

  1. roo> solr setup


  2. ~.Person roo> solr add 


    privileged aspect Person_Roo_SolrSearch {        @Autowired    transient SolrServer Person.solrServer;//简单查询        public static QueryResponse queryString) {        return search(new SolrQuery("person.solrsummary_t:" + queryString.toLowerCase()));    }//高级查询      public static QueryResponse query) {        try {            QueryResponse rsp = solrServer().query(query);            return rsp;        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return new QueryResponse();    }  //请求solr服务器索引一个Person对象      public static void Person.indexPerson(Person person) {        List<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();        people.add(person);        indexPeople(people);    }  //请求solr服务器索引一个Person集合        public static void Person.indexPeople(Collection<Person> people) {        List<SolrInputDocument> documents = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();        for (Person person : people) {            SolrInputDocument sid = new SolrInputDocument();            sid.addField("id", "person." + person.getId());            sid.addField("person.birthday_dt", person.getBirthDay());            sid.addField("person.id_l", person.getId());            sid.addField("person.name_s", person.getName());            //add summary field to allow searching documents for objects of this type            sid.addField("person.solrsummary_t", new StringBuilder().append(                          person.getBirthDay()).append(" ").append(                          person.getId()).append(" ").append(person.getName()));            documents.add(sid);        }        try {            SolrServer solrServer = solrServer();            solrServer.add(documents);            solrServer.commit();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    //根据Person的id 从索引中删除一个Person对象    public static void Person.deleteIndex(Person person) {        SolrServer solrServer = solrServer();        try {            solrServer.deleteById("person." + person.getId());            solrServer.commit();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    //根据JPA生命周期自动索引新创建的Person对象        @PostUpdate    @PostPersist    private void Person.postPersistOrUpdate() {        indexPerson(this);    }    //根据JPA生命周期自动从索引中删除Person对象        @PreRemove    private void Person.preRemove() {        deleteIndex(this);    }        public static final SolrServer Person.solrServer() {        SolrServer _solrServer = new Person().solrServer;        if (_solrServer == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Entity manager \                                     has not been injected (is the Spring Aspects JAR \                                    configured as an AJC/AJDT aspects library?)");        return _solrServer;    }    }
  3. roo> solr all



15.3. The @RooSolrSearchable Annotation

@RooSolrSearchable 注解允许你更改方法名,如果方法名留空,就不会生成相应方法。

The @RooSolrSearchable annotation allows you to change all method names through their respective attributes in the annotation. Marking a method name with an empty String will instruct the Roo Solr add-on to not generate that method (i.e. @RooSolrSearchable(preRemoveMethod="")).


By default all fields in a domain entity are indexed as dynamic fields (defined in the default schema.xml which Solr ships with). The default format of a field name is as follows:


This ensures each field is uniquely mapped across your domain model by prepending the entity name followed by the field name and field type (which is used to trigger the dynamic field mapping). You can change field names by adding a @Field annotation to a field in the domain object (i.e. Person) which contains your own field (you need to provide a field definition in the Solr schema for it as well):

@Field("my:field:name:birthday")@Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)@DateTimeFormat(style = "M-")private Date birthDay;


To index existing DB entity tables each entity exposes a convenience method (example for Person entity):

solr服务器路径在 src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/ 中配置

The URL of the solr server location can be changed in the project src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/ config file.

solr插件的前端(控制器和视图),正在开发当中,ajax-solr项目计划提供一个开箱即用的插件集成(只要solr all 为所有entity添加全文索引,从前端到后端都生成好),在不太长的时间里。

Front-end (controller and MVC/JSP views) are currently a work-in-progress. However, the following Ajax Library offers a neat front-end for those who want to take this a step further: It is planned to provide a out of the box integration with the Ajax-Solr front-end through this addon in the medium term.

posted @ 2012-01-19 17:02  HelloCoding  阅读(464)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报