1671: [Usaco2005 Dec]Knights of Ni 骑士
1671: [Usaco2005 Dec]Knights of Ni 骑士
Time Limit: 5 Sec Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 254 Solved: 163
Bessie is in Camelot and has encountered a sticky situation: she needs to pass through the forest that is guarded by the Knights of Ni. In order to pass through safely, the Knights have demanded that she bring them a single shrubbery. Time is of the essence, and Bessie must find and bring them a shrubbery as quickly as possible. Bessie has a map of of the forest, which is partitioned into a square grid arrayed in the usual manner, with axes parallel to the X and Y axes. The map is W x H units in size (1 <= W <= 1000; 1 <= H <= 1000). The map shows where Bessie starts her quest, the single square where the Knights of Ni are, and the locations of all the shrubberies of the land. It also shows which areas of the map can be traverse (some grid blocks are impassable because of swamps, cliffs, and killer rabbits). Bessie can not pass through the Knights of Ni square without a shrubbery. In order to make sure that she follows the map correctly, Bessie can only move in four directions: North, East, South, or West (i.e., NOT diagonally). She requires one day to complete a traversal from one grid block to a neighboring grid block. It is guaranteed that Bessie will be able to obtain a shrubbery and then deliver it to the Knights of Ni. Determine the quickest way for her to do so.
Sample Input
4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 2 1 1 3 0 4 0
0 0 0 4 1 1 1 0
Width=8, height=4. Bessie starts on the third row, only a few squares away
from the Knights.
Sample Output
题解:又是一道灌水法。。。。usaco灌水题真多= =
1 const dir:array[1..4,1..2] of longint=((1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)); 2 type arr=array[0..1000005] of longint; 3 var 4 i,j,k,l,m,n,x0,x1,y0,y1,head,tot,ans:longint; 5 a,b,h:array[0..1001,0..1001] of longint; 6 d:array[0..1000005,1..3] of longint; 7 c,e:arr; 8 function min(x,y:longint):longint; 9 begin 10 if x<y then min:=x else min:=y; 11 end; 12 procedure bfs(x,y:longint;var c:arr); 13 var f,r,xx,yy,i:longint; 14 begin 15 f:=1;r:=2;d[1,1]:=x;d[1,2]:=y;d[1,3]:=0;b[x,y]:=1; 16 while f<r do 17 begin 18 for i:=1 to 4 do 19 begin 20 xx:=d[f,1]+dir[i,1]; 21 yy:=d[f,2]+dir[i,2]; 22 if b[xx,yy]=1 then continue; 23 b[xx,yy]:=1; 24 d[r,3]:=d[f,3]+1; 25 d[r,1]:=xx;d[r,2]:=yy; 26 if h[xx,yy]>0 then 27 begin 28 c[h[xx,yy]]:=d[r,3]; 29 end; 30 inc(r); 31 end; 32 inc(f); 33 end; 34 end; 35 begin 36 randomize;tot:=0; 37 readln(m,n); 38 for i:=0 to n+1 do 39 begin 40 a[i,m+1]:=1; 41 a[i,0]:=1; 42 end; 43 for i:=0 to m+1 do 44 begin 45 a[n+1,i]:=1; 46 a[0,i]:=1; 47 end; 48 fillchar(h,sizeof(h),0); 49 for i:=1 to n do 50 for j:=1 to m do 51 begin 52 read(a[i,j]); 53 case a[i,j] of 54 2:begin 55 x0:=i;y0:=j; 56 end; 57 3:begin 58 x1:=i;y1:=j; 59 a[i,j]:=1; 60 end; 61 4:begin 62 inc(tot); 63 h[i,j]:=tot; 64 a[i,j]:=0; 65 end; 66 end; 67 if ((j mod 40)=0) or (j=m) then readln; 68 end; 69 for i:=0 to n+1 do 70 for j:=0 to m+1 do 71 b[i,j]:=a[i,j]; 72 fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); 73 bfs(x0,y0,c); 74 for i:=0 to n+1 do 75 for j:=0 to m+1 do 76 b[i,j]:=a[i,j]; 77 fillchar(e,sizeof(e),0); 78 bfs(x1,y1,e); 79 ans:=maxlongint; 80 for i:=1 to tot do 81 begin 82 if (c[i]=0) or (e[i]=0) then continue; 83 ans:=min(ans,(e[i]+c[i])) 84 end; 85 writeln(ans); 86 readln; 87 end.