安全性好,效率不高:eg:  Hashmap--线程不安全,效率高  / Hashtable; TCP--安全但是效率不高 /  UDP





### 多表关联查询

#### 一对多关系

- 嵌套查询

select * from address where uid = (select id from user where name = '李四');

- 连接查询

  - 内连接

  select u.name uname,u.score,a.name aname from user u inner join address a where u.name = "张三" and u.id = a.uid;

  select u.name uname,u.score,a.name aname from user u,address a where u.name = "张三" and u.id = a.uid;

  - 外连接

    - 左连接:左表所有数据和右表满足条件的数据

    select * from user u left join address a on u.id = a.uid and u.name = "张三";

    - 右连接:右表所有数据和左表满足条件的数据

    select * from user u right join address a on u.id = a.uid and u.name = "张三";

#### 多对多关系

create table student(
  id int primary key auto_increment,
  name varchar(11)

create table course(
  id int primary key auto_increment,
  name varchar(11)


create table student_course(
  id int primary key auto_increment,
  sid int,
  cid int,
  foreign key (sid) references student(id),
  foreign key (cid) references course(id)


select * from student_course sc,course c,student s where c.id = sc.cid and s.id = sc.sid and sid = (select id from student where name = "张三");


select s.name sname,c.name cname from student s,course c,student_course sc where s.id = sc.sid and c.id = sc.cid;

去重 distinct

select distinct s.name sname,c.name cname from student s,course c,student_course sc where s.id = sc.sid and c.id = sc.cid;

分页 limit index,length

limit 本质上就是在截取查询到的结果集,index 是起始下标,length 是截取的长度。

select * from user limit 0,10;

### 数据库索引






全文索引:只能创建在 char varchar text 类型的字段上,查询数据量较大的字符串类型字段时,使用全文索引可以提高效率,InnoDB 存储引擎不支持全文索引。



空间索引:只能建立在空间数据类型上(GIS),InnoDB 存储引擎不支持空间索引。


posted on 2019-07-10 20:54  HiJackykun  阅读(199)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报