ahref.com - Links to and concise descriptions of web design/programming tutorials and web industry news articles, gathered from a wide range of sources.
Alan’s diary - Day to day ramblings from geek guru Alan Cox, one of the most famous people behind the Linux operating system.
Axodys - A daily weblog covering computers, the Internet, sports, politics, scripting, movies, and whatever else I find interesting at a given moment.
Azileretsis’s Site - Professional Site of Azileretsis. This site’s purpose is to enhance and expand Azileretsis’ presence on the Internet. Also to encourage growth in technologies associated with the Internet.
Backup Brain - Tom Negrino & Dori Smith’s weblog - views on technology, culture, etc.
Be Blogging - Random thoughts on the web, web technlogy, programming, science. An XML blog built on Apache Cocoon and Apache Xindice.
Ben Sullivan’s Tech Blog - What do Vaclav Havel, the Segway scooter, Steve Earle and quantum plumbing share in common? They all show up on COMDEX.com columnist Ben Sullivan’s personal site.
binarytoybox.com - A personal weblog about internet, technology and media.
BrainLoaf - A weblog about software development tools and methodologies.
Brainstorms and Raves - Daily web log about the web, design, development, typography, usability, standards, information architecture, graphics, reviews, sites, music, technology, software, blogs, daily life, and more.
Burch’s Blog (Flash) - A personal blog from a macromedia employee dedicated to flash and flash on devices.
CAM News Log - The Center for Applied Microtechnology (CAM) News Log covers news of nanotechnology, microtechnology, bioengineering, engineering, as well as links that are amusing, strange, or downright odd.
Camworld - Random Thoughts, New Media and Web Design. Updated daily, Camworld is one designer’s point of view about all things web-related. The home page is archived and contains hundreds of personally selected links. This site also includes a mailing list, a discussion list and a section called CamRants.
Captain Cursor - Thoughts on interface and technology from the big orange cheese.
A Chain of Flowers - A perspective on the Internet, web design, creativity, and life.
Challis Hodge: UXblog? - UXblog? The Business of People, Technology, Research, Design and User Experience!
Chaos Terminal - A weblog concerning computers, technology, and punk music, maintained by M. Bibik.
Column Two - News and opinion on all things Knowledge Management and Content Management
Compendium - Network World’s daily log of interesting/unusual items on computer networking.
Contents Of My Head - Trenchant musings on technology by someone who’s paid to think about these things.
Copyfight - A daily weblog column from the Berkman’s Donna Wentworth on intellectual property and its future.
Corante - A daily news digest on the tech sector. With coverage of marketing, e-commerce, communications, biotech, personal technology and other subjects.
Corante: Bottom Line - Daily commentary on the economics of technology from entrepeneur, economist and essayist Arnold Kling.
Croc O’ Lyle - Thoughts and analysis from a practicing User Experience Architect. Usually about usability, design information architecture and ebusiness.
Crusoe’s Companion Website - This weblog started out as a support site for a student assignment. It is the repository of 40 team submissions comparing Transmeta’s Crusoe processor with A N Other processor.
Crypto Commentary - News and commentary on cryptography, censorship, and copyright.
cyberdork - Into the mind of an ex skate punk gone computer nerd. If you’re into golf, bad brains and VW buses, you might like what I have to say.
dabbler’s weblog - We are all dabblers in the future of technology. Topics include trends in software, the internet, wireless, open source, java, Microsoft, hacking, and other amusing things.
Designmeme.com - A resource for web designers and developers. Thoughts on web design and theory.
Digital Swirlee - Amorphous and elegant, it’s all about us analogue creatures connecting to a digital abode.
DotNetCentric - Ingo Rammer’s thoughts on .NET, software development and the world in general.
Drop.org - A weblog covering technology news that strives towards discussion rather then to deliver news on its own. The site is powered by its own content management/discussion engine which is available for free and covered by the GPL.
Eatonweb - Brigitte Eaton’s weblog, focused often on Web and software interface design
Ed Tech Dev - educational technology, learning sciences, and programming
Eigenheads.com - A weblog about technology, business, sometimes even law topics and personal stuff with one common aspect - pretty internet related. But not always.
Electricnews.net - Sheila McDonald Irish Technology Journalist New Economy Reports
End the War on Freedom - Notes on Java, Linux, Liberty, and me. Pointers and commentary on the news of the day from my crypto-anarcho-libertarian perspective.
gammatron - Astronomy, technology, numismatics, and other interesting links.
Gary Turner’s Momentary Lapses of Diltution - Gary Turner is the inventor of Blogstickers (Blogstickers.com) and Blogtank, a self-organizing community weblog (blogtank.radiopossibility.com) On his personal weblog Gary Turner shares his take on technology, the web, marketing revolution, media and weblogs. Gary is based in the UK.
Geek Blog - The blog home of the Abnormal Geek, from the Yahoo described jack of all trades tech site, Geek’s World.
Geek Extreme - News, reviews, and other stuff geeks or wanna-be geeks can use.
Grafitti - Brian Bilbrey, NPS, maintains a daily personal/technical web log in the Grafitti section of Orb Designs Online. Linux is a recurring theme.
Gregor J. Rothfuss - CMS developer talks about emerging technologies, knowledge management and CMS interop.
grep computer(s) - Play with computers, work with computers, read about computers...so write about computers. Everything (and then some) I experience about computers...
GrepNinjaLog - What a software engineering "grepninja" finds technologically useful, interesting, or amusing at some given point in time.
GuerrillaNews - Community weblog focussed on computer security.
Hack the Planet - Wes Felter’s web log. Comments about software, hardware, Java, Linux, usability and the Mac. Not about cracking or security.
2020 Hindsight - Musings, Stories, Links, Digital Photography, Travel Diaries, L.A. News, and other things that are of interest to Susan Kitchens.
Hired Insight - E-commerce commentary, small e-mail address harvesters available.
Hopeless’ Weblog - Weblog of the various news items and articles I encounter during work. Subjects include agents, Java, Jini, ubiquitous computing and Psion/EPOC PDAs plus anything else that strikes me as worthwhile.
HowToWeb Insider - A frequently updated weblog for website owners and web professionals.
IDblog - The weblog of the STC Information Design SIG.
ideasasylum - A commentary on technology including multi-agent systems, wireless ad-hoc networks and blogging. Other noteworthy news is also discussed. If you like what I like, you’ll like this site.
Idiotprogrammer Web Log - A web journal created by Robert Nagle, a Texas technical writer. It covers cyberculture and the IT industry.
ILF News - ILF News, the world’s leading publisher of business and financial news for the life sciences sector.
Infolets - Exploring projects, products, and ideas that are interesting, innovative or just plain unique.
Infosec Blog - A weblog about the information security industry with opinion and attitude you won’t find in any advisory or press release.
inluminent/weblog - shedding light on marketing, adveritising, small business and technology
Intelliware Development Inc. - Leaders in business application development, providing news and commentary on the technology industry and whatever captures the attention of our contributors.
It Came from the Codeslave - Commentary & reflection on technology, web development, toys, video games and more from a veteran web designer
IUnknown.com - John Lam’s weblog on software development.
Jacob’s Angst - Bits of information about online technology and its impact. Contributions welcome by email.
JY’s weblog - > World > France > Nantes > Home > JY
kiplog - Knowledge Is Power - pointing to knowledge found on and about the Web
Knowledge El Dorado - VeerChand Bothra’s blog on Collaboration, Groupware, Communities, Peer-to-Peer, Grids, Clusters, Knowledge Management
Lekhani - Experiments in Scripting (amongst other things)
Life of a one-man IT department - Blog about being the entire IT department in a smallish office building. Links to news, things I learn, things I deal with, information for others interested in technology.
LucDesk - Links to articles I consider noteworthy on other sites: information design, web usability, user experience.
Matt Croydon::postneo - A techblog about computers, the web, coding, scripting, weblogs, and more.
Mersault Thinking - Daily digest of useful articles and links on Information Architecture, Usability, User Interface design and anything else that helps build better web sites, from Dublin, Ireland.
MichaelTorres.com - A stream of consciousness web filter, updated 3-5 times most days. Focused on high-tech, PDAs, cool web services, and software development as well as other random thoughts.
MoiK78 Blog - Useful articles and information about Internet and technology are posted.
Nathan’s Current - Useful code snippets, tips, techniques and downloads. Technical and social happenings with philosophical interest. reviews of all kinds.
Neongreen.com - A personal site from Minneapolis about technology, web, design, development, and daily life. Photos, links and an obligatory web cam are included.
No Title - Technology information, regional news, digital photography, and local happenings from Silicon Valley.
Office Jotter - Office Jotter is a personal analysis of what is happening in the world of the electronic business. It consists of a Web log and occasional longer material.
Online Learning Daily - Daily news related to online learning. Covers new tech such as wireless access and tablet computers, e-learnining standards such as SCORM or IMS, learning management systems, instructional design, assessment and evaluation, and issues such as copyright and open access.
Onlineblog.com - A technology weblog from the team that produces Online, the Guardian newspaper’s weekly technology section.
Paolo Valdemarin’s Weblog - Discussing about web technologies, ideas, integration and content management systems.
Paul Boutin - Daily news and commentary from senior editor of Wired magazine
paxtonland.com - Technology, software reviews, news, tips and more.
The Personalization Underground - Bruce Kasanoff, a longtime innovator in the personalization space, says people who think personalization is about marketing are wrong. It’s about technology changing the way we live.
peterme.com - Links, thoughts, and essays from Peter Merholz, about things like interface design, movies, and single-malt scotch.
Quasimondo - Mario Klingemann’s personal weblog about Macromedia Flash programming, featuring mathematical and physical experiments and inspirational material. Note: must install latest version of Macromedia to view the site.
Robot Thoughts - Lego bricks, robots and up to the minute news for the robot community.
Roland Piquepaille’s Technology Trends - This site talks about computing and technology news and trends. It also tries to discover how these new technologies are modifying our way of life.
s l a m - Outline publishing and web development techniques, system administration tools.
s l a v e - Somewhat daily linkages to sites of interest, with rapier-like commentary. Slightly focused on Internet and computer related issues, but only because I’m a web geek.
Scare Company - S.C.A.R.E - Here at Scare Company you can speak your mind, while in touch with new and upcoming computer news and information.
Scripting News - Dave Winer’s collection of "news and commentary from the cross-platform scripting community," but it generally includes lots of general computer industry links and whatever else Dave finds interesting.
Search Engine Blog - Search Engine news and optimization information. Includes a daily overview of the search engine discussion boards.
Second p0st - Phillip Pearson on weblog technology and the Blogging Ecosystem
Secondfoundation.org - Common weblog for a PA-based geek. Filled with various computer-centric ramblings and nifty standard code.
Take23 - News and resources for the mod_perl world.
Talking to the Owl - Software log on XP, OOAD, and general life as a software engineer.
TBTF - Keith Dawson’s Tasty Bits from the Technology Front
Tech NewzWorld - Provides up to date news from the tech industry with a focus on Macs and PHP.
Tech PMP - Web log of a technical project manager in the software development consulting industry.
Tech Serendipity - Technology and Serendipity (The accidental discovery of things not sought after while actively searching for something else). In this case, technology stuff.
Techdirt - News, opinions and discussions about high-tech subjects. Often focussing on the negative sides of the industry.
techno weenie - This is a manifestation of the computer geek in me. Semi-daily bits of rambling.
The-Satan.org - This site is not related to satanism, satan himself or any other weird-dark cult. This site is actually to provide variety of tools, information and other fun stuff to the novice/ advanced surfers.
Thinkhole - A personal weblog, updated daily, that contains links, commentary, rants, any anything else that happens to cross my mind. Tends to be geek/tech/politics related mostly... but anything is fair game. Custom self-built PHP/MySQL backend.
Thinking Monkey - Brian DeSpain’s personal web journal and technology journal on electronic commerce and open source technology.
thore.no - Weblog on information, interaction, intelligence, internet and much more.
Time’s Shadow - News and commentary on genetic engineering, global climate change, and nanotechnology; the three drivers of human social change in the next century. Reasons why Bill Joy isn’t totally right. Plus personal news and commentary on whatever captures the attention of Dave Rogers.
tins ::: Rick Klau’s weblog - A collection of news, observations and updates about technology and business strategy.
Tomorrow’s Technology - Weblog discussing new technology that might be important for the fast changing world of information and internet. Focuses on information retrieval, artificial intelligence, knowledge, companies and social impact of new technology.
Traffick Notes - A weblog covering key trends with major consumer portals, search engines, and browsing, maintained daily by Traffick staff.
tranquileye - Commentary on reflections on popular culture and cultural theory, explanations of pro wrestling and a theory of hacking, and, oh yes, interactive design.
Umashankar’s Weblog - Its my day to day collection of sites and facts of great use and importance in the region of science, computers and current happenings. Most interesting collection from various sources and resources.
Vander Wal Net - Among other things a weblog that mostly covers technology and information developments.
/var/log/blog - Ahmad Anvari writes about technology news, Internet, business and economy
Web AccessiBlog - Web accessibility news, links, and resources.
Web Teacher - Tips and observations about teaching web design classes.
Web Voice - The usual technology meets business meets society mix of links and commentary. Some focus on web apps, P2P, how the web changes life and so on (more focus on so on actually.)
Weblog 1.0 - A companion site to Release 1.0, a monthly report on trends in technology, produced by managing editor Kevin Werbach.
WebWord.com - Usability weblog, newsletter, articles, interviews, reports, and more.
W3future.com - The future of the world wide web. Discusses new technology and shows examples.
WiBo - This is a blog that is dedicated to cataloging information about Human Computer Interaction (HCI) as well as other cool tech related musings.
xblog - Supplies daily visual communication links from XPLANE, the visual thinking company. Information design and infographics, web design, illustration, branding, interface, etc.
0xDECAFBAD - Eclectic ramblings from a random, caffeine-addicted techie
Your One Stop - Focusing on conceptual and practiced web design, both in and out of the workplace.