{*****************************************测试目的****************************** sql存储过程中会先检查库存数量,如果库存是负数就raisError('库存不足',16,1), 这时候发现客户端会截获不住这个错误。 经过测试发现: 1:用AdoQuery.Open比较保险。能抓做存储过程内部raisEror的错误,直接就报错了。 用用AdoQuery.ExecSql、AdoStoredProc.ExecProc、Connection.Execute都抓不住错误, 2:这些方式都能取到存储过程的return值,那么写存储过程时,得在raiseError之后, 马上return一个错误代码,原则上return 0表示没错误,其他非零值都是错误代码. 这样程序可以取到这个值,判断这个值是否=0,非0就是有错误
3:insert into employee后,种子键nID就被sql记住了,即使你事务撤销了。
下次insert 成功了他也不在出现了,比如:nID现在是5,insert后出错、回滚了事务。
} unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, DB, ADODB, Grids, DBGrids; type TForm1 = class(TForm) btn_ByQuery: TBitBtn; btn_ByProc: TBitBtn; btn_ByConn: TBitBtn; conn_main: TADOConnection; qry_main: TADOQuery; asp_R: TADOStoredProc; Label1: TLabel; txt_SQL: TMemo; qry_R: TADOQuery; Label2: TLabel; lbl_Total: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; ds_main: TDataSource; grd_main: TDBGrid; Label4: TLabel; txt_info: TMemo; cbx_execSQL: TComboBox; procedure btn_ByQueryClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_ByProcClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_ByConnClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public //读取结果 function showResult:integer; // procedure showInfo(sInfo:string=''; lTime:boolean=true); end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btn_ByProcClick(Sender: TObject); var asp:TAdoStoredProc; n:integer; s:String; begin asp:=asp_R; with asp do try close; connection.beginTrans; //执行 asp.ProcedureName:='testError'; asp.Parameters.Clear; asp.Parameters.CreateParameter('@RETURN_VALUE', ftInteger, pdReturnValue, 10, fgUnAssigned); asp.parameters.CreateParameter('@sComment', ftString, pdInput, 254, 'AdoStoredProc'); asp.ExecProc; n:=round( asp.Parameters.ParamValues['@RETURN_VALUE'] ); //***************************AdoStoredProc测试结果********************// //经过分析发现,在存储过程中raiseError用AdoStoredProc抓不住,只能用return 0的返回值做判断 If n=0 then showInfo('AdoStoredProc执行成功') else begin if connection.errors.count>0 then s:=#13+connection.Errors[0].Description else s:=''; Raise Exception.Create('AdoStoredProc出错!错误代码:'+Inttostr(n)+s); end; //提交事务 connection.CommitTrans; except on x:exception do begin if connection.InTransaction then connection.RollbackTrans; showInfo(x.message); end; end; showResult; end; procedure TForm1.btn_ByQueryClick(Sender: TObject); var qry:TAdoQuery; l,lExec,lOpen:boolean; begin qry:=qry_R; lExec:=cbx_execSql.itemIndex=0; lOpen:=not lExec; with qry do try close; connection.beginTrans; //执行 sql.text:='declare @n int, @n2 int '; sql.add(' exec @n=testError '+quotedStr('AdoQuery-'+cbx_execSQl.text)+' '); if lOpen then sql.add(' select @n as vResult '); //打开 //*************关键点:execSQL不会导致报错,而open会导致报错**********// if lExec then execSQL //抓不住存储过程中raiseError else open; //打开能抓住raisError if not isEmpty then showInfo('AdoQuery执行成功,返回值:'+fields[0].asString) else showInfo('执行完毕,无返回值'); //提交事务 connection.CommitTrans; except on x:exception do begin if connection.InTransaction then connection.RollbackTrans; showInfo(x.message); end; end; showResult; end; //用connection执行 procedure TForm1.btn_ByConnClick(Sender: TObject); var rec:_Recordset; conn:TAdoConnection; s:String; n, n2, nR:integer; begin conn:=conn_main; nR:=-1; rec:=nil; with conn do try if not conn.Connected then conn.Open; conn.BeginTrans; // with qry_R do begin sql.text:='declare @n int, @n2 int '; sql.add(' exec @n=testError ''Connection'' '); sql.add(' select @n as vResult '); s:=sql.text; end; //*****************用最底层的连接执行兼容sql2000、2008****************// //测试发现:存储过程raisError时connection是抓不住的,只能用return值判断 //用rec.fields[0].value取返回值容易出莫名其妙的错误,还需要继续找可靠的办法
//另外,同时开启两个事务访问两个数据库,其中事务A成功了,事务B会有时候失败有时候成功,可以用connection.execute能解决 //nR:=connection.Execute(s)(0); //rec:=conn.Execute(s, n2, eoAsyncFetch); rec:=conn.Execute(s); //, cmdText, [eoAsyncFetch] //if (assigned(rec)) and (not rec.EOF) then nR:=rec.Fields[0].Value; if nR<>0 then showInfo(' Connection出错,结果返回值:'+intToStr(nR)) else showInfo('Connection执行成功!'); //提交 conn.CommitTrans; except on x:exception do begin if conn.InTransaction then conn.RollbackTrans; showInfo(x.message); end; end; showResult; end; //读取结果 function TForm1.showResult:integer; var qry:TAdoQuery; i:integer; begin result:=-1; qry:=TAdoQuery.create(self); qry.connection:=qry_main.connection; with qry do try qry_main.disableControls; // close; sql.text:='select count(1) from employee '; open; if not isEmpty then lbl_total.caption:=intToStr(fields[0].value); //表格 with qry_main do begin close; sql.text:='select top 10 * from employee order by nID desc '; open; for i:=0 to fieldCount-1 do fields[i].DisplayWidth:=14; end; except on x:exception do showMessage(x.message); end; qry_main.enableControls; if assigned(qry) then freeAndNil(qry); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin try lbl_total.caption:=''; // conn_main.open; showResult; except on x:exception do showMessage(x.message); end; end; procedure TForm1.showInfo(sInfo:string=''; lTime:boolean=true); begin txt_info.Lines.Add(formatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',now)+' '+sInfo); end; end.
--创建库 if not exists(select * from master..sysdatabases where name='test') begin create database test end go --创建表 use test go -- drop table employee if not exists(select * from sysObjects where name='employee') begin create table employee ( [nID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [sID] [varchar] (50) NULL default('') , [sName] [varchar] (254) NULL default('') , [sComment] varChar(254) null default(''), [nOK] [int] NULL default(0), [dCreate] [datetime] NULL default(getdate()) ) end GO --创建存储过程 if exists(select * from sysObjects where name='testError') drop procedure testError go --测试 create procedure testError(@sComment varChar(254)) as begin declare @n int select @n=count(1) from employee --前置错误 -- raisError('testError内部触发raisError错误(前置)', 16, 1) --写入 insert into employee(sID, sName, sComment, nOK, dCreate) values(newid(), convert(varChar(50),@n), @sComment, 0, getdate()) --后置错误 raisError('testError内部触发raisError错误(后置)', 16, 1) --完成 return 2 end go -- exec testError go select count(1) from employee select top 10 * from employee order by nID desc go