[存档] 大作业进度 3.5 / 5

        <title>Getting over it with HazelNut</title>
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                box-shadow: 4px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        <!-- <div id="game-area" style="position: relative; height: 530px;"></div> -->
        <!-- <audio id='music' src="Sound/Music.mp3" autoplay='autoplay' loop='loop'> </audio> -->
        <audio id='music' src="Sound/Music.mp3" loop='loop'> </audio>
        <canvas id='canvas' width='1000' height='600'> </canvas>

        <script src='game.js'></script>
        <script src='option_page.js'></script>
        <script src='help_page.js'></script>
        <script src='about_page.js'></script>
/* ------------------ Main Page ---------------------*/

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
    context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
    backMusic = document.getElementById('music'),
    main_background = new Image(),
    main_title = new Image(),
    eleSakura = new Image(),
    backPattern = new Image(),
    INDEX = 0, boardSize = 10, errorRate = 0.5,
    cutStep = 0.03, MAX_SIZE = 1.35, 
    SakuraMax = 950, SakuraStep = 13;
    eleSakura.src = "Image/sakura.png";
    backPattern.src = "Image/002.jpg";

function windowToCanvas(x, y) {
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var COLOR = ['LightSlateGray', 'lightblue', 'LightCyan', 'LightSteelBlue'],
    TEXT = ['OPTIONS', 'PLAY', 'HELP', 'ABOUT'],
    timer, nowPointer = {},
    updating = true;
/********************* Function **********************/
function animateRedraw() {
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function drawFrame() {
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function drawMainButton(Index, Alpha, x, y) {
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function drawMainBack() {
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    context.drawImage(main_title, 600, 50, main_title.width, main_title.height);
    context.font = 10 + 'px Arial';
    context.fillStyle = 'grey';
    context.fillText("All Copyright Reserved @2017 HazelNut", 400, 590);

/********************** Events ***********************/
canvas.onmousemove = function (e) {
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                nowPointer.limit = 124;

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                canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer';
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                canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer';
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            canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer';
            if(op_back) {
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            op_back = false;
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            canvas.style.cursor = 'default';
    } else if(INDEX === 2) {

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        /* Help */
        if(loc.x >= op_coordi[22] && loc.x <= op_coordi[22] + op_selectTXT[11].length * 12 && loc.y <= op_coordi[23] && loc.y >= op_coordi[23] - 30) {
            canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer';
            if(hp_back) {
                timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateHpSakura);
            hp_back = false;
        } else {
            hp_back = true;
            hp_backAppear = op_coordi[22] - 50;
            canvas.style.cursor = 'default';
    } else if(INDEX === 4) {
        /* About */
        if(loc.x >= op_coordi[22] && loc.x <= op_coordi[22] + op_selectTXT[11].length * 12 && loc.y <= op_coordi[23] && loc.y >= op_coordi[23] - 30) {
            canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer';
            if(ab_back) {
                timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateAbSakura);
            ab_back = false;
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            ab_backAppear = op_coordi[22] - 50;
            canvas.style.cursor = 'default';

canvas.onmousedown = function (e) {
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        /* ----> Main <----- */
        updating = true;
        if((loc.x - 150) * (loc.x - 150) + (loc.y - 350) * (loc.y - 350) <= 50 * 50) {
             /* Option */
            INDEX = 1;
            canvas.style.cursor = 'default';
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        } else if((loc.x - 150) * (loc.x - 150) + (loc.y - 500) * (loc.y - 500) <= 50 * 50) {
            /* Help */
            INDEX = 3;
            canvas.style.cursor = 'default';
        } else if((loc.x - 350) * (loc.x - 350) + (loc.y - 500) * (loc.y - 500) <= 50 * 50) {
            /* About */
            INDEX = 4;
            canvas.style.cursor = 'default';
    } else if(INDEX === 1) {
        /* ----> Option <---- */
        if(loc.x >= op_coordi[2] && loc.x <= op_coordi[2] + op_selectTXT[1].length * 25 && loc.y <= op_coordi[3] && loc.y >= op_coordi[3] - 50) {
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                backMusic.src = "Sound/Music.mp3"; 
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                backMusic.src = "";
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            if(op_seleScale != 4) {
                op_seleScale = 4;
                boardSize = 5;
        } else if(loc.x >= op_coordi[10] && loc.x <= op_coordi[10] + op_selectTXT[5].length * 25 && loc.y <= op_coordi[11] && loc.y >= op_coordi[11] - 50) {
            if(op_seleScale != 5) {
                op_seleScale = 5;
                boardSize = 10;
        } else if(loc.x >= op_coordi[12] && loc.x <= op_coordi[12] + op_selectTXT[6].length * 25 && loc.y <= op_coordi[13] && loc.y >= op_coordi[13] - 50) {
            if(op_seleScale != 6) {
                op_seleScale = 6;
                boardSize = 20;
        } else if(loc.x >= op_coordi[16] && loc.x <= op_coordi[16] + op_selectTXT[8].length * 25 && loc.y <= op_coordi[17] && loc.y >= op_coordi[17] - 50) {
            if(op_seleScale != 8) {
                op_seleDiff = 8;
                errorRate = 0.8;
        } else if(loc.x >= op_coordi[18] && loc.x <= op_coordi[18] + op_selectTXT[9].length * 25 && loc.y <= op_coordi[19] && loc.y >= op_coordi[19] - 50) {
            if(op_seleScale != 9) {
                op_seleDiff = 9;
                errorRate = 0.5;
        } else if(loc.x >= op_coordi[20] && loc.x <= op_coordi[20] + op_selectTXT[10].length * 25 && loc.y <= op_coordi[21] && loc.y >= op_coordi[21] - 50) {
            if(op_seleScale != 10) {
                op_seleDiff = 10;
                errorRate = 0.2;
        } else if(loc.x >= op_coordi[22] && loc.x <= op_coordi[22] + op_selectTXT[11].length * 15 && loc.y <= op_coordi[23] && loc.y >= op_coordi[23] - 30) {
            INDEX = 0;
            timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateOpReturn);

    } else if(INDEX === 2) {
        /* ----> Play <---- */
    } else if(INDEX === 3) {
        /* ----> Help <---- */
        if(loc.x >= op_coordi[22] && loc.x <= op_coordi[22] + op_selectTXT[11].length * 15 && loc.y <= op_coordi[23] && loc.y >= op_coordi[23] - 30) {
            INDEX = 0;
            timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateHpReturn);

    } else if(INDEX === 4) {
        /* ----> ABOUT <---- */
        if(loc.x >= op_coordi[22] && loc.x <= op_coordi[22] + op_selectTXT[11].length * 15 && loc.y <= op_coordi[23] && loc.y >= op_coordi[23] - 30) {
            INDEX = 0;
            timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateAbReturn);

/****************** Initialization *******************/
main_background.src = "Image/mainBack.jpeg";
main_title.src = "Image/mainTitle2.png";
main_background.onload = function(e) {
    for(var i=0; i<4; i++) {
        drawMainButton(i, 0.5, 150, 355);
/* ------------------ Options Page ---------------------*/

var op_scale = 1.0, op_alpha = 1.0;
var op_selectTXT = ["MUSIC:", "ON", "OFF", "SCALE:", "5 * 5", "10 * 10", "20 * 20", "DIFFICULTY:", "EASY", "MID", "HARD", "Back To Main Menu"];
var op_coordi = [140, 200, 390, 200, 520, 200, 140, 300, 370, 300, 530, 300, 740, 300, 140, 400, 485, 400, 640, 400, 780, 400, 750, 580];
var op_seleMusic = 1, op_seleScale = 5, op_seleDiff = 8;
var op_backAppear = op_coordi[22] - 50, op_back = true;

/********************* Function **********************/
function drawOpBack() {
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    context.globalAlpha = op_alpha;
    context.drawImage(main_background, 0, 0, canvas.width * op_scale, canvas.height * op_scale);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;
    context.font = 10 + 'px Arial';
    context.fillStyle = 'grey';
    context.fillText("All Copyright Reserved @2017 HazelNut", 400, 590);

function animateOpScale() {
    if(op_scale < MAX_SIZE) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateOpScale);
    }else {

function drawOpFrame() {
    op_scale += cutStep;
    op_alpha -= cutStep;

function animateOpReturn() {
    if(op_scale > 1.0) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateOpReturn);
    }else {
        updating = true;
        for(var i=0; i<4; i++) {
            drawMainButton(i, 0.5, 150, 355);

function opReturnMain() {
    op_scale -= cutStep;
    op_alpha += cutStep;

function animateOpSakura() {
    if(op_backAppear < SakuraMax) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateOpSakura);
    }else {

function drawOpSakura() {
    op_backAppear += SakuraStep;
    context.globalAlpha = 0.6;
    context.drawImage(eleSakura, op_backAppear, op_coordi[23] - 30, 30, 30);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;

function outputOptions(Index, ques, moveon, selected, back) {
    var empha = false;
    if(moveon) empha = true;
    if(selected) {
        empha = true;
        context.drawImage(eleSakura, op_coordi[Index * 2] - 20, op_coordi[Index * 2 + 1] - 30, 50, 50);
    if(ques) empha = true;
    if(empha) context.font = 53 + 'px Letter Gothic Std bord';
    else context.font = 47 + 'px Letter Gothic Std bord';
    if(back) {
        context.font = 30 + 'px Giddyup Std';

    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(5, 20, 27)';
    if(empha) context.fillText(op_selectTXT[Index], op_coordi[Index * 2] - op_selectTXT[Index].length * 3 / 2, op_coordi[Index * 2 + 1]);
    else context.fillText(op_selectTXT[Index], op_coordi[Index * 2], op_coordi[Index * 2 + 1] - 3);

function updateOpPage(Index) {
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    for(var i=0; i<12; i++) {
        if(i === 0 || i === 3 || i === 7) {
            outputOptions(i, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        } else if(i === op_seleMusic || i === op_seleScale || i === op_seleDiff) {
            outputOptions(i, 0, 0, 1, 0);
        } else if(i === Index) {
            outputOptions(i, 0, 1, 0, 0);
        } else if(i === 11) {
            outputOptions(i, 0, 0, 0, 1);
        } else {
            outputOptions(i, 0, 0, 0, 0);

function drawOpPage() {
    /* draw Option background */
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateOpScale);
/* ------------------ Help Page ---------------------*/

var hp_scale = 1.0, hp_alpha = 1.0;
var hp_backAppear = op_coordi[22] - 50, hp_back = true;

function drawHpBack() { 
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    context.globalAlpha = hp_alpha;
    context.drawImage(main_background, 0, 0, main_background.width, main_background.height, 0, canvas.height * (1.0 - hp_scale), canvas.width * hp_scale, canvas.height * hp_scale);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;
    context.font = 10 + 'px Arial';
    context.fillStyle = 'grey';
    context.fillText("All Copyright Reserved @2017 HazelNut", 400, 590);

function animateHpScale() {
    if(hp_scale < MAX_SIZE) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateHpScale);
    }else {

function drawHpFrame() {
    hp_scale += cutStep;
    hp_alpha -= cutStep;

function animateHpReturn() {
    if(hp_scale > 1.0) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateHpReturn);
    }else {
        updating = true;
        for(var i=0; i<4; i++) {
            drawMainButton(i, 0.5, 150, 355);

function hpReturnMain() {
    hp_scale -= cutStep;
    hp_alpha += cutStep;

function animateHpSakura() {
    if(hp_backAppear < SakuraMax) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateHpSakura);
    }else {

function drawHpSakura() {
    hp_backAppear += SakuraStep;
    context.globalAlpha = 0.6;
    context.drawImage(eleSakura, hp_backAppear, op_coordi[23] - 30, 30, 30);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;

function outputHelp() {
    outputOptions(11, 0, 0, 0, 1);
    /* BackRect */
    context.fillStyle = 'white';
    context.globalAlpha = 0.3;
    context.moveTo(70, 110);
    context.arcTo(960, 110, 960, 530, 30);
    context.arcTo(960, 530, 40, 530, 30);
    context.arcTo(40, 530, 40, 110, 30);
    context.arcTo(40, 110, 960, 110, 30);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;
    /* Title */
    context.font = 40 + 'px Zapfino';
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(5, 20, 27)';
    context.fillText("Rules and Tips", 310, 80);
    /* Text */
    context.font = 20 + 'px Papyrus';
    context.fillText("Player and computer take turns to play the game, and you will always make the first move.", 130, 150);
    context.fillText("During a move a player selects one of the active grids. Then depending on the type of chesspiece in", 60, 180);
    context.fillText("that grid, one of the following actions take place:", 60, 210);
    context.fillText("\"-\": Magical waves radiate from the grid to the left and to the right along horizontal paths. All", 110, 250);
    context.fillText("grids on the path of the waves (including the selected grid too) become inactive. The waves", 110, 280);
    context.fillText("continue until the next inactive grid or to the edge of the chessboard if there are no inactive", 110, 310);
    context.fillText("grids on the way.", 110, 340);
    context.fillText("\"|\": Magical waves radiate upwards and downwards.", 110, 380);
    context.fillText("\"+\": Magical waves radiate in all four directions.", 110, 420);
    context.fillText("The player who cannot make a move (that is to say, all the grids on the chessboard are ", 130, 460);
    context.fillText("inactive) will be the loser of this game.", 60, 490);

function drawHpPage() {
    timer = timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateHpScale);
/* ------------------ About Page ---------------------*/

var ab_scale = 1.0, ab_alpha = 1.0;
var ab_backAppear = op_coordi[22] - 50, ab_back = true;

function drawAbBack() {
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    context.globalAlpha = ab_alpha;
    context.drawImage(main_background, 0, 0, main_background.width, main_background.height, canvas.width * (1.0 - ab_scale), canvas.height * (1.0 - ab_scale), canvas.width * ab_scale, canvas.height * ab_scale);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;
    context.font = 10 + 'px Arial';
    context.fillStyle = 'grey';
    context.fillText("All Copyright Reserved @2017 HazelNut", 400, 590);

function animateAbScale() {
    if(ab_scale < MAX_SIZE) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateAbScale);
    }else {

function drawAbFrame() {
    ab_scale += cutStep;
    ab_alpha -= cutStep;

function animateAbReturn() {
    if(ab_scale > 1.0) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateAbReturn);
    }else {
        updating = true;
        for(var i=0; i<4; i++) {
            drawMainButton(i, 0.5, 150, 355);

function abReturnMain() {
    ab_scale -= cutStep;
    ab_alpha += cutStep;

function animateAbSakura() {
    if(ab_backAppear < SakuraMax) {
        timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateAbSakura);
    }else {

function drawAbSakura() {
    ab_backAppear += SakuraStep;
    context.globalAlpha = 0.6;
    context.drawImage(eleSakura, ab_backAppear, op_coordi[23] - 30, 30, 30);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;

function outputAbout() {
    outputOptions(11, 0, 0, 0, 1);
    /* BackRect */
    context.fillStyle = 'white';
    context.globalAlpha = 0.3;
    context.moveTo(70, 110);
    context.arcTo(960, 110, 960, 530, 30);
    context.arcTo(960, 530, 40, 530, 30);
    context.arcTo(40, 530, 40, 110, 30);
    context.arcTo(40, 110, 960, 110, 30);
    context.globalAlpha = 1.0;
    /* Title */
    context.font = 40 + 'px Zapfino';
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(5, 20, 27)';
    context.fillText("About the Game", 310, 80);
    /* Text */
    context.font = 20 + 'px Papyrus';
    context.fillText("The Touhou Project is a series of Japanese bullet hell shooter video games developed by the", 100, 150);
    context.fillText("single-person Team Shanghai Alice.", 60, 180);
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(10, 100, 95)';
    context.fillText("[Professional interpretation]", 380, 180);
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(5, 20, 27)';
    context.fillText("I used the background of this game and combined it with a new chess rule to create my own", 100, 220);
    context.fillText("game. It's an indie game made by me alone, as its structure and materials are all conceived and made", 60, 250);
    context.fillText("by myself. I hope that you will enjoy it.", 60, 280);
    context.fillText("If you want to get more Information about Touhou:", 60, 320);
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(10, 100, 95)';
    context.fillText("http://thwiki.cc", 100, 350);
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(5, 20, 27)';
    context.fillText("Progress of coding has been posted on my own blog:", 60, 380);
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(10, 100, 95)';
    context.fillText("http://www.cnblogs.com/HazelNut/", 100, 410);
    context.fillStyle = 'rgb(5, 20, 27)';
    context.fillText("If you want to send me an Email: shiraihazel@163.com", 60, 440);

function drawAbPage() {
    timer = requestAnimationFrame(animateAbScale);


posted @ 2017-12-23 02:07  HazelNuto  阅读(103)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报