HeavyMetal, 2009/8/28
To facilitate the description, I create two list and two simple content type:
Contenttype: mycontenttype01
Field: Title
Field: OB_ID
List: Mylist02
Contenttype: mycontenttype02
Field: Title
Field: OB_ID
Field: mystatus
Now, we need to join the 2 lists using the id field “OB_ID”, so we can the object’s status
Step 1: create a webpart page and add a data view webpart in SPD
1) Create a webpart page
2) edit in SPD, in the data source library create a data source
fill the name:
Add the two list to the data source wizard:
Click next step, select the second option
Click finish:
Click ok and quii.
3) Add the dataview webpart
Select “myjoinlist” and right click, in the pop menu, select display data:
In mylist01, drop the title and OB_ID to the webpart area:
Save the page, and refresh the page in the IE, you can see the data in mylist01 displayed.
Step 2: Join the 2 lists
Continue the editing in SPD, click the button in the top-right corner of the webpart, and select edit column, then add a formula column:
Select the mystatus column in mylist02, double click and then move the cursor to the end of the “Row”, input a “[”, and select “@OB_ID”, select “all” in the function type, and double click current, add a “/”, and select “@OB_ID”, then input a “]”, click OK, and then click OK in the Edit colomn dialog.
Save the page, and refresh the page in IE.
We can get the joined list as follows