sql server 语句
--create -- SQL去除回车符,换行符,空格和水平制表符 create function RepSymbolChar(@str nvarchar(max)) returns nvarchar(max) as begin set @str=LTRIM(@str) set @str=RTRIM(@str) set @str=replace(@str,char(9),'') --水平制表符 set @str=replace(@str,char(10),'') -- 换行 set @str=replace(@str,char(13),'') --回车 return @str end go
if exists( SELECT top 1 * FROM pointsection where Content like '%<p>%' and Content not like '%"math-tex"%' ) begin update pointsection set Content=dbo.RepP(Content) where Content like '%<p>%' and Content not like '%"math-tex"%' end
--子查询更新 select *,(select content from pointsection0907 where id=p.id)as c from pointsection as p where Id in (select Id from pointsection0907 where id=p.id and content like '%<p>%') and id=7863 --update pointsection set content=(select content from pointsection0907 where id=pointsection.id) --where Id in (select Id from pointsection0907 where id=pointsection.id and content like '%<p>%')