python 选择不同数据库环境执行SQL文件
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ALL | wx.EXPAND, border = 5 ) vbox.Add(hbox13, proportion = 0 , flag = wx. ALL | wx.EXPAND, border = 5 ) vbox.Add(hbox3, proportion = 0 , flag = wx. ALL | wx.EXPAND, border = 5 ) vbox.Add(hbox2, proportion = 0 , flag = wx. ALL | wx.EXPAND, border = 3 ) panel.SetSizer(vbox) # 选择SQL文件 def OnButton1( self , event): # filesFilter = "Dicom (*.sql)|*.sql|" "All files (*.*)|*.*" filesFilter = "sqlserver (*.sql)|*.sql" fileDialog = wx.FileDialog( self , message = "多文件选择" , wildcard = filesFilter, style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_MULTIPLE) dialogResult = fileDialog.ShowModal() if dialogResult ! = wx.ID_OK: return paths = fileDialog.GetPaths() self .listBox.Clear() for path in paths: self .listBox.Append(path) # 选择的文件默认全部选中 self .cb3.SetValue( True ) itemsLen = self .listBox.GetCount() for i in range (itemsLen): self .listBox.Check(i, check = True ) # 全选 def on_chkboxall( self , event): checkBoxSelected = event.GetEventObject() ischk = checkBoxSelected.IsChecked() itemsLen = self .listBox.GetCount() for i in range (itemsLen): self .listBox.Check(i, check = ischk) def One_Play( self , event): listbox = event.GetEventObject() seleIndex = event.Selection ischk = self .listBox.IsChecked(seleIndex) if ischk = = True : self .listBox.Check(seleIndex, check = False ) else : self .listBox.Check(seleIndex, check = True ) def on_combobox( self , event): print ( "选择{0}" . format (event.GetString())) def OnSubmit( self , event): btn = event.GetEventObject() txt = btn.LabelText if txt = = "选择要执行的SQL文件" : filesFilter = "sqlserver (*.sql)|*.sql" fileDialog = wx.FileDialog( self , message = "多文件选择" , wildcard = filesFilter, style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_MULTIPLE) dialogResult = fileDialog.ShowModal() if dialogResult ! = wx.ID_OK: return paths = fileDialog.GetPaths() self .listBox.Clear() for path in paths: self .listBox.Append(path) # 选择的文件默认全部选中 self .cb3.SetValue( True ) itemsLen = self .listBox.GetCount() for i in range (itemsLen): self .listBox.Check(i, check = True ) elif txt = = "确 定" : chvalue = self .ch1.GetValue() if chvalue = = "开发环境" : self .msg = SQLServer(server = "" , port = 0 , user = "test" , password = "Test321" , database = "test" ) elif chvalue = = "外网测试环境" : self .msg = SQLServer(server = "" , port = 0 , user = "test" , password = "Test321" , database = "test" ) elif chvalue = = "外网正式环境" : self .msg = SQLServer(server = "" , port = 0 , user = "test" , password = "Test321" , database = "test" ) # selectCount = len(self.checkListBox.GetChecked()) # sqlfiles = self.listBox.GetSelections() chkItems = self .listBox.CheckedItems # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for item in chkItems: # 获取SQL文件路径 seleStr = self .listBox.Items[item] self .msg.GetSqlInfo(seleStr) # loop.run_until_complete(self.msg.GetSqlInfo(seleStr)) # t = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.msg.GetSqlInfo, # args=(seleStr,)) # t.daemon=True # t.start() # th = threading.Thread(target=self.msg.GetSqlInfo, # args=(seleStr, )) # th.start() # wx.CallAfter(self.msg.GetSqlInfo, seleStr) time.sleep( 1 ) #每次执行一个文件后暂停1秒 # print(seleStr) #打印错误日志 # print(self.msg.errMsg) if len ( self .msg.errMsg)> 0 : box = wx.MessageDialog( None , '有%s条SQL语句执行错误,具体情况请查看错误日志' % len ( self .msg.errMsg), '提示' , wx.OK | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) answer = box.ShowModal() box.SetWindowStyle(wx.OK | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) box.Destroy() else : box = wx.MessageDialog( None , '所有SQL语句执行成功' , '提示' , wx.OK | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) answer = box.ShowModal() box.SetWindowStyle(wx.OK | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) box.Destroy() # time.sleep(2) wx.Exit() # def on_choice(self,event): # print("选择{0}".format(event.GetString())) |
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