater. } else//Target node is father right son. { pfatherNode->setRChild( pNode->getLChild());//Target node left son link to it father. } pNode->setLChild(NULL); this->m_iSize--; delete pNode; } else if(NULL == pNode->getLChild()) { BiTreeNode<T> *pfatherNode=pNode->getParent(); if(pfatherNode->getLChild() == pNode )//Target node is father left son. { pfatherNode->setLChild(pNode->getRChild());//Target node left son link to it fater. } else//Target node is father right son. { pfatherNode->setRChild( pNode->getRChild());//Target node left son link to it father. } pNode->setRChild(NULL); this->m_iSize--; delete pNode; } return true; } else return false;//if(NULL != pNode); there are no such node! } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::deleteNodeByNode(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { return false; } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::deleteNodeByData(T data) { BiTreeNode<T> *pNode = m_pRoot; if(searchNode(data,&pNode)) { /*there are 3 condition in the following: 1、The node has no child. 2、The node only has left child or right child. 3、The node both has left and right child,so make the target node replaced by precursor,and then delete precursor by useing condition 2 function. */ /*condition 1:no child*/ if(NULL == pNode->getRChild() && NULL == pNode->getLChild()) { if(pNode!=m_pRoot) { BiTreeNode<T> *pfatherNode= pNode->getParent(); if(pfatherNode->getLChild() == pNode) { pfatherNode->setLChild(NULL); } else { pfatherNode->setRChild(NULL); } this->m_iSize--; delete pNode; } else return false;//only root left } /*condition 3:The node both has left and right child*/ else if(NULL != pNode->getRChild() && NULL != pNode->getLChild()) { BiTreeNode<T> *preNode = pNode->getInorderPrecursor(); pNode->setIndex(preNode->getIndex()); pNode->setData(preNode->getData()); pNode = preNode; } /*condition 2: The node only has left child or right child.*/ if(NULL == pNode->getRChild()) { BiTreeNode<T> *pfatherNode= pNode->getParent(); if(pfatherNode->getLChild() == pNode )//Target node is father left son. { pfatherNode->setLChild(pNode->getLChild());//Target node left son link to it fater. } else//Target node is father right son. { pfatherNode->setRChild( pNode->getLChild());//Target node left son link to it father. } pNode->setLChild(NULL); this->m_iSize--; delete pNode; } else if(NULL == pNode->getLChild()) { BiTreeNode<T> *pfatherNode=pNode->getParent(); if(pfatherNode->getLChild() == pNode )//Target node is father left son. { pfatherNode->setLChild(pNode->getRChild());//Target node left son link to it fater. } else//Target node is father right son. { pfatherNode->setRChild( pNode->getRChild());//Target node left son link to it father. } pNode->setRChild(NULL); this->m_iSize--; delete pNode; } return true; } else return false;//if(searchNode(data,&pNode)); there are no such node! } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::searchNode(T data,BiTreeNode<T>** node) { BiTreeNode<T> *pNode = m_pRoot; if(data>m_pRoot->getData()) { while(data>pNode->getData()) { if(pNode->getRChild() != NULL) { pNode = pNode->getRChild(); } else { return false; } } while(data<pNode->getData()) { if(pNode->getLChild() != NULL) { pNode = pNode->getLChild(); } else { return false; } } *node = pNode; return true; } else { while(data<pNode->getData()) { if(pNode->getLChild() != NULL) { pNode = pNode->getLChild(); } else { return false; } } while(data>pNode->getData()) { if(pNode->getRChild() != NULL) { pNode = pNode->getRChild(); } else { return false; } } *node = pNode; return true; } } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::sortToVec() { m_tVec.clear(); sort(m_pRoot); return true; } template <typename T> bool BinarySearchTree<T>::sort( BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { if(pNode->getLChild() != NULL) { sort(pNode->getLChild()); } m_tVec.push_back(pNode->getData()); if(pNode->getRChild() != NULL) { sort(pNode->getRChild()); } return true; } template <typename T> void BinarySearchTree<T>::BSTreePreorderTraversal() { PreorderTraversal(); } template <typename T> void BinarySearchTree<T>::BSTreeInorderTraversal() { InorderTraversal(); } template <typename T> void BinarySearchTree<T>::BSTreeSubsequentTraversal() { SubsequentTraversal(); } #endif

#ifndef _BINARYTREE_H #define _BINARYTREE_H #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include "BiTreeNode.h" using namespace std; template <typename T> class BinaryTree { public: BinaryTree(int size,int index,T data); BinaryTree(int size); virtual ~BinaryTree(); bool IsTreeEmpty(); //树是否为空 bool IsTreeFull(); //树的容量是否已满 //search BiTreeNode<T> *getNodeByIndex(int index); //通过索引搜索节点 int getLeaves(); //获取树的叶子数 int getHeight(); //获取树的高度(包含根节点) int getWidth(); //获取树的宽度(包含根节点) int getNowSize(); //获取树现在的节点数(包含根节点) int getMaxSize(); //获取树的最大节点数 //add/delete bool addLeftNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex); //添加左子树(使用索引) bool addRightNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex); //添加右子树(使用索引) bool addLeftNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //添加左子树(使用节点地址) bool addRightNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //添加右子树(使用节点地址) virtual bool deleteNodeByIndex(int index); //删除节点(使用索引) virtual bool deleteNodeByNode(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode); //删除节点(使用地址) //traversal void PreorderTraversal(); //先序遍历 void InorderTraversal(); //中序遍历 void SubsequentTraversal(); //后序遍历 protected: BiTreeNode<T> *m_pRoot; //tree root int m_iSize; //Tree now nodes size (without root) int m_iMaxSize; //Tree max nodes size (without root) }; template <typename T> BinaryTree<T>::BinaryTree(int size,int index,T data) { m_pRoot = new BiTreeNode<T>(index,data); m_pRoot->setLChild(NULL); m_pRoot->setRChild(NULL); m_pRoot->setParenet(NULL); m_iSize = 1; m_iMaxSize = size; } template <typename T> BinaryTree<T>::BinaryTree(int size) { m_pRoot = new BiTreeNode<T>(0,0); m_pRoot->setLChild(NULL); m_pRoot->setRChild(NULL); m_pRoot->setParenet(NULL); m_iSize = 1; m_iMaxSize = size; } template <typename T> BinaryTree<T>::~BinaryTree() { if(NULL != m_pRoot) delete m_pRoot; m_pRoot=NULL; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::IsTreeEmpty() { if(m_iSize == 0) return true; return false; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::IsTreeFull() { if(m_iSize >= m_iMaxSize) return true; return false; } //search template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BinaryTree<T>::getNodeByIndex(int index) { if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return NULL; } return m_pRoot->NodeSearch(index); } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getLeaves() { if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return 0; } return m_pRoot->NodeLeavesStatistics(); } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getWidth() { if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return 0; } int maxWidth=1; //save max width int parentWidth=0; //save this width int childrenWidth=0; //save next width queue<BiTreeNode<T>*> stdQueue; BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode = m_pRoot; if(tempNode -> getLChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode -> getLChild()); parentWidth ++; } if(tempNode -> getRChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode ->getRChild()); parentWidth ++; } while(!stdQueue.empty()) { while(parentWidth>0) { tempNode = stdQueue.front(); stdQueue.pop(); if(tempNode -> getLChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode -> getLChild()); childrenWidth ++; } if(tempNode -> getRChild() != NULL) { stdQueue.push(tempNode ->getRChild()); childrenWidth ++; } parentWidth --; } parentWidth = childrenWidth; if(parentWidth > maxWidth) { maxWidth = parentWidth; } childrenWidth =0; } // result = m_pRoot->NodeChildrenNodeWidth(&child); return maxWidth; } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getHeight() { if(NULL == m_pRoot) return 0; return m_pRoot->NodeChildrenNodeHeigh();//including root } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getNowSize() { if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return 0; } //return m_iSize;//quickly get Size return m_pRoot ->NodeChildrenStatistics();//including root } template <typename T> int BinaryTree<T>::getMaxSize() { return m_iMaxSize ; } //add/delete template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addLeftNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex) { if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return false; } BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode; tempNode = m_pRoot->NodeSearch(searchIndex);//find the node that index is = searchIndex if(tempNode!=NULL) { return addLeftNodeByNode(newIndex,data,tempNode); } return false; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addRightNodeByIndex(int newIndex,T data,int searchIndex) { if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return false; } BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode ; tempNode = m_pRoot->NodeSearch(searchIndex); if(tempNode!=NULL) { return addRightNodeByNode(newIndex,data,tempNode); } return false; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addLeftNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { BiTreeNode<T> *pNodeCopy = pNode;//make a copy of pNode to protect the pNode being changed by accidentally if(IsTreeFull()) { return false ; } if(pNodeCopy -> getLChild() == NULL) { BiTreeNode<T> *newNode = new BiTreeNode<T>(index,data); pNodeCopy->setLChild(newNode); newNode->setParenet(pNodeCopy); } else { return false ; } m_iSize++; return true; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::addRightNodeByNode(int index,T data,BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { BiTreeNode<T> *pNodeCopy = pNode;//make a copy of pNode to protect the pNode being changed by accidentally if(IsTreeFull()) { return false ; } if(pNodeCopy -> getRChild() == NULL) { BiTreeNode<T> *newNode = new BiTreeNode<T>(index,data); pNodeCopy->setRChild(newNode); newNode->setParenet(pNodeCopy); } else { return false ; } m_iSize++; return true; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::deleteNodeByIndex(int index) { if(IsTreeEmpty()) { return false; } BiTreeNode<T> *deleteNode = m_pRoot->NodeSearch(index); if(deleteNode != NULL) { if(deleteNode == m_pRoot) { cout<<"BinaryTree<T>::deleteNodeByIndex():"<<index<<"是根节点不能删除"<<endl; return false; } return deleteNodeByNode(deleteNode); } return false; } template <typename T> bool BinaryTree<T>::deleteNodeByNode(BiTreeNode<T> *pNode) { if(IsTreeEmpty()) return false; if(pNode!=NULL) { /*clear parent Node L/RChild*/ BiTreeNode<T> *parentNode = pNode->getParent(); if(parentNode != NULL) { if(parentNode->getLChild() == pNode) { parentNode->setLChild(NULL); } else { parentNode->setRChild(NULL); } } /*delete node*/ int SizeDec;//use to caculate how much Node was delete SizeDec = pNode->NodeDelete(); m_iSize-=SizeDec; return true; } return false; } //traversal template <typename T> void BinaryTree<T>::PreorderTraversal() { cout<<"PerorderTraversal:"<<endl; if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return ; } m_pRoot ->NodePreorderTraversal(); } template <typename T> void BinaryTree<T>::InorderTraversal() { cout<<"InorderTraversal:"<<endl; if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return ; } m_pRoot ->NodeInorderTraversal(); } template <typename T> void BinaryTree<T>::SubsequentTraversal() { cout<<"SubsequentTraversal:"<<endl; if(NULL == m_pRoot) { return ; } m_pRoot ->NodeSubsequentTraversal(); } #endif

#ifndef _BITREENODE_H #define _BITREENODE_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class BiTreeNode { public: BiTreeNode(); BiTreeNode(int index,T data); virtual ~BiTreeNode(); //get data int getIndex(); T getData(); BiTreeNode *getParent(); BiTreeNode *getLChild(); BiTreeNode *getRChild(); BiTreeNode *getInorderPrecursor(); //获取中序前驱 BiTreeNode *getInorderSubsequence(); //获取中序后继 //set data void setIndex(int index); void setData(T data); void setParenet(BiTreeNode *Node); void setLChild(BiTreeNode *Node); void setRChild(BiTreeNode *Node); //else BiTreeNode *NodeSearch(int index); //通过索引搜索节点(以本节点作为根寻找树的某个节点) int NodeLeavesStatistics(int leaves = 0); //统计叶子数 int NodeChildrenNodeHeigh(); //统计子节点的最大高度(包含本节点)/(以本节点作为根求树的高度) int NodeChildrenStatistics(); //统计子节点数(包含本节点) int NodeDelete(); //删除节点 //traversal void NodePreorderTraversal(); void NodeInorderTraversal(); void NodeSubsequentTraversal(); private: int m_iIndex; T m_tData; BiTreeNode *m_pParent; BiTreeNode *m_pLeftChild; BiTreeNode *m_pRightChild; //struct NodeWidth<T> stNodeWidth; }; template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T>::BiTreeNode() { m_iIndex = 0; m_tData = 0; m_pParent = NULL; m_pLeftChild = NULL; m_pRightChild = NULL; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T>::BiTreeNode(int index,T data) { m_iIndex = index; m_tData = data; m_pParent = NULL; m_pLeftChild = NULL; m_pRightChild = NULL; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T>::~BiTreeNode() { if(m_pLeftChild != NULL) { m_pLeftChild->NodeDelete(); m_pLeftChild = NULL; } if(m_pRightChild != NULL) { m_pRightChild->NodeDelete(); m_pRightChild = NULL; } m_pParent = NULL; } /*-----------------------getdata------------------------*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::getIndex() { return m_iIndex; } template <typename T> T BiTreeNode<T>::getData() { return m_tData; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getParent() { return m_pParent; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getLChild() { return m_pLeftChild; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getRChild() { return m_pRightChild; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getInorderPrecursor() { /* condition 1: Node has left child. condition 2: Node hasn't left child,and it is its father right child. condition 3: Node hasn't left child,and it is its father left child. */ /*condition 1:node has left child*/ if(NULL != this->getLChild()) { BiTreeNode *tempNode=this->getLChild(); while(NULL != tempNode->getRChild() ) { tempNode=tempNode->getRChild(); } return tempNode; } else { BiTreeNode *fatherNode=this->getParent(); if(NULL == fatherNode) { return NULL;//it is root. } /*condition 2*/ else if(fatherNode->getRChild() == this) { return fatherNode; } /*condition*/ else { while( fatherNode->getParent()->getRChild() != fatherNode) { fatherNode =fatherNode ->getParent(); if(NULL == fatherNode ) { return NULL;//it is root; } } return fatherNode->getParent(); } } return NULL; } template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::getInorderSubsequence() //获取中序后继 { /* condition 1: Node has right child. condition 2: Node hasn't right child,and it is its father left child. condition 3: Node hasn't right child,and it is its father right child. */ /*condition 1*/ if(NULL != this->getRChild()) { BiTreeNode *tempNode = this->getRChild(); while(NULL != tempNode->getLChild() ) { tempNode=tempNode->getLChild(); } return tempNode; } /*condition 2*/ else { BiTreeNode *fatherNode=this->getParent(); if(NULL == fatherNode)//it is root. { return NULL; } else if(fatherNode->getLChild() == this) { return fatherNode; } else { while(fatherNode->getParent()->getLChild() !=fatherNode) { fatherNode=fatherNode->getParent(); if(NULL == fatherNode) { return NULL;//it is root; } } return fatherNode->getParent(); } } } /*-----------------------setdata------------------------*/ template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setIndex(int index) { m_iIndex = index; } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setData(T data) { m_tData = data; } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setParenet(BiTreeNode *Node) { m_pParent = Node; } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setLChild(BiTreeNode *Node) { m_pLeftChild = Node; } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::setRChild(BiTreeNode *Node) { m_pRightChild = Node; } /*-----------------------else------------------------*/ template <typename T> BiTreeNode<T> *BiTreeNode<T>::NodeSearch(int index) { BiTreeNode<T> *tempNode = NULL; if(m_iIndex == index) { return this; } if(m_pLeftChild != NULL) { tempNode = m_pLeftChild->NodeSearch(index); if(tempNode != NULL)//match { return tempNode; } } if(m_pRightChild !=NULL) { tempNode = m_pRightChild->NodeSearch(index); if(tempNode != NULL)// match { return tempNode; } } return NULL; } /*statistcal children node heigh(includding me)*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeChildrenNodeHeigh() { int heightLeft =0 ; int heightRight =0; if(m_pLeftChild != NULL) { heightLeft += m_pLeftChild->NodeChildrenNodeHeigh(); } if(m_pRightChild != NULL) { heightRight += m_pRightChild->NodeChildrenNodeHeigh(); } if(heightRight > heightLeft) { return ++heightRight; } else { return ++heightLeft; } } /*statistcal leaves node(includding me)*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeLeavesStatistics(int leaves) { if(this->m_pLeftChild != NULL) { leaves = this->m_pLeftChild->NodeLeavesStatistics(leaves); } if(this->m_pRightChild != NULL) { leaves = this->m_pRightChild->NodeLeavesStatistics(leaves); } if(this->getLChild() == NULL && this->getRChild() == NULL) { leaves ++; } return leaves; } /*statistcal children node(includding me)*/ template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeChildrenStatistics() { int iCnt=0; if(this->m_pLeftChild != NULL) { iCnt+=this->m_pLeftChild->NodeChildrenStatistics(); } if(this->m_pRightChild!= NULL) { iCnt+=this->m_pRightChild->NodeChildrenStatistics(); } iCnt++; return iCnt; } template <typename T> int BiTreeNode<T>::NodeDelete() { int Times=0; if(this->m_pLeftChild != NULL) { //delete this->getLChild(); Times+=this->m_pLeftChild->NodeDelete(); this->m_pLeftChild =NULL; } if(this->m_pRightChild!= NULL) { //delete this->getRChild(); Times+=this->m_pRightChild->NodeDelete(); this->m_pRightChild =NULL; } Times++; delete this; return Times; } /*-----------------------traversal------------------------*/ template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::NodePreorderTraversal() { cout<<"Index:"<<this->getIndex()<<";Data:"<<this->getData()<<endl; if(this->getLChild() != NULL) { this->getLChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } if(this->getRChild() != NULL) { this->getRChild()->NodePreorderTraversal(); } } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::NodeInorderTraversal() { if(this->getLChild() != NULL) { this->getLChild()->NodeInorderTraversal(); } cout<<"Index:"<<this->getIndex()<<";Data:"<<this->getData()<<endl; if(this->getRChild() != NULL) { this->getRChild()->NodeInorderTraversal(); } } template <typename T> void BiTreeNode<T>::NodeSubsequentTraversal() { if(this->getLChild() != NULL) { this->getLChild()->NodeSubsequentTraversal(); } if(this->getRChild() != NULL) { this->getRChild()->NodeSubsequentTraversal(); } cout<<"Index:"<<this->getIndex()<<";Data:"<<this->getData()<<endl; } #endif
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "BinaryTree.h" #include "BinarySearchTree.h" using namespace std; int main() { /*初始化一个vec向量用于建树*/ vector<int> Vec1; Vec1.push_back(41); Vec1.push_back(20); Vec1.push_back(65); Vec1.push_back(11); Vec1.push_back(29); Vec1.push_back(50); Vec1.push_back(91); Vec1.push_back(32); Vec1.push_back(72); Vec1.push_back(99); /*建立一颗搜索二叉树*/ BinarySearchTree<int> BSTree(Vec1); /*中序遍历*/ BSTree.BSTreeInorderTraversal(); /*排序并按顺序打印*/ vector<int> Vec2 = BSTree.getResult(); for(unsigned int i=0;i<Vec2.size();i++) { cout<<Vec2[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; /*获取元素个数*/ cout<<"size:"<<BSTree.getNowSize()<<endl; cout<<"width:"<<BSTree.getWidth()<<endl; cout<<"height:"<<BSTree.getHeight()<<endl; /*删除元素*/ // BSTree.deleteMinNode(); // BSTree.deleteMaxNode(); BSTree.deleteNodeByData(50); //BSTree.deleteNodeByIndex(50); Vec2 = BSTree.getResult(); for(unsigned int i=0;i<Vec2.size();i++) { cout<<Vec2[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; cout<<"size:"<<BSTree.getNowSize()<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
- 添加节点
- 删除节点
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· AI编程工具终极对决:字节Trae VS Cursor,谁才是开发者新宠?