
【Heskey带你玩渲染】 PBR基础



















对GRF进行降维,可以得到9维的BSSRDF(其实BSSRDF的意义在于快速近似,它是有偏的。无偏的做法比如体积光追,光线在参与介质中步进,可以参考斯坦福Mark Pauly的博士论文)再压缩一把,我们可以得到7维的BSDF,BTF,SVBRDF(读过GPU Gems2的同学可以回忆一下BTF的概念,这里就不扯远了)其中BSDF再压缩就得到了5维的BRDF和BTDFBTF简化到极致就是我们常用的Texture





这个补光的操作一定程度上破坏了能量守恒。正确的做法是SIGGRAPH Physically Based Shading2017上的Kulla-Conty(Physically Based Shading建议大家把每一年的都翻出来学习一下)







specular=lerp(0.08* specular.rrr,basecolor.rgb,metallic)










import taichi as ti
import numpy as np

resolution = (1920, 1080)

eps = 0.0001  # 浮点数精度
inf = 1e10

mat_none = 0
mat_lambertian = 1
mat_specular = 2    # 镜面
mat_glass = 3       # 玻璃
mat_light = 4
mat_microfacet = 5
mat_pm = 6

# 光区域为一块板
light_y_pos = 2.0 - eps
light_x_min_pos = -0.7
light_x_range = 1.4
light_z_min_pos = 0.6
light_z_range = 0.4
light_area = light_x_range * light_z_range
light_min_pos = ti.Vector([
light_max_pos = ti.Vector([
    light_x_min_pos + light_x_range,
    light_z_min_pos + light_z_range
light_color = ti.Vector([1, 1, 1])
light_normal = ti.Vector([0.0, -1.0, 0.0])  # 光源方向向下

# 1.7700 : 红宝石的折射率
refract_index = 1.7700

# right sphere
sp1_center = ti.Vector([0.5, 1.18, 1.40])
sp1_radius = 0.18
# left sphere
sp2_center = ti.Vector([-0.35, 0.65, 1.70])
sp2_radius = 0.15
# middle sphere(microfacet)
sp3_center = ti.Vector([-0.10, 0.35, 0.6])
sp3_radius = 0.35
sp3_microfacet_roughness = 0.15
# sp3_idx = 1.55  # 石英晶体折射率
sp3_idx = 2.4  # 钻石折射率
# right front sphere(microfacet)
sp4_center = ti.Vector([-0.05, 1, 1])
sp4_radius = 0.3
sp4_microfacet_roughness = 1

# 构造变换矩阵,用于box
def make_box_transform_matrices(rotate_rad, translation):
    c, s = np.cos(rotate_rad), np.sin(rotate_rad)
    rot = np.array([[c, 0, s, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, 0],
                    [-s, 0, c, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 1]])  # 绕y轴旋转67.5°
    # rot = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
    #                 [0, c, s, 0],
    #                 [0,-s, c, 0],
    #                 [0, 0, 0, 1]])  # 绕y轴旋转67.5°
    translate = np.array([  # 平移 (0.5, 0, 1.4)
        [1, 0, 0, translation.x],
        [0, 1, 0, translation.y],
        [0, 0, 1, translation.z],
        [0, 0, 0, 1],
    m = translate @ rot  # 平移 + 旋转
    m_inv = np.linalg.inv(m)  # 逆矩阵
    m_inv_t = np.transpose(m_inv)  # 转置矩阵
    return ti.Matrix(m_inv), ti.Matrix(m_inv_t)  # 旋转-22.5° + 平移 (0.5, 0, 1)

# right box
box1_min = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
box1_max = ti.Vector([0.35, 1.0, 0.35])
box1_rotate_rad = np.pi / 16
box1_m_inv, box1_m_inv_t = make_box_transform_matrices(box1_rotate_rad, ti.Vector([0.30, 0, 1.20]))  # box的transform的 逆矩阵, 逆转置矩阵
# left box
box2_min = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
box2_max = ti.Vector([0.4, 0.5, 0.4])
box2_rotate_rad = np.pi / 4
box2_m_inv, box2_m_inv_t = make_box_transform_matrices(box2_rotate_rad, ti.Vector([-0.75, 0, 1.70]))  # box的transform的 逆矩阵, 逆转置矩阵

lambertian brdf
# No absorbtion     没有吸收光谱,Albedo为1,对单位半球积分
lambertian_brdf = 1.0 / np.pi  # f(lambert) = k*c / π       # k = 1,  c = hit_color*light_color

microfacet brdf
# compute reflectance
# 计算反射比
def schlick(cos, eta):  # 入射角cosine, 折射率refractive index
    r0 = (1.0 - eta) / (1.0 + eta)
    r0 = r0 * r0  # 反射比 reflectance
    return r0 + (1 - r0) * ((1.0 - cos) ** 5)

# normal distribution function
def ggx(alpha, i_dir, o_dir, n_dir):  # roughness, incident, exit, normal
    m_dir = (i_dir + o_dir).normalized()
    cos_theta_square = m_dir.dot(n_dir)
    tan_theta_square = (1-cos_theta_square) / cos_theta_square
    root = alpha / cos_theta_square * (alpha*alpha + tan_theta_square)
    return root*root / np.pi

def ggx2(alpha, i_dir, o_dir, n_dir):
    m_dir = (i_dir + o_dir).normalized()
    NoM = n_dir.dot(m_dir)
    d = NoM*NoM * (alpha*alpha-1) + 1
    return alpha*alpha / np.pi*d*d

def smithG1(alpha, v_dir, n_dir):
    out = 0.0
    # compute tan_theta(v / n)
    cos_theta_square = v_dir.dot(n_dir) ** 2
    tan_theta_square = (1-cos_theta_square) / cos_theta_square
    tan_theta = ti.sqrt(tan_theta_square)
    if tan_theta == 0:
        out = 1
        root = alpha * tan_theta
        out = 2 / (1 + ti.sqrt(1.0 + root * root))

    return out

# shadowing-masking
def smith(alpha, i_dir, o_dir, n_dir):  # roughness, incident, exit, normal
    # m_dir = (i_dir + o_dir).normalized()
    # shadowing * masking
    return smithG1(alpha, i_dir, n_dir) * smithG1(alpha, o_dir, n_dir)

def GGX(alpha, NoH, h):
    a = NoH * alpha
    k = alpha / (1 - NoH*NoH + a*a)
    d = k*k * (1/np.pi)
    return d

def SmithGGX(alpha, NoV, NoL):
    a2 = alpha*alpha
    GGXV = NoL * ti.sqrt((NoV - a2*NoV)*NoV + a2)
    GGXL = NoL * ti.sqrt((NoL - a2*NoL)*NoL + a2)
    return 0.5 / (GGXV + GGXL)

def compute_microfacet_brdf(alpha, idx, i_dir, o_dir, n_dir):
    micro_cos = o_dir.dot((i_dir + o_dir).normalized())
    # # numerator and denominator
    # D = ggx2(alpha, i_dir, o_dir, n_dir)
    # G = smith(alpha, i_dir, o_dir, n_dir)
    # F = schlick(micro_cos, idx)
    # # print(D, G, F)
    # numerator = D * G * F
    # denominator = 4 * o_dir.dot(n_dir) * i_dir.dot(n_dir)
    # cook_torrance = numerator / ti.abs(denominator)
    # return cook_torrance

    h = (i_dir + o_dir).normalized()
    NoH = n_dir.dot(h)
    NoV = n_dir.dot(i_dir)
    NoL = n_dir.dot(o_dir)
    D = GGX(alpha, NoH, h)
    V = SmithGGX(alpha, NoV, NoL)
    F = schlick(micro_cos, idx)

    # print(D * V * F)
    out = D * V * F
    return out

basic functions
# 反射
def reflect(d, n):
    # d and n are both normalized
    ret = d - 2.0 * d.dot(n) * n  # d - 2*|d|*|n|*n*cos<d,n>(theta) = d - 2 |d|*cos(theta) * (n/|n|)
    return ret  # reflect vector

# 折射
def refract(d, n, ni_over_nt):
    dt = d.dot(n)  # cos    # sin**2 = 1 - cos**2
    discr = 1.0 - ni_over_nt * ni_over_nt * (1.0 - dt * dt)  # discr:折射角的cos
    rd = (ni_over_nt * (d - n * dt) - n * ti.sqrt(discr)).normalized()
    return rd  # 是否有反射光, 反射光方向

# 点由矩阵变换
def mat_mul_point(m, p):
    hp = ti.Vector([p[0], p[1], p[2], 1.0])
    hp = m @ hp
    hp /= hp[3]
    return ti.Vector([hp[0], hp[1], hp[2]])

# [3] => ti.Vector(4);   m@v  # [4, 4]@[4]
# 忽略矩阵的第4行第4列, 忽略矩阵的平移
def mat_mul_vec(m, v):
    hv = ti.Vector([v[0], v[1], v[2], 0.0])
    hv = m @ hv
    return ti.Vector([hv[0], hv[1], hv[2]])

# 判断射线与球是否相交
def intersect_sphere(pos, d, center, radius):  # pos:light_position, d:ray_dir
    # 构建余弦定理三角形:判断光与球是否相交
    T = pos - center
    A = 1.0
    B = 2.0 * T.dot(d)
    C = T.dot(T) - radius * radius
    delta = B * B - 4.0 * A * C
    dist = inf
    hit_pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    if delta > 0:  # 有解
        delta = ti.max(delta, 0)
        sdelta = ti.sqrt(delta)
        ratio = 0.5 / A
        ret1 = ratio * (-B - sdelta)  # 方程的解, 即三角形的边长(离入射光近的点)
        dist = ret1
        hit_pos = pos + d * dist

    return dist, hit_pos  # 光源到命中点的距离, 命中点坐标

# plane
def intersect_plane(pos, d, pt_on_plane, norm):  # position, ray_dir, offset, normal
    dist = inf
    hit_pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    denom = d.dot(norm)
    if abs(denom) > eps:  # 光与平面不平行
        dist = norm.dot(pt_on_plane - pos) / denom
        hit_pos = pos + d * dist
    return dist, hit_pos  # 光源到命中点的距离, 命中点坐标

# 参考清华大学图形学课程中的基于slab的求交算法:Liang_Barsky算法
# aabb包围体 call by intersect_box and intersect_light
def intersect_aabb(box_min, box_max, o, d):  # box_min, box_max, pos(box空间), ray_dir(box空间)
    intersect = 1  # 光与box是否相交

    near_t = -inf
    far_t = inf
    near_face = 0
    near_is_max = 0

    for i in ti.static(range(3)):  # ti.static(range()) can iterate matrix elements
        if d[i] == 0:  # 光平行于包围体的一个面
            if o[i] < box_min[i] or o[i] > box_max[i]:
                intersect = 0
            i1 = (box_min[i] - o[i]) / d[i]  # 除以d[i] : 判断光是否正对box
            i2 = (box_max[i] - o[i]) / d[i]

            new_far_t = max(i1, i2)     # 光朝着正半轴时,为i2
            new_near_t = min(i1, i2)    # 光朝着正半轴时,为i1
            new_near_is_max = i2 < i1   # 光朝着负半轴时(near_t取i2),为true

            far_t = min(new_far_t, far_t)  # far_t 取最小
            if new_near_t > near_t:  # near_t 取最大
                near_t = new_near_t
                near_face = int(i)  # 记录最小的i所在的维
                near_is_max = new_near_is_max  # 在当前维中near_t, i2<i1 ?

    near_norm = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    if near_t > far_t:
        intersect = 0
    if intersect:
        for i in ti.static(range(2)):
            if near_face == i:
                near_norm[i] = -1 + near_is_max * 2     # near_is_max => return 1; else => return -1
    return intersect, near_t, far_t, near_norm  # 是否相交, 首先相交的平面的距离, 远平面, 近平面法线

# params: min, max, position, ray_dir
# box
def intersect_aabb_transformed(box_m_inv, box_m_inv_t, box_min, box_max, o, d):
    # 射线转换到包围体的local position
    obj_o = mat_mul_point(box_m_inv, o)
    obj_d = mat_mul_vec(box_m_inv, d)

    intersect, near_t, _, near_norm = intersect_aabb(box_min, box_max, obj_o, obj_d)
    # print(near_norm)
    if intersect and 0 < near_t:
        near_norm = mat_mul_vec(box_m_inv_t, near_norm)
        intersect = 0
    # out params: hit?, cur_dist, pnorm
    return intersect, near_t, near_norm

# light
def intersect_light(pos, ray_dir, tmax):
    # t:near intersect distance
    hit, t, far_t, near_norm = intersect_aabb(light_min_pos, light_max_pos, pos, ray_dir)
    if hit and 0 < t < tmax:
        hit = 1
        hit = 0
        t = inf
    return hit, t

# 光线与场景相交
def intersect_scene(pos, ray_dir):
    # closest:深度缓冲区
    closest, normal = inf, ti.Vector.zero(ti.f32, 3)
    # color, material
    c, mat = ti.Vector.zero(ti.f32, 3), mat_none

    # right sphere
    # cur_dist, hit_pos = intersect_sphere(pos, ray_dir, sp1_center, sp1_radius)
    # if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
    #     closest = cur_dist
    #     normal = (hit_pos - sp1_center).normalized()
    #     c, mat = ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), mat_glass

    # middle Sphere
    cur_dist, hit_pos = intersect_sphere(pos, ray_dir, sp3_center, sp3_radius)
    if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = (hit_pos - sp3_center).normalized()
        c, mat = ti.Vector([102.0/255.0, 153.0/255.0, 255.0/255.0]), mat_lambertian
        # c, mat = ti.Vector([68.0/255.0, 175.0/255.0, 238.0/255.0]), mat_microfacet

    # left Sphere
    # cur_dist, hit_pos = intersect_sphere(pos, ray_dir, sp2_center, sp2_radius)
    # if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
    #     closest = cur_dist
    #     normal = (hit_pos - sp2_center).normalized()
    #     c, mat = ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), mat_specular

    # left box
    hit, cur_dist, pnorm = intersect_aabb_transformed(box2_m_inv, box2_m_inv_t, box2_min, box2_max, pos, ray_dir)
    if hit and 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = ti.Vector([0.8, 1, 1]), mat_lambertian

    # right box
    hit, cur_dist, pnorm = intersect_aabb_transformed(box1_m_inv, box1_m_inv_t, box1_min, box1_max, pos, ray_dir)
    if hit and 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = ti.Vector([0.8, 1, 1]), mat_lambertian

    # left plane
    pnorm = ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    cur_dist, _ = intersect_plane(pos, ray_dir, ti.Vector([-1.1, 0.0, 0.0]), pnorm)
    if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = ti.Vector([227.0/255.0, 141.0/255.0, 152.0/255.0]), mat_lambertian
    # right plane
    pnorm = ti.Vector([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    cur_dist, _ = intersect_plane(pos, ray_dir, ti.Vector([1.1, 0.0, 0.0]), pnorm)
    if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = ti.Vector([163.0 / 255.0, 156.0 / 255.0, 252.0 / 255.0]), mat_lambertian
    # bottom plane
    gray = ti.Vector([0.93, 0.93, 0.93])
    pnorm = ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    cur_dist, _ = intersect_plane(pos, ray_dir, ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), pnorm)
    if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = gray, mat_lambertian
    # top
    pnorm = ti.Vector([0.0, -1.0, 0.0])
    cur_dist, _ = intersect_plane(pos, ray_dir, ti.Vector([0.0, 2.0, 0.0]), pnorm)
    if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = gray, mat_lambertian
    # far
    pnorm = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
    cur_dist, _ = intersect_plane(pos, ray_dir, ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), pnorm)
    if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = gray, mat_lambertian
    # close
    pnorm = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, -1.0])
    cur_dist, _ = intersect_plane(pos, ray_dir, ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 3]), pnorm)
    if 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = pnorm
        c, mat = ti.Vector([0, 0, 0]), mat_lambertian

    # light
    hit_l, cur_dist = intersect_light(pos, ray_dir, closest)
    if hit_l and 0 < cur_dist < closest:  # 深度测试
        # no need to check the second term
        closest = cur_dist
        normal = light_normal
        c, mat = light_color, mat_light

    return closest, normal, c, mat

# 判断ray_dir是否与光源相交
def visible_to_light(pos, ray_dir):
    # eps*ray_dir to prevent rounding error
    a, b, c, mat = intersect_scene(pos + eps * ray_dir, ray_dir)
    return mat == mat_light

def dot_or_zero(n, l):
    return max(0.0, n.dot(l))

# TODO:begin
# '''
# sampling functions

# multiple importance sampling
def compute_heuristic(pf, pg):
    # Assume 1 sample for each distribution
    f = pf ** 2
    g = pg ** 2
    return f / (f + g)

# 已知sample dir
# area light pdf
def compute_area_light_pdf(pos, ray_dir):
    hit_l, t = intersect_light(pos, ray_dir, inf)
    pdf = 0.0
    if hit_l:  # ray_dir命中了灯光
        l_cos = light_normal.dot(-ray_dir)  # 光源的方向 与 ray_dir 的夹角cosine
        if l_cos > eps:  # 光源 与 ray_dir 同向
            tmp = ray_dir * t
            dist_sqr = tmp.dot(tmp)
            pdf = dist_sqr / (light_area * l_cos)
    return pdf

# 已知sample dir
# cosine weighted sampling
def compute_cosineWeighted_pdf(normal, sample_dir):
    return dot_or_zero(normal, sample_dir) / np.pi  # p(theta, phi) = cos(theta) * sin(theta) / pi

# 未知sample dir
# sample light
def sample_area_light(hit_pos, pos_normal):
    # sampling inside the light area
    x = ti.random() * light_x_range + light_x_min_pos
    z = ti.random() * light_z_range + light_z_min_pos
    on_light_pos = ti.Vector([x, light_y_pos, z])
    return (on_light_pos - hit_pos).normalized()

# 未知sample dir
# Cosine-Weighted Sampling
def cosine_weighted_sampling(normal):
    r, phi = 0.0, 0.0  # 圆上的 (r, theta) 在半球里实际上是 (sin(theta), phi) ,将其变换到 (theta, phi)
    sx = ti.random() * 2.0 - 1.0  # -1 ~ 1 random
    sy = ti.random() * 2.0 - 1.0  # -1 ~ 1 random
    # 1.concentric sample
    # sample on a unit disk
    if sx != 0 or sy != 0:
        if abs(sx) > abs(sy):
            r = sx
            phi = np.pi / 4 * (sy / sx)
            r = sy
            phi = np.pi / 4 * (2 - sx / sy)

    # 2.apply Malley's method
    # project disk to hemisphere

    # 由normal为中心轴,u和v为水平轴建立笛卡尔坐标系
    # 不需要关心normal和vector.up的关系,vector.up的引入是为了辅助建立起坐标系(u,v,normal)
    u = ti.Vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    if abs(normal[1]) < 1 - eps:
        u = normal.cross(ti.Vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]))  # normal x vector.up = sin(eta)
    v = normal.cross(u)  # normal x u = |u| = sin(eta)

    # theta : vector.up 与 normal 的夹角
    # u,v垂直, 长度均为sin(phi), 均在微平面上

    xy = r * ti.cos(phi) * u + r * ti.sin(phi) * v  # 采样时的x,y,normal坐标系转换到u,v,normal坐标系(采样点随之旋转并变为sin(eta)倍)
    zlen = ti.sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - xy.dot(xy)))  # zlen:采样线沿normal的长度

    return xy + zlen * normal  # sample dir

# 两种pdf相乘, 结果为对光采样
# sample direct light
def sample_light_and_cosineWeighted(hit_pos, hit_normal):
    cosine_by_pdf = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    light_pdf, cosineWeighted_pdf = 0.0, 0.0

    # sample area light => dir, light_pdf; then dir => lambertian_pdf; then mis
    light_dir = sample_area_light(hit_pos, hit_normal)
    if light_dir.dot(hit_normal) > 0:
        light_pdf = compute_area_light_pdf(hit_pos, light_dir)
        cosineWeighted_pdf = compute_cosineWeighted_pdf(hit_normal, light_dir)
        if light_pdf > 0 and cosineWeighted_pdf > 0:
            l_visible = visible_to_light(hit_pos, light_dir)
            if l_visible:
                heuristic = compute_heuristic(light_pdf, cosineWeighted_pdf)
                DoN = dot_or_zero(light_dir, hit_normal)
                cosine_by_pdf += heuristic * DoN / light_pdf

    # sample cosine weighted => dir, lambertian_pdf; then dir => light_pdf; then mis
    cosineWeighted_dir = cosine_weighted_sampling(hit_normal)
    cosineWeighted_pdf = compute_cosineWeighted_pdf(hit_normal, cosineWeighted_dir)
    light_pdf = compute_area_light_pdf(hit_pos, cosineWeighted_dir)
    if visible_to_light(hit_pos, cosineWeighted_dir):
        heuristic = compute_heuristic(cosineWeighted_pdf, light_pdf)
        DoN = dot_or_zero(cosineWeighted_dir, hit_normal)
        cosine_by_pdf += heuristic * DoN / cosineWeighted_pdf

    # direct_li = mis_weight * cosine / pdf
    return cosine_by_pdf

def sample_ray_dir(indir, normal, hit_pos, mat):
    u = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # 用于下一次追踪的ray_dir
    pdf = 1.0
    if mat == mat_lambertian:
        u = cosine_weighted_sampling(normal)  # sample brdf : return ray_dir
        pdf = max(eps, compute_cosineWeighted_pdf(normal, u))  # 计算在该方向采样射线的pdf
    elif mat == mat_pm:
    elif mat == mat_microfacet:
        # TODO:对cosine项采样
        u = cosine_weighted_sampling(normal)  # sample brdf : return ray_dir
        pdf = max(eps, compute_cosineWeighted_pdf(normal, u))  # 计算在该方向采样射线的pdf

    elif mat == mat_specular:  # 反射, pdf = 1
        u = reflect(indir, normal)
    elif mat == mat_glass:  # 折射, 反射, pdf = 1
        cos = indir.dot(normal)  # indir和normal的夹角 (indir和normal为单位向量)
        ni_over_nt = refract_index  # ni / nt = 折射率
        outn = normal
        if cos > 0.0:
            outn = -normal
            cos = refract_index * cos  # 出射角度
            ni_over_nt = 1.0 / refract_index
            cos = -cos  # indir转180°

        refl_prob = schlick(cos, refract_index)  # Fresnel reflectance
        if ti.random() < refl_prob:  # 反射的能量
            u = reflect(indir, normal)
        else:  # 折射的能量
            u = refract(indir, outn, ni_over_nt)
    return u.normalized(), pdf  # 用于下一次追踪的ray_dir, pdf

# Base为质数
def RadicalInverse(Base, i):
    Digit = 0.0
    Radical = 0.0
    Inverse = 0.0
    Digit = Radical = 1.0 / Base
    while i > 0:
        # i余Base求出i在"Base"进制下的最低位的数
        # 乘以Digit将这个数镜像到小数点右边
        Inverse += Digit * (i % Base)
        Digit *= Radical
        # i除以Base即可求右一位的数
        i /= Base
        return Inverse

# Dimension为质数
def Halton(Dimension, Index):
    return RadicalInverse(Dimension, Index)

pixels = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=ti.f32, shape=resolution)

camera_pos = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.6, 3.0])
fov = 0.8

max_bounce = 10

def render():
    for u, v in pixels:  # 遍历像素
        pos = camera_pos
        # ray_dir = ti.Vector([
        #     (2 * fov * (u + ti.random()) / resolution[1] - fov * resolution[0] / resolution[1] - 1e-5),
        #     2 * fov * (v + ti.random()) / resolution[1] - fov - 1e-5, -1.0
        # ]).normalized()

        ray_dir = ti.Vector([
            (2 * fov * (u + ti.random()) / resolution[1] - fov * resolution[0] / resolution[1] - 1e-5),
            2 * fov * (v + ti.random()) / resolution[1] - fov - 1e-5, -1.0

        final_throughput = ti.Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # 累加到pixels
        throughput = ti.Vector([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])  # Lighting : (r, g, b)

        # 追踪开始
        bounce = 0
        while bounce < max_bounce:  # bounce的最大次数
            bounce += 1
            # closest:光源到物体的距离
            closest, hit_normal, hit_color, mat = intersect_scene(pos, ray_dir)  # 光发出后碰到场景

            # 0.命中灯光或无材质, 则中断追踪
            if mat == mat_none:
                final_throughput += throughput * 0
            if mat == mat_light:
                final_throughput += throughput * light_color

            hit_pos = pos + closest * ray_dir
            ray_dir_i = -ray_dir

            # 1.计算采样后的ray_dir, pdf

            # 2.lambertian : sample direct light [ mis(sample area light, sample brdf)=> Li ]
            if mat == mat_lambertian:  # lambertian模型
                final_throughput += light_color * throughput * lambertian_brdf * hit_color * sample_light_and_cosineWeighted(hit_pos, hit_normal)
                # Sample Direct Light Only
                # throughput *= sample_light_and_cosineWeighted(hit_pos, hit_normal, hit_color)

            # 2.lambertian : sample cosine-Weighted
            ray_dir, pdf = sample_ray_dir(ray_dir, hit_normal, hit_pos, mat)  # 由反射更新ray_dir
            pos = hit_pos + eps * ray_dir
            if mat == mat_lambertian:  # lambertian
                # f(lambert) * max(0.0, cos(n,l)) / pdf
                # throughput : Li or Lo
                # the light transport equation
                throughput *= (lambertian_brdf * hit_color) * dot_or_zero(hit_normal, ray_dir) / pdf

            # 3.specular全反射
            if mat == mat_specular:
                throughput *= hit_color
            # 4.glass折射btdf
            if mat == mat_glass:
                throughput *= hit_color

            # 5.microfacet
            if mat == mat_microfacet:
                # compute_microfacet_brdf params:(alpha, idx, i_dir, o_dir, n_dir)
                cook_torrance_brdf = compute_microfacet_brdf(sp3_microfacet_roughness, sp3_idx, ray_dir_i, ray_dir, hit_normal)
                # print(lambertian_brdf, cook_torrance_brdf)

                # microfacet_brdf = lambertian_brdf
                microfacet_brdf = 0.7 * lambertian_brdf + cook_torrance_brdf

                throughput *= (microfacet_brdf * hit_color) * dot_or_zero(hit_normal, ray_dir) / pdf

            # 6.glossy
            if mat == mat_pm:  # TODO:
                throughput *= (lambertian_brdf * hit_color) * dot_or_zero(hit_normal, ray_dir) / pdf

        # 追踪结束

        pixels[u, v] += final_throughput

gui = ti.GUI('Path Tracing', resolution)
i = 0

while gui.running:
    # if gui.get_event(ti.GUI.PRESS):
    #     if gui.event.key == 'w':
    #         gui.clear()
    #         i = 0
    #         interval = 10
    #         # pixels = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=ti.f32, shape=resolution)  # 屏幕像素缓冲 [800, 800] 元素为(r, g, b)
    #         count_var = ti.field(ti.i32, shape=(1,))
    #         box1_rotate_rad += np.pi/8

    if gui.get_event(ti.GUI.PRESS):
        if gui.event.key == 'w':
            img = pixels.to_numpy()
            img = np.sqrt(img / img.mean() * 0.24)
            fname = f'cornell_box.png'
            ti.imwrite(img, fname)

    interval = 10  # render()10次, 绘1次图
    if i % interval == 0 and i > 0:
        img = pixels.to_numpy()
        img = np.sqrt(img / img.mean() * 0.24)

    i += 1
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