OSharp DbContent初始化分析

DBContent初始化 —— 关联Entity查找

一、      关联到具体的Entity




二、      通过EntityTypeConfiguration 关联到DbContent


三、      在初始化DbContent时,映射相应的Entity对象



四、      通过缓存DbContentType集合字典,查找DbContextInitializerBase


五、      查找当前DbContent的Entity 

六、      具体DbContent创建(自定义DbContent的实现)









DBContent初始化 —— DBContent生成

一、      主要方法



二、      框架初始化入口


三、      DatabaseInitializer数据库初始化——配置信息


四、      DatabaseInitializer数据库初始化——生成



  1 public class DbContentInitializeTest
  2     {
  3         [Fact()]
  4         public void DbContentInitialize_Test()
  5         {
  6             using (var context = new MyDbContext())
  7             {
  8                 context.AddEntityRegHelper(new CustomerRegstHelper());
  9                 context.AddEntityRegHelper(new CusRegstHelper());
 10                 IDatabaseInitializer<MyDbContext> initializer;
 11                 if (!context.Database.Exists())
 12                 {
 13                     initializer = new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<MyDbContext>(); ;
 14                 }
 15                 else
 16                 {
 17                     initializer = new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MyDbContext, AutoMigrationsConfiguration<MyDbContext>>(); ;
 18                 }
 19                 Database.SetInitializer(initializer);
 21                 ObjectContext objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext;
 22                 StorageMappingItemCollection mappingItemCollection = (StorageMappingItemCollection)objectContext.ObjectStateManager
 23                     .MetadataWorkspace.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.CSSpace);
 24                 mappingItemCollection.GenerateViews(new List<EdmSchemaError>());
 25             } 
 26         }
 27     }
 29     /// <summary>
 30     /// 自动迁移配置
 31     /// </summary>
 32     /// <typeparam name="TContext"></typeparam>
 33     public class AutoMigrationsConfiguration<TContext> : DbMigrationsConfiguration<TContext>
 34         where TContext : DbContext
 35     {
 36         /// <summary>
 37         /// 初始化一个<see cref="AutoMigrationsConfiguration{TContext}"/>类型的新实例
 38         /// </summary>
 39         public AutoMigrationsConfiguration()
 40         {
 41             AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
 42             AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
 43             ContextKey = typeof(TContext).FullName;
 44         }
 45     }
 47     /// <summary>
 48     /// 实体注册Helper接口
 49     /// </summary>
 50     public interface IEntityRegstHelper
 51     {
 52         void RegTo(ConfigurationRegistrar confRegistrar);
 53     }
 55     // 客户
 56     public class Customer
 57     {
 58         public int CustomerID { get; set; }
 59         public String CustomerName { get; set; }
 60         public string Address { get; set; }
 61     }
 62     // 客户实体的注册Helper
 63     public class CustomerRegstHelper : IEntityRegstHelper
 64     {
 65         public void RegTo(ConfigurationRegistrar confRegistrar)
 66         {
 67             confRegistrar.Add<Customer>(new EntityTypeConfiguration<Customer>());
 68         }
 69     }
 71     public class Cus
 72     {
 73         public int CusID { get; set; }
 74         public String CusName { get; set; }
 75         public string Add { get; set; }
 76     }
 77     // 客户实体的注册Helper
 78     public class CusRegstHelper : IEntityRegstHelper
 79     {
 80         public void RegTo(ConfigurationRegistrar confRegistrar)
 81         {
 82             confRegistrar.Add<Cus>(new EntityTypeConfiguration<Cus>());
 83         }
 84     }
 87     public class MyDbContext : DbContext
 88     {
 89         public MyDbContext()
 90             : this(false)
 91         { }
 93         public MyDbContext(bool proxyCreationEnabled)
 94             : base("name=RongziCmsDbContext")
 95         {
 96             //The Entity Framework provider type 'System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer'
 97             //for the 'System.Data.SqlClient' ADO.NET provider could not be loaded. 
 98             //Make sure the provider assembly is available to the running application. 
 99             //See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=260882 for more information.
100             var _ = System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices.Instance;
101             this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = proxyCreationEnabled;
102         }
104         List<IEntityRegstHelper> entityRegstHelperlist;
105         // 添加实体注册
106         public void AddEntityRegHelper(IEntityRegstHelper r)
107         {
108             if (entityRegstHelperlist == null)
109                 entityRegstHelperlist = new List<IEntityRegstHelper>();
110             entityRegstHelperlist.Add(r);
111         }
113         //public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
114         protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
115         {
116             // 动态地加入实体
117             if (entityRegstHelperlist != null)
118             {
119                 foreach (IEntityRegstHelper r in entityRegstHelperlist)
120                     r.RegTo(modelBuilder.Configurations);
121             }
122         }
123     }
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