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000-017 Exam
Foundations of Tivoli process automation engine V7.1
科目名称:Foundations of Tivoli process automation engine V7.1
考题数目:94 Q&As
在过去的九十多年里,世界经济不断发展,现代科学日新月异,IBM 始终以超前的技术、出色的管理和独树一帜的产品领导着全球信息工业的发展,保证了世界范围内几乎所有行业用户对信息处理的全方位需求。众所周知,早在1969年,阿波罗宇宙飞船载着三名宇航员,肩负着人类的使命,首次登上了月球;1981年哥伦比亚号航天飞机又成功地飞上了太空。这两次历史性的太空飞行都凝聚着IBM 无与伦比的智慧。
000-017 考试是 IBM 公司的 Foundations of Tivoli process automation engine V7.1 认证考试官方代号,TestInside 的 000-017 权威考试题库软件是 IBM 认证厂商的授权产品,TestInside 绝对保证第一次参加 000-017 考试的考生即可顺利通过,否则承诺全额退款!
1. A customer wants to ensure that any data sent to the Tivoli process automation engine's Integration Framework for retrieval of financial data into the
Tivoli process automation engine can survive restarts and failures.Which statement is true?
A.A JMS messaging engine must be configured with a persistent data store.
B.The customer must have the persist data option set for the Integration Framework adapter.
C.It can be configured by setting a property inside the Tivoli process automation engine after installation.
D.The messages are stored local to the adapter and will survive failures without any additional configuration.
Answer: A
2. Which property must be specified in maximo.properties?
Answer: A
3. Which function is performed when enabling Application Server security during the installation?
A.configuring Database Server to use Application Server security
B.configuring the Tivoli process automation engine application so that it handles authorizations to use the application
C.modifying the J2EE application so that authentication will be handled by an external source such as IBM Tivoli Directory Server or Microsoft Active
D.modifying the Tivoli process automation engine application so that authentication is handled through the application rather than an external source such
as IBM Tivoli Directory Server or Microsoft Active Directory
Answer: C
4. A pharmaceutical company has made a tremendous number of configurations in their development environment in order to meet their business requirements
and the government regulations. The company is ready to move 25% of these configurations into the test environment.
How should this be accomplished?
A.Export the XML and then import it again as appropriate into the test environment.
B.All of the configurations must be brought over. It is impossible to define only 25% of the configurations.
C.A package of the appropriate configurations should be defined and created. It should be distributed and then deployed into the test environment.
D.Create a package of the appropriate configurations. Then use the Integration Framework to export those configurations. Finally, use the Integration
Framework to import the configurations into the Test environment again.
Answer: C
5. The property mxe.rmi.port can be found in maximo.properties and by the System Properties application.
If mxe.rmi.port is set to 0 in the properties file, and is set to 1090 from the System Properties application, which statement is true about this property?
A.This property value cannot be set to 0 in the properties file. Therefore, the value must be 1090.
B.The Tivoli process automation engine terminates with an error on startup because the two settings are not consistent.
C.The value in the Tivoli process automation engine properties overrides the value found in the properties file. So the property value would be 1090.
D.The value in the properties file overrides the value found when viewing Tivoli process automation engine properties, so the property value would be 0.
Answer: D
6. Which two data elements are required to configure a Conditional user interface Control? (Choose two.)
B.Person Group
C.Object Structure
D.Signature Option
E.Conditional Expression
Answer: DE
7. When defining Security Groups which parameters can be specified?
A. Users, Sites, Applications and Storerooms
B. Storerooms, Group, Person and Applications
C. Users, Security, Data Restrictions and Access Rights
D. Permissions, Applications, Locations and Departments
Answer: A
8. Which factor would normally be considered when developing a primary location hierarchy?
A.the financial relationship between locations
B.the functional relationship between locations
C.the geophysical relationship between locations
D.the organizational relationship between locations
Answer: C