deriveClass<Player, BaseController>("Player")
直接公开基类的函数会报错!!!!! 踩坑N次留念!!!!!!!!!!!!
Automatic function parameter type binding.
Easy access to Lua objects like tables and functions.
LuaBridge的API是基于C++模板元编程(template metaprogramming)的。在编译时这些模板自动生成各种Lua API调用,从而可以再Lua脚本中使用C++程序中的类和函数。 为了能在C++中使用Lua的数据,比如number,string,table以及方便调用Lua的函数,使用LuaBridge中的LuaRef类,可以方便做到。
重载函数、方法和构造函数(Overloaded functions, methods, or constructors)
在Lua中继承C++类(Inheriting Lua classes from C++ classes)。
Passing nil to a C++ function that expects a pointer or reference
Standard containers like std::shared_ptr
Namespaces 一个Lua table包含了其他注册信息
Data 全局变量或静态变量、数据成员或静态数据成员
Functions 一般函数、成员函数或静态成员函数
CFunctions A regular function, member function, or static member function that uses the lua_CFunction calling convention
Properties Global properties, property members, and static property members. These appear like data to Lua,
but are implemented in C++ using functions to get and set the values.
LuaBridge索引的注册都是在一个namespace中,namespace是从lua角度来看的,它实质上就是table,注意这里的namespace不是C++中的namespace,C++的namespace 不是一定需要的。LuaBridge的namespace是对Lua脚本来说的,它们被作为逻辑组合工具(logical grouping tool)。为了访问Lua的全局命名空间(global namespace),可以在C++ 中,这样调用:
getGlobalNamespace (L);
上面的调用会返回一个对象(实质是table)可用来进一步注册,比如: getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test");
上面的调用就会在Lua的_G中创建一个名为"test"的table,现在这个table还是空的。LuaBridge保留所有以双下划线开头命名的标识,因此__test是无效的命名, 尽管这样命名LuaBridge不会报错。我们可以进一步扩展上面的注册: getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test")
.beginNamespace ("detail")
.endNamespace ()
.beginNamespace ("utility")
.endNamespace ()
.endNamespace ();
这样注册后,我们就可以在Lua中使用test, test.detail,和test.utility。这里的引入的endNamespace函数,也会返回一个对象(实质也是table),该对象实质就是上一层namespace, 表示当前namespace注册完成。 All LuaBridge functions which create registrations return an object upon which subsequent registrations can be made,allowing for an unlimited number of registrations to be chained together using the dot operator。在一个namespace中,注册相同命名的对象,对于LuaBridge来说是没有 定义的行为。一个namespace可以多次使用增加更多的成员。比如下面两段代码是等价的: getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test")
.addFunction ("foo", foo)
.endNamespace ();
getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test")
.addFunction ("bar", bar)
.endNamespace ();
和 getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test")
.addFunction ("foo", foo)
.addFunction ("bar", bar)
.endNamespace ();
Data, Properties, Functions, and CFunctions Data, Properties, Functions, and CFunctions可以依次使用addVariable,, addProperty, addFunction, and addCFunction来注册。在Lua脚本中调用注册的函数时, LuaBridge会自动地传入相应的参数,并对参数类型转和检查。同样,函数的返回值也会自动处理。当前LuaBridge最多可处理8个参数。Pointers, references, and objects of class type as parameters are treated specially。如果我们在C++中有以下定义:
int globalVar;
static float staticVar;
std::string stringProperty;
std::string getString () { return stringProperty; }
void setString (std::string s) { stringProperty = s; }
int foo () { return 42; }
void bar (char const*) { }
int cFunc (lua_State* L) { return 0; }
为了在Lua使用这些变量和函数,我们可以按以下方式注册它们: getGlobalNamespace (L)
.beginNamespace ("test")
.addVariable ("var1", &globalVar)
.addVariable ("var2", &staticVar, false) // read-only
.addProperty ("prop1", getString, setString)
.addProperty ("prop2", getString) // read only
.addFunction ("foo", foo)
.addFunction ("bar", bar)
.addCFunction ("cfunc", cFunc)
.endNamespace ();
Variables在注册时,可以通过传递第二个参数为false,确保Variables不会在Lua被修改,默认第二个参数是true。Properties在注册时,若不传递set函数,则在脚本中是read-only。 通过上面注册后,则下面表达式在Lua是有效的:
test -- a namespace,实质就是一个table,下面都是table中的成员
test.var1 -- a lua_Number variable
test.var2 -- a read-only lua_Number variable
test.prop1 -- a lua_String property
test.prop2 -- a read-only lua_String property -- a function returning a lua_Number -- a function taking a lua_String as a parameter test.cfunc -- a function with a variable argument list and multi-return
注意test.prop1和test.prop2引用的C++中同一个变量,然后test.prop2是read-only,因此在脚本中对test.prop2赋值,会导致运行时错误(run-time error)。在Lua按以下方式使用: test.var1 = 5 -- okay
test.var2 = 6 -- error: var2 is not writable
test.prop1 = "Hello" -- okay
test.prop1 = 68 -- okay, Lua converts the number to a string.
test.prop2 = "bar" -- error: prop2 is not writable () -- calls foo and discards the return value
test.var1 = foo () -- calls foo and stores the result in var1 ("Employee") -- calls bar with a string (test) -- error: bar expects a string not a table
Class Objects
class A { public: A() { printf("A constructor\n");} static int staticData; static int getStaticData() {return staticData;} static float staticProperty; static float getStaticProperty () { return staticProperty; } static void setStaticProperty (float f) { staticProperty = f; } static int staticCFunc (lua_State *L) { return 0; } std::string dataMember; char dataProperty; char getProperty () const { return dataProperty; } void setProperty (char v) { dataProperty = v; } void func1 () {printf("func1 In Class A\n"); } virtual void virtualFunc () {printf("virtualFunc In Class A\n"); } int cfunc (lua_State* L) { printf("cfunc In Class A\n"); return 0; } }; class B : public A { public: B() { printf("B constructor\n");} double dataMember2; void func1 () {printf("func1 In Class B\n"); } void func2 () { printf("func2 In Class B\n"); } void virtualFunc () {printf("virtualFunc In Class B\n"); } }; int A::staticData = 3; float A::staticProperty = 0.5;按下面方式注册:
getGlobalNamespace (L) .beginNamespace ("test") .beginClass<A>("A") .addConstructor <void (*) (void)> () .addStaticData ("staticData", &A::staticData) .addStaticProperty ("staticProperty", &A::getStaticData) .addStaticFunction ("getStaticProperty", &A::getStaticProperty) //read-only .addStaticCFunction ("staticCFunc", &A::staticCFunc) .addData ("data", &A::dataMember) .addProperty ("prop", &A::getProperty, &A::setProperty) .addFunction ("func1", &A::func1) .addFunction ("virtualFunc", &A::virtualFunc) .addCFunction ("cfunc", &A::cfunc) .endClass () .deriveClass<B, A>("B") .addConstructor <void (*) (void)> () .addData ("data", &B::dataMember2) .addFunction ("func1", &B::func1) .addFunction ("func2", &B::func2) .endClass () .endNamespace ();注册后,可以再Lua脚本中按一下方式使用:
local AClassObj = test.A () --create class A instance print("before:",test.A.staticData) -- access class A static member test.A.staticData = 8 -- modify class A static member print("after:",test.A.staticData) print("before:", test.A.getStaticProperty()) --test.A.staticProperty = 1.2 --error:can not modify print("staticCFunc") test.A.staticCFunc() = "sting" print("dataMember:", AClassObj.prop = 'a' print("property:",AClassObj.prop) AClassObj:func1() AClassObj:virtualFunc() AClassObj:cfunc() BClassObj = test.B() BClassObj:func1() BClassObj:func2() BClassObj:virtualFunc()
A constructor before: 3 after: 8 before: 0.5 staticCFunc dataMember: sting property: a func1 In Class A virtualFunc In Class A cfunc In Class A A constructor B constructor func1 In Class B func2 In Class B virtualFunc In Class B类的方法注册类似于通常的函数注册,虚函数也是类似的,没有特殊的语法。在LuaBridge中,能识别const方法并且在调用时有检测的,因此如果一个函数返回一个const object或包含指向const object的数据给Lua脚本,则在Lua中这个被引用的对象则被认为是const的,它只能调用const的方法。对于每个类,析构函数自动注册的。无须在继承类中重新注册已在基类中注册过的方法。If a class has a base class that is **not** registeredwith Lua, there is no need to declare it as a subclass.
struct A { A (); }; struct B { explicit B (char const* s, int nChars); }; getGlobalNamespace (L) .beginNamespace ("test") .beginClass <A> ("A") .addConstructor <void (*) (void)> () .endClass () .beginClass <B> ("B") .addConstructor <void (*) (char const*, int)> () .endClass (); .endNamespace ()在Lua中,就可以一些方式,创建A和B的实例:
a = test.A () -- Create a new A. b = test.B ("hello", 5) -- Create a new B. b = test.B () -- Error: expected string in argument 1lua_State*
void useStateAndArgs (int i, std::string s, lua_State* L); getGlobalNamespace (L).addFunction ("useStateAndArgs", &useStateAndArgs);在Lua中,就可按以下方式使用:
在脚本中,只需传递前面两个参数即可。注意 lua_State*类型的参数就放在定义的函数最后,否则结果是未定义的。 Class Object Types
`T*` or `T&`: Passed by reference, with _C++ lifetime_. `T const*` or `T const&`: Passed by const reference, with _C++ lifetime_. `T` or `T const`: Passed by value (a copy), with _Lua lifetime_.C++ Lifetime
对于C++ lifetime的对象,其创建和删除都由C++代码控制,Lua GC不能回收这些对象。当Lua通过lua_State*来引用对象时,必须确保该对象还没删除,否则将导致未定义的行为。例如,可按以下方法给Lua传递
C++ lifetime的对象:
A a; push (L, &a); // pointer to 'a', C++ lifetime lua_setglobal (L, "a"); push (L, (A const*)&a); // pointer to 'a const', C++ lifetime lua_setglobal (L, "ac"); push <A const*> (L, &a); // equivalent to push (L, (A const*)&a) lua_setglobal (L, "ac2"); push (L, new A); // compiles, but will leak memory lua_setglobal (L, "ap");Lua Lifetime
析构函数也会被调用。在C++中应用lua lifetime的对象时,必须确保该对象还没被GC回收,否则其行为是未定义的。例如,可按以下方法给Lua传递的是Lua lifetime的催下:
B b; push (L, b); // Copy of b passed, Lua lifetime. lua_setglobal (L, "b");当在Lua中调用注册的构造函数创建一个对象时,该对象同样是Lua lifetime的,当该对象不在被引用时,GC会自动回收该对象。当然你可以把这个对象引用作为参数传递给C++,但需要保证C++在通过引用使用该对象时,
Pointers, References, and Pass by Value
void func0 (A a); void func1 (A* a); void func2 (A const* a); void func3 (A& a); void func4 (A const& a);则在Lua中,就可以按以下方式调用上面的函数:
func0 (a) -- Passes a copy of a, using A's copy constructor. func1 (a) -- Passes a pointer to a. func2 (a) -- Passes a pointer to a const a. func3 (a) -- Passes a reference to a. func4 (a) -- Passes a reference to a const a.上面所有函数,都可以通过a访问对象的成员以及方法。并且通常的C++的继承和指针传递规则也使用。比如:
void func5 (B b); void func6 (B* b);在lua中调用:
func5 (b) - Passes a copy of b, using B's copy constructor.
func6 (b) - Passes a pointer to b.
func6 (a) - Error: Pointer to B expected.
func1 (b) - Okay, b is a subclass of a.