Gfarm Installation check the process currently running: $netstat –tuanp if the software has been installed, remove them: $sudo apt-get purge XXX refer to the normal installation guide, INSTALL.en to install dependent libraries. Gfarm 2.5 for example:$sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libldap2... Read More
posted @ 2012-05-01 23:41 homegis Views(457) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
多表之间的连接有三种方式:Nested Loops,Hash Join 和 Sort Merge Join. 下面来介绍三种不同连接的不同: 一. NESTED LOOP: 对于被连接的数据子集较小的情况,嵌套循环连接是个较好的选择。在嵌套循环中,内表被外表驱动,外表返回的每一行都要在内表中检索找到与它匹配的行,因此整个查询返回的结果集不能太大(大于1 万不适合),要把返回子集较小表的作为外表(CBO 默认外表是驱动表),而且在内表的连接字段上一定要有索引。当然也可以用ORDERED 提示来改变CBO默认的驱动表,使用USE_NL(table_name1 table_name2)可是强制C.. Read More
posted @ 2012-05-01 23:40 homegis Views(313) Comments(0) Diggs(1) Edit