
  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include <fstream>
  3 #include <string>
  4 #include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
  5 #include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
  6 #include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
  7 #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
  8 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/autocalib.hpp"
  9 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/blenders.hpp"
 10 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/timelapsers.hpp"
 11 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/camera.hpp"
 12 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/exposure_compensate.hpp"
 13 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/matchers.hpp"
 14 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/motion_estimators.hpp"
 15 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/seam_finders.hpp"
 16 #include "opencv2/stitching/detail/warpers.hpp"
 17 #include "opencv2/stitching/warpers.hpp"
 19 #include "opencv2/xfeatures2d/nonfree.hpp"
 20 #endif
 21 #define ENABLE_LOG 1
 22 #define LOG(msg) std::cout << msg
 23 #define LOGLN(msg) std::cout << msg << std::endl
 24 using namespace std;
 25 using namespace cv;
 26 using namespace cv::detail;
 27 // Default command line args
 29 /*#if 1
 30 #define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
 31 #else
 32 #define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
 33 #endif
 34 */
 36 /*extern "C" { //因为python一般只支持c的接口
 37     typedef struct ImageBase {
 38         int w;                   //图像的宽
 39         int h;                    //图像的高
 40         int c;                    //通道数
 41         unsigned char *data;    //我们要写python和c++交互的数据结构,0-255的单字符指针
 42     }ImageMeta;
 43     //typedef ImageBase ImageMeta;
 45     DLL_API int Stitch(ImageMeta *im1, ImageMeta *im2);//函数导出,要改
 47 };
 48 */
 49 vector<String> img_names;
 50 int num_images;
 51 bool preview = false;
 52 bool try_cuda = false;
 53 double work_megapix = 0.6;
 54 double seam_megapix = 0.1;
 55 double compose_megapix = -1;
 56 float conf_thresh = 1.f;
 58 string features_type = "surf";
 59 #else
 60 string features_type = "orb";
 61 #endif
 62 string matcher_type = "homography";
 63 string estimator_type = "homography";
 64 string ba_cost_func = "ray";
 65 string ba_refine_mask = "xxxxx";
 66 bool do_wave_correct = true;
 67 WaveCorrectKind wave_correct = detail::WAVE_CORRECT_HORIZ;
 68 bool save_graph = false;
 69 std::string save_graph_to;
 70 string warp_type = "spherical";
 71 int expos_comp_type = ExposureCompensator::GAIN_BLOCKS;
 72 int expos_comp_nr_feeds = 1;
 73 int expos_comp_nr_filtering = 2;
 74 int expos_comp_block_size = 32;
 75 float match_conf = 0.3f;
 76 string seam_find_type = "gc_color";
 77 int blend_type = Blender::MULTI_BAND;
 78 int timelapse_type = Timelapser::AS_IS;//延时摄影
 79 float blend_strength = 5;
 80 string result_name = "D:/result.jpg";
 81 bool timelapse = false;//首先定义timelapse的默认布尔类型为False
 82 int range_width = -1;
 84 /*static int parseCmdArgs(int argc, char** argv)
 85 {
 86     if (argc == 1)
 87     {
 88         printUsage();
 89         return -1;
 90     }
 91     for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
 92     {
 93         if (string(argv[i]) == "--help" || string(argv[i]) == "/?")
 94         {
 95             printUsage();
 96             return -1;
 97         }
 98         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--preview")
 99         {
100             preview = true;
101         }
102         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--try_cuda")
103         {
104             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "no")
105                 try_cuda = false;
106             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "yes")
107                 try_cuda = true;
108             else
109             {
110                 cout << "Bad --try_cuda flag value\n";
111                 return -1;
112             }
113             i++;
114         }
115         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--work_megapix")
116         {
117             work_megapix = atof(argv[i + 1]);
118             i++;
119         }
120         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--seam_megapix")
121         {
122             seam_megapix = atof(argv[i + 1]);
123             i++;
124         }
125         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--compose_megapix")
126         {
127             compose_megapix = atof(argv[i + 1]);
128             i++;
129         }
130         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--result")
131         {
132             result_name = argv[i + 1];
133             i++;
134         }
135         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--features")
136         {
137             features_type = argv[i + 1];
138             if (features_type == "orb")
139                 match_conf = 0.3f;
140             i++;
141         }
142         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--matcher")
143         {
144             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "homography" || string(argv[i + 1]) == "affine")
145                 matcher_type = argv[i + 1];
146             else
147             {
148                 cout << "Bad --matcher flag value\n";
149                 return -1;
150             }
151             i++;
152         }
153         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--estimator")
154         {
155             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "homography" || string(argv[i + 1]) == "affine")
156                 estimator_type = argv[i + 1];
157             else
158             {
159                 cout << "Bad --estimator flag value\n";
160                 return -1;
161             }
162             i++;
163         }
164         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--match_conf")
165         {
166             match_conf = static_cast<float>(atof(argv[i + 1]));
167             i++;
168         }
169         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--conf_thresh")
170         {
171             conf_thresh = static_cast<float>(atof(argv[i + 1]));
172             i++;
173         }
174         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--ba")
175         {
176             ba_cost_func = argv[i + 1];
177             i++;
178         }
179         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--ba_refine_mask")
180         {
181             ba_refine_mask = argv[i + 1];
182             if (ba_refine_mask.size() != 5)
183             {
184                 cout << "Incorrect refinement mask length.\n";
185                 return -1;
186             }
187             i++;
188         }
189         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--wave_correct")
190         {
191             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "no")
192                 do_wave_correct = false;
193             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "horiz")
194             {
195                 do_wave_correct = true;
196                 wave_correct = detail::WAVE_CORRECT_HORIZ;
197             }
198             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "vert")
199             {
200                 do_wave_correct = true;
201                 wave_correct = detail::WAVE_CORRECT_VERT;
202             }
203             else
204             {
205                 cout << "Bad --wave_correct flag value\n";
206                 return -1;
207             }
208             i++;
209         }
210         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--save_graph")
211         {
212             save_graph = true;
213             save_graph_to = argv[i + 1];
214             i++;
215         }
216         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--warp")
217         {
218             warp_type = string(argv[i + 1]);
219             i++;
220         }
221         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--expos_comp")
222         {
223             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "no")
224                 expos_comp_type = ExposureCompensator::NO;
225             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "gain")
226                 expos_comp_type = ExposureCompensator::GAIN;
227             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "gain_blocks")
228                 expos_comp_type = ExposureCompensator::GAIN_BLOCKS;
229             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "channels")
230                 expos_comp_type = ExposureCompensator::CHANNELS;
231             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "channels_blocks")
232                 expos_comp_type = ExposureCompensator::CHANNELS_BLOCKS;
233             else
234             {
235                 cout << "Bad exposure compensation method\n";
236                 return -1;
237             }
238             i++;
239         }
240         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--expos_comp_nr_feeds")
241         {
242             expos_comp_nr_feeds = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
243             i++;
244         }
245         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--expos_comp_nr_filtering")
246         {
247             expos_comp_nr_filtering = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
248             i++;
249         }
250         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--expos_comp_block_size")
251         {
252             expos_comp_block_size = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
253             i++;
254         }
255         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--seam")
256         {
257             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "no" ||
258                 string(argv[i + 1]) == "voronoi" ||
259                 string(argv[i + 1]) == "gc_color" ||
260                 string(argv[i + 1]) == "gc_colorgrad" ||
261                 string(argv[i + 1]) == "dp_color" ||
262                 string(argv[i + 1]) == "dp_colorgrad")
263                 seam_find_type = argv[i + 1];
264             else
265             {
266                 cout << "Bad seam finding method\n";
267                 return -1;
268             }
269             i++;
270         }
271         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--blend")
272         {
273             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "no")
274                 blend_type = Blender::NO;
275             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "feather")
276                 blend_type = Blender::FEATHER;
277             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "multiband")
278                 blend_type = Blender::MULTI_BAND;
279             else
280             {
281                 cout << "Bad blending method\n";
282                 return -1;
283             }
284             i++;
285         }
286         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--timelapse")
287         {
288             timelapse = true;
289             if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "as_is")
290                 timelapse_type = Timelapser::AS_IS;
291             else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "crop")
292                 timelapse_type = Timelapser::CROP;
293             else
294             {
295                 cout << "Bad timelapse method\n";
296                 return -1;
297             }
298             i++;
299         }
300         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--rangewidth")
301         {
302             range_width = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
303             i++;
304         }
305         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--blend_strength")
306         {
307             blend_strength = static_cast<float>(atof(argv[i + 1]));
308             i++;
309         }
310         else if (string(argv[i]) == "--output")
311         {
312             result_name = argv[i + 1];
313             i++;
314         }
315         else
316             img_names.push_back(argv[i]);
317     }
318     if (preview)
319     {
320         compose_megapix = 0.6;
321     }
322     return 0;
323 }*/
325 int main()
326 //vector<Mat> img_list
327 {//一个int数;一个图片类型的列表
328 //predict先判断长度 然后长度作为一个参数传给
329     //preview = true;
330     //try_cuda = true;
331     //preview = true;
332     //result = 'D:/result.jpg';
333     //work_megapix = -1;
334     //features_type = "orb";
335     Mat img1, img2;
336     img1 = imread("D:/1Hill.jpg");
337     img2 = imread("D:/2Hill.jpg");
338     vector<Mat> ALLimages(2);
339     ALLimages[0] = img1.clone();
340     ALLimages[1] = img2.clone();
341     //img_names.push_back("D:/1Hill.jpg");
342     //img_names.push_back("D:/2Hill.jpg");//??
343     //img_names.push_back("D:/3Hill.jpg");//??
344     num_images = 2;
345 #if ENABLE_LOG
346     int64 app_start_time = getTickCount();
347 #endif
348 #if 0
349     cv::setBreakOnError(true);
350 #endif
351     //int retval = parseCmdArgs(argc, argv);
352     //if (retval)
353         //return retval;
354     // Check if have enough images
355     //int num_images = static_cast<int>(img_names.size());
356     if (num_images < 2)
357     {
358         LOGLN("Need more images");
359         return -1;
360     }
361     double work_scale = 1, seam_scale = 1, compose_scale = 1;
362     bool is_work_scale_set = false, is_seam_scale_set = false, is_compose_scale_set = false;
363     LOGLN("Finding features...");
364 #if ENABLE_LOG
365     int64 t = getTickCount();
366 #endif
367     Ptr<Feature2D> finder;
368     if (features_type == "orb")
369     {
370         finder = ORB::create();
371     }
372     else if (features_type == "akaze")
373     {
374         finder = AKAZE::create();
375     }
377     else if (features_type == "surf")
378     {
379         finder = xfeatures2d::SURF::create();
380     }
381     else if (features_type == "sift") {
382         finder = xfeatures2d::SIFT::create();
383     }
384 #endif
385     else
386     {
387         cout << "Unknown 2D features type: '" << features_type << "'.\n";
388         return -1;
389     }
390     Mat full_img, img;
391     vector<ImageFeatures> features(num_images);
392     vector<Mat> images(num_images);
393     vector<Size> full_img_sizes(num_images);
394     double seam_work_aspect = 1;
395     for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
396     {
397         full_img = ALLimages[i];
399         //获取一张图。imread_img -------->Mat
400         //先把一边调通了再去组合调试,分治
401         //full_img = img_list;
402         //python传进来n张图片的base64,可以转成读取后的图片。
404         //先在c中定义图像HWC结构数组数组转一次 Mat, dll返回Mat结果,Mat转一次结构体
405         //main输入 Mat1,Mat2
406         //dll返回数组,python转化成cv2image,然后输出image2base64
408         //full_image里面是读取的imread_img类型
409         //base64的size容易确定
410         //先在predict前提取到图片的整个Mat传给DLL
411         full_img_sizes[i] = full_img.size();//结果:full_img_sizes = [(500,300),(200,100)]
412         if (full_img.empty())
413         {
414             //LOGLN("Can't open image " << img_names[i]);//访问了空指针,和img_names有关
415             return -2;
416         }
417         if (work_megapix < 0)
418         {
419             img = full_img;
420             work_scale = 1;
421             is_work_scale_set = true;
422         }
423         else
424         {
425             if (!is_work_scale_set)
426             {
427                 work_scale = min(1.0, sqrt(work_megapix * 1e6 / full_img.size().area()));
428                 is_work_scale_set = true;
429             }
430             resize(full_img, img, Size(), work_scale, work_scale, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
431         }
432         if (!is_seam_scale_set)
433         {
434             seam_scale = min(1.0, sqrt(seam_megapix * 1e6 / full_img.size().area()));
435             seam_work_aspect = seam_scale / work_scale;
436             is_seam_scale_set = true;
437         }
438         computeImageFeatures(finder, img, features[i]);
439         features[i].img_idx = i;
440         LOGLN("Features in image #" << i + 1 << ": " << features[i].keypoints.size());
441         resize(full_img, img, Size(), seam_scale, seam_scale, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
442         images[i] = img.clone();
443         //循环是为了找到每张图的特征,然后把图片copy到images里
444     }
445     full_img.release();
446     img.release();
447     LOGLN("Finding features, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
448     LOG("Pairwise matching");
449 #if ENABLE_LOG
450     t = getTickCount();
451 #endif
452     vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches;
453     Ptr<FeaturesMatcher> matcher;
454     if (matcher_type == "affine")
455         matcher = makePtr<AffineBestOf2NearestMatcher>(false, try_cuda, match_conf);
456     else if (range_width == -1)
457         matcher = makePtr<BestOf2NearestMatcher>(try_cuda, match_conf);
458     else
459         matcher = makePtr<BestOf2NearestRangeMatcher>(range_width, try_cuda, match_conf);
460     (*matcher)(features, pairwise_matches);
461     matcher->collectGarbage();
462     LOGLN("Pairwise matching, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
463     // Check if we should save matches graph
464     //if (save_graph)
465     //{
466     //    LOGLN("Saving matches graph...");
467     //    ofstream f(save_graph_to.c_str());
468     //    f << matchesGraphAsString(img_names, pairwise_matches, conf_thresh);
469     //}
470     // Leave only images we are sure are from the same panorama
471     vector<int> indices = leaveBiggestComponent(features, pairwise_matches, conf_thresh);
472     if (indices.size() != 2)//判断两个图片的相关性
473         return -1;
475     if (num_images < 2)
476     {
477         LOGLN("Need more images");
478         return -1;
479     }
480     Ptr<Estimator> estimator;
481     if (estimator_type == "affine")
482         estimator = makePtr<AffineBasedEstimator>();
483     else
484         estimator = makePtr<HomographyBasedEstimator>();
485     vector<CameraParams> cameras;
486     if (!(*estimator)(features, pairwise_matches, cameras))
487     {
488         cout << "Homography estimation failed.\n";
489         return -1;
490     }
491     for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i)
492     {
493         Mat R;
494         cameras[i].R.convertTo(R, CV_32F);
495         cameras[i].R = R;
496         //LOGLN("Initial camera intrinsics #" << indices[i] + 1 << ":\nK:\n" << cameras[i].K() << "\nR:\n" << cameras[i].R);
497     }
498     Ptr<detail::BundleAdjusterBase> adjuster;
499     if (ba_cost_func == "reproj") adjuster = makePtr<detail::BundleAdjusterReproj>();
500     else if (ba_cost_func == "ray") adjuster = makePtr<detail::BundleAdjusterRay>();
501     else if (ba_cost_func == "affine") adjuster = makePtr<detail::BundleAdjusterAffinePartial>();
502     else if (ba_cost_func == "no") adjuster = makePtr<NoBundleAdjuster>();
503     else
504     {
505         cout << "Unknown bundle adjustment cost function: '" << ba_cost_func << "'.\n";
506         return -1;
507     }
508     adjuster->setConfThresh(conf_thresh);
509     Mat_<uchar> refine_mask = Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_8U);
510     if (ba_refine_mask[0] == 'x') refine_mask(0, 0) = 1;
511     if (ba_refine_mask[1] == 'x') refine_mask(0, 1) = 1;
512     if (ba_refine_mask[2] == 'x') refine_mask(0, 2) = 1;
513     if (ba_refine_mask[3] == 'x') refine_mask(1, 1) = 1;
514     if (ba_refine_mask[4] == 'x') refine_mask(1, 2) = 1;
515     adjuster->setRefinementMask(refine_mask);
516     if (!(*adjuster)(features, pairwise_matches, cameras))
517     {
518         cout << "Camera parameters adjusting failed.\n";
519         return -1;
520     }
521     // Find median focal length
522     vector<double> focals;
523     for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i)
524     {
525         //LOGLN("Camera #" << indices[i] + 1 << ":\nK:\n" << cameras[i].K() << "\nR:\n" << cameras[i].R);
526         focals.push_back(cameras[i].focal);
527     }
528     sort(focals.begin(), focals.end());
529     float warped_image_scale;
530     if (focals.size() % 2 == 1)
531         warped_image_scale = static_cast<float>(focals[focals.size() / 2]);
532     else
533         warped_image_scale = static_cast<float>(focals[focals.size() / 2 - 1] + focals[focals.size() / 2]) * 0.5f;
534     if (do_wave_correct)
535     {
536         vector<Mat> rmats;
537         for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i)
538             rmats.push_back(cameras[i].R.clone());
539         waveCorrect(rmats, wave_correct);
540         for (size_t i = 0; i < cameras.size(); ++i)
541             cameras[i].R = rmats[i];
542     }
543     LOGLN("Warping images (auxiliary)... ");
544 #if ENABLE_LOG
545     t = getTickCount();
546 #endif
547     vector<Point> corners(num_images);
548     vector<UMat> masks_warped(num_images);
549     vector<UMat> images_warped(num_images);
550     vector<Size> sizes(num_images);
551     vector<UMat> masks(num_images);
552     // Prepare images masks
553     for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
554     {
555         masks[i].create(images[i].size(), CV_8U);
556         masks[i].setTo(Scalar::all(255));
557     }
558     // Warp images and their masks
559     Ptr<WarperCreator> warper_creator;
561     if (try_cuda && cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0)
562     {
563         if (warp_type == "plane")
564             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::PlaneWarperGpu>();
565         else if (warp_type == "cylindrical")
566             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::CylindricalWarperGpu>();
567         else if (warp_type == "spherical")
568             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::SphericalWarperGpu>();
569     }
570     else
571 #endif
572     {
573         if (warp_type == "plane")
574             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::PlaneWarper>();
575         else if (warp_type == "affine")
576             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::AffineWarper>();
577         else if (warp_type == "cylindrical")
578             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::CylindricalWarper>();
579         else if (warp_type == "spherical")
580             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::SphericalWarper>();
581         else if (warp_type == "fisheye")
582             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::FisheyeWarper>();
583         else if (warp_type == "stereographic")
584             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::StereographicWarper>();
585         else if (warp_type == "compressedPlaneA2B1")
586             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::CompressedRectilinearWarper>(2.0f, 1.0f);
587         else if (warp_type == "compressedPlaneA1.5B1")
588             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::CompressedRectilinearWarper>(1.5f, 1.0f);
589         else if (warp_type == "compressedPlanePortraitA2B1")
590             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::CompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper>(2.0f, 1.0f);
591         else if (warp_type == "compressedPlanePortraitA1.5B1")
592             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::CompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper>(1.5f, 1.0f);
593         else if (warp_type == "paniniA2B1")
594             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::PaniniWarper>(2.0f, 1.0f);
595         else if (warp_type == "paniniA1.5B1")
596             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::PaniniWarper>(1.5f, 1.0f);
597         else if (warp_type == "paniniPortraitA2B1")
598             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::PaniniPortraitWarper>(2.0f, 1.0f);
599         else if (warp_type == "paniniPortraitA1.5B1")
600             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::PaniniPortraitWarper>(1.5f, 1.0f);
601         else if (warp_type == "mercator")
602             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::MercatorWarper>();
603         else if (warp_type == "transverseMercator")
604             warper_creator = makePtr<cv::TransverseMercatorWarper>();
605     }
606     if (!warper_creator)
607     {
608         cout << "Can't create the following warper '" << warp_type << "'\n";
609         return 1;
610     }
611     Ptr<RotationWarper> warper = warper_creator->create(static_cast<float>(warped_image_scale * seam_work_aspect));
612     for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
613     {
614         Mat_<float> K;
615         cameras[i].K().convertTo(K, CV_32F);
616         float swa = (float)seam_work_aspect;
617         K(0, 0) *= swa; K(0, 2) *= swa;
618         K(1, 1) *= swa; K(1, 2) *= swa;
619         corners[i] = warper->warp(images[i], K, cameras[i].R, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REFLECT, images_warped[i]);
620         sizes[i] = images_warped[i].size();
621         warper->warp(masks[i], K, cameras[i].R, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, masks_warped[i]);
622     }
623     vector<UMat> images_warped_f(num_images);
624     for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
625         images_warped[i].convertTo(images_warped_f[i], CV_32F);
626     LOGLN("Warping images, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
627     LOGLN("Compensating exposure...");
628 #if ENABLE_LOG
629     t = getTickCount();
630 #endif
631     Ptr<ExposureCompensator> compensator = ExposureCompensator::createDefault(expos_comp_type);
632     if (dynamic_cast<GainCompensator*>(compensator.get()))
633     {
634         GainCompensator* gcompensator = dynamic_cast<GainCompensator*>(compensator.get());
635         gcompensator->setNrFeeds(expos_comp_nr_feeds);
636     }
637     if (dynamic_cast<ChannelsCompensator*>(compensator.get()))
638     {
639         ChannelsCompensator* ccompensator = dynamic_cast<ChannelsCompensator*>(compensator.get());
640         ccompensator->setNrFeeds(expos_comp_nr_feeds);
641     }
642     if (dynamic_cast<BlocksCompensator*>(compensator.get()))
643     {
644         BlocksCompensator* bcompensator = dynamic_cast<BlocksCompensator*>(compensator.get());
645         bcompensator->setNrFeeds(expos_comp_nr_feeds);
646         bcompensator->setNrGainsFilteringIterations(expos_comp_nr_filtering);
647         bcompensator->setBlockSize(expos_comp_block_size, expos_comp_block_size);
648     }
649     compensator->feed(corners, images_warped, masks_warped);
650     LOGLN("Compensating exposure, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
651     LOGLN("Finding seams...");
652 #if ENABLE_LOG
653     t = getTickCount();
654 #endif
655     Ptr<SeamFinder> seam_finder;
656     if (seam_find_type == "no")
657         seam_finder = makePtr<detail::NoSeamFinder>();
658     else if (seam_find_type == "voronoi")
659         seam_finder = makePtr<detail::VoronoiSeamFinder>();
660     else if (seam_find_type == "gc_color")
661     {
663         if (try_cuda && cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0)
664             seam_finder = makePtr<detail::GraphCutSeamFinderGpu>(GraphCutSeamFinderBase::COST_COLOR);
665         else
666 #endif
667             seam_finder = makePtr<detail::GraphCutSeamFinder>(GraphCutSeamFinderBase::COST_COLOR);
668     }
669     else if (seam_find_type == "gc_colorgrad")
670     {
672         if (try_cuda && cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0)
673             seam_finder = makePtr<detail::GraphCutSeamFinderGpu>(GraphCutSeamFinderBase::COST_COLOR_GRAD);
674         else
675 #endif
676             seam_finder = makePtr<detail::GraphCutSeamFinder>(GraphCutSeamFinderBase::COST_COLOR_GRAD);
677     }
678     else if (seam_find_type == "dp_color")
679         seam_finder = makePtr<detail::DpSeamFinder>(DpSeamFinder::COLOR);
680     else if (seam_find_type == "dp_colorgrad")
681         seam_finder = makePtr<detail::DpSeamFinder>(DpSeamFinder::COLOR_GRAD);
682     if (!seam_finder)
683     {
684         cout << "Can't create the following seam finder '" << seam_find_type << "'\n";
685         return 1;
686     }
687     seam_finder->find(images_warped_f, corners, masks_warped);
688     LOGLN("Finding seams, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
689     // Release unused memory
690     images.clear();
691     images_warped.clear();
692     images_warped_f.clear();
693     masks.clear();
694     LOGLN("Compositing...");
695 #if ENABLE_LOG
696     t = getTickCount();
697 #endif
698     Mat img_warped, img_warped_s;
699     Mat dilated_mask, seam_mask, mask, mask_warped;
700     Ptr<Blender> blender;
701     Ptr<Timelapser> timelapser;
702     //double compose_seam_aspect = 1;
703     double compose_work_aspect = 1;
704     for (int img_idx = 0; img_idx < num_images; ++img_idx)
705     {
706         //LOGLN("Compositing image #" << indices[img_idx] + 1);
707         // Read image and resize it if necessary
708         full_img = ALLimages[img_idx];
709         if (!is_compose_scale_set)
710         {
711             if (compose_megapix > 0)
712                 compose_scale = min(1.0, sqrt(compose_megapix * 1e6 / full_img.size().area()));
713             is_compose_scale_set = true;
714             // Compute relative scales
715             //compose_seam_aspect = compose_scale / seam_scale;
716             compose_work_aspect = compose_scale / work_scale;
717             // Update warped image scale
718             warped_image_scale *= static_cast<float>(compose_work_aspect);
719             warper = warper_creator->create(warped_image_scale);
720             // Update corners and sizes
721             for (int i = 0; i < num_images; ++i)
722             {
723                 // Update intrinsics
724                 cameras[i].focal *= compose_work_aspect;
725                 cameras[i].ppx *= compose_work_aspect;
726                 cameras[i].ppy *= compose_work_aspect;
727                 // Update corner and size
728                 Size sz = full_img_sizes[i];
729                 Mat K;
730                 cameras[i].K().convertTo(K, CV_32F);
731                 Rect roi = warper->warpRoi(sz, K, cameras[i].R);
732                 corners[i] = roi.tl();
733                 sizes[i] = roi.size();
734             }
735         }
736         if (abs(compose_scale - 1) > 1e-1)//没用
737             resize(full_img, img, Size(), compose_scale, compose_scale, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
738         else
739             img = full_img;
740         full_img.release();
741         Size img_size = img.size();
742         Mat K;
743         cameras[img_idx].K().convertTo(K, CV_32F);
744         // Warp the current image
745         warper->warp(img, K, cameras[img_idx].R, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REFLECT, img_warped);
746         // Warp the current image mask
747         mask.create(img_size, CV_8U);
748         mask.setTo(Scalar::all(255));
749         warper->warp(mask, K, cameras[img_idx].R, INTER_NEAREST, BORDER_CONSTANT, mask_warped);
750         // Compensate exposure
751         compensator->apply(img_idx, corners[img_idx], img_warped, mask_warped);
752         img_warped.convertTo(img_warped_s, CV_16S);
753         img_warped.release();
754         img.release();
755         mask.release();
756         dilate(masks_warped[img_idx], dilated_mask, Mat());
757         resize(dilated_mask, seam_mask, mask_warped.size(), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
758         mask_warped = seam_mask & mask_warped;
759         if (!blender && !timelapse)//blender是False,timelapse也是False,这里运行了!
760         {//做multiband
761             blender = Blender::createDefault(blend_type, try_cuda);
762             Size dst_sz = resultRoi(corners, sizes).size();
763             float blend_width = sqrt(static_cast<float>(dst_sz.area())) * blend_strength / 100.f;
764             if (blend_width < 1.f)
765                 blender = Blender::createDefault(Blender::NO, try_cuda);
766             else if (blend_type == Blender::MULTI_BAND)
767             {
768                 MultiBandBlender* mb = dynamic_cast<MultiBandBlender*>(blender.get());
769                 mb->setNumBands(static_cast<int>(ceil(log(blend_width) / log(2.)) - 1.));
770                 LOGLN("Multi-band blender, number of bands: " << mb->numBands());
771             }
772             else if (blend_type == Blender::FEATHER)//未运行
773             {
774                 FeatherBlender* fb = dynamic_cast<FeatherBlender*>(blender.get());
775                 fb->setSharpness(1.f / blend_width);
776                 LOGLN("Feather blender, sharpness: " << fb->sharpness());
777             }
778             blender->prepare(corners, sizes);
779         }
780         else if (!timelapser && timelapse)//timelapse是假,timelapser是什么??没运行
781         {
782             timelapser = Timelapser::createDefault(timelapse_type);
783             timelapser->initialize(corners, sizes);
784             cout << "----------------------------运行---------------------------------" << endl;
785         }
786         // Blend the current image
787         if (timelapse)//默认是假
788         {
789             cout << "----------------------------运行2---------------------------------" << endl;
790         }
791         else
792         {//这里运行了两次,因为在循环体中,图片有两张
793             blender->feed(img_warped_s, mask_warped, corners[img_idx]);
794             cout << "----------------------------运行3---------------------------------" << endl;
795         }
796     }
797     if (!timelapse)//运行了
798     {
799         Mat result, result_mask;
800         blender->blend(result, result_mask);
801         LOGLN("Compositing, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
802         imwrite(result_name, result);
803     }
804     LOGLN("Finished, total time: " << ((getTickCount() - app_start_time) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
805     return 0;
806 }


posted @ 2020-04-08 16:17  Parallax  阅读(558)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报