
a. 比较 addon simple 和addon advanced区别 addon simple 只有两个相关点,一个command ,一个operation,简单说就是提供命令,还有命令对应的操作,利用roo提供的工具类 完成对应操作。


Support — The module provides common utility classes used by all the core modules and add-ons. Some utility classes include Assert, FileCopyUtils, XmlUtils, StringUtils, FileUtils, etc. For example, if you want to copy the content of one file to the other file, you could use FileCopyUtils to do it for you.
Metadata — The org.springframework.roo.metadata module provides a metadata service provider interface and implementation that includes dependency registration and caching.
        存储 项目,类,方法的信息,以及依赖关系
File monitor — The org.springframework.roo.file.monitor module publishes events following detected file system changes (the default implementation uses auto-scaled disk polling).
File undo — The org.springframework.roo.file.undo module provides a file undo facility for use by the process manager.
Project — The org.springframework.roo.project module abstracts typical end-user project build systems like Apache Maven and Apache Ant.
Process manager — The org.springframework.roo.process.manager module offers an ACID-like file system abstraction that includes disk rollback and process synchronization.
Classpath — The org.springframework.roo.classpath module performs abstract syntax tree parsing and type binding of Java and AspectJ compilation units.



posted @ 2012-01-19 17:02  HelloCoding  阅读(189)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报