我用Cocos2d-x模拟《Love Live!学院偶像祭》的Live场景(五)
这些玩意都是用CocoStudio可以直接制作的。于是打开CocoStudio的UI Editor(貌似官方都发布2.x的版本了?我这个还是1.6的落后版),然后把资源拖进去拼好:
★Cocos2d-x 3.2有个不知道算不算Bug的问题:如果UI层的“交互”选项被勾上了,那么这个UI层会吞噬掉所有的触摸消息。所以这里需要把LiveScene画布的Panel_14层的“交互”的钩去掉。
还有一点是分数条和血条在不同数值的时候颜色不同,需要根据当前进度条的百分比更换材质。更换材质的功能由代码完成,所以UI编辑器不会用到条的不同颜色的资源,所以最后将工程导出的时候需要把没有添加到界面上的图像也打进去。用CocoStudio的“导出全部大图”会把fnt图字的资源也打进去,所以推荐使用Texture Packer,手动把要打包的图整合出来。如何使用Texture Packer在后文中有讲解。
从第二章的视频中可以看到Combo数变化、分数变化时,得分特效会播放,“Combo”字符、数字和得分判定都会发生缩放和透明度变化。虽然可以用ScaleTo + FadeOut来实现,但是每当一个Action创建时,Cocos2d-x底层就会创建一个线程(看VS的输出窗口)。如果物件比较密集,就会频繁地改变Combo数,进而频繁地创建和销毁线程。要尽量避免这样的操作。所以对于物件的缩放、淡出处理都放在Update方法中,不会有线程开销。所以应当将这些操作放在主线程中,不使用Action。打击判定的图像和得分特效也是同理。于是可以在项目中添加LiveSceneUI类,绑定控件留出接口。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | inline cocos2d::Node* Find(cocos2d::Node* pParent, const std::string& pName) { std::vector<std::string> nameList; // 以'/'号分割字符串 // size_t last = 0; size_t index = pName.find_first_of( "/" , last); while (index != std::string::npos) { nameList.push_back(pName.substr(last, index - last)); last = index + 1; index = pName.find_first_of( "/" , last); } if (index - last > 0) { nameList.push_back(pName.substr(last, index - last)); } // 查找子节点 // auto ret = pParent; for ( int i = 0; i < nameList.size(); i++) { ret = ret->getChildByName(nameList.at(i)); if (ret == nullptr ) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Child: " ; for ( int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { oss << nameList.at(j) << "/" ; } oss << " Not found" ; cocos2d:: log (oss.str().c_str()); return ret; } } return ret; } |
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ORNAMENT_INDEX_FAST : ORNAMENT_INDEX_NORMAL; if ( this ->m_nLastOrnIndex != index) { this ->m_nLastOrnIndex = index; this ->m_pArmature_Ornament->getAnimation()->playWithIndex( this ->m_nLastOrnIndex); } } void LiveSceneUI::SetCombo( int pValue) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << pValue; this ->m_pText_Combo->setString(oss.str()); } void LiveSceneUI::SetJudgement( const HitJudgeType& pValue) { if (pValue == HitJudgeType::None) { return ; } if ( this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge != nullptr ) { this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge->setVisible( false ); } switch (pValue) { case HitJudgeType::Perfect: this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge = this ->m_pImageView_Perfect; break ; case HitJudgeType::Great: this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge = this ->m_pImageView_Great; break ; case HitJudgeType::Good: this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge = this ->m_pImageView_Good; break ; case HitJudgeType::Bad: this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge = this ->m_pImageView_Bad; break ; case HitJudgeType::Miss: this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge = this ->m_pImageView_Miss; break ; } this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge->setVisible( true ); this ->m_nJudgeAlpha = 255; this ->m_fComboScale = 1.4f; } void LiveSceneUI::Pause() { this ->m_bIsPausing = true ; this ->m_pArmature_Ornament->getAnimation()->pause(); } void LiveSceneUI::Resume() { this ->m_bIsPausing = false ; this ->m_pArmature_Ornament->getAnimation()->resume(); } void LiveSceneUI::UpdateUI() { if ( this ->m_bIsPausing) { return ; } // 打击判定 // if ( this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge != nullptr ) { this ->m_pImageView_CurJudge->setOpacity( this ->m_nJudgeAlpha); this ->m_nJudgeAlpha = this ->m_nJudgeAlpha - 2 > 0 ? this ->m_nJudgeAlpha - 2 : 0; } // Combo缩放 // this ->m_pImageView_Combo->setScale( this ->m_fComboScale); this ->m_pText_Combo->setScale( this ->m_fComboScale); this ->m_fComboScale = this ->m_fComboScale - 0.02f > 1 ? this ->m_fComboScale - 0.02f : 1; // 得分特效 // this ->m_pImageView_ScoreEffect->setOpacity( this ->m_nEffectAlpha); this ->m_pImageView_ScoreBarEffect->setOpacity( this ->m_nEffectAlpha); this ->m_nEffectAlpha = this ->m_nEffectAlpha - 2 > 0 ? this ->m_nEffectAlpha - 2 : 0; } void LiveSceneUI::PauseOnClicked(Ref* sender, Widget::TouchEventType type) { if (type == Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED) { GameModule::GetLiveController()->PauseLive(); GameModule::GetMsgBox()->Show( "Restart Live?" , "NO" , []() { GameModule::GetLiveController()->ResumeLive(); }, "YES" , []() { GameModule::GetLiveController()->RestartLive(); }); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | #ifndef __HIT_EFFECT_H__ #define __HIT_EFFECT_H__ #include "cocos2d.h" #include "editor-support/cocostudio/CocoStudio.h" USING_NS_CC; using namespace cocostudio; class HitEffect : public Node { public : void PlayBlockEffect( int pColume); void PlayStripEffect( int pColume); void StopStripEffect( int pColume); public : void Pause(); void Resume(); public : CREATE_FUNC(HitEffect); private : HitEffect(){} bool init(); private : Node* m_PosList[9]; }; #endif // __HIT_EFFECT_H__ |
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1、 玩家手动点击右上角的暂停按钮时
2、 体力变为0时
3、 打完歌曲,提交数据网络中断时
为了不和Windows API冲突,这个类我们命名为MsgBox。这个类应该公开两个接口,一个用于显示一个按钮的对话框,另一个用于显示两个按钮的对话框。以下是头文件:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | #ifndef __MSG_BOX_H__ #define __MSG_BOX_H__ #include "cocos2d.h" #include "ui/CocosGUI.h" #include "editor-support/cocostudio/CocoStudio.h" USING_NS_CC; using namespace cocos2d::ui; using namespace cocostudio; class MsgBox { public : MsgBox(); ~MsgBox(); public : /** * 显示有两个按钮的对话框 * @param pContent 文本内容 * @param pLText 左边按钮文本 * @param pLCallback 左边按钮点击回调,可以为nullptr * @param pRText 右边按钮文本 * @param pRCallback 右边按钮点击回调,可以为nullptr */ void Show( const std::string& pContent, const std::string& pLText, std::function< void ()> pLCallback, const std::string& pRText, std::function< void ()> pRCallback); /** * 显示只有一个按钮的对话框 * @param pContent 文本内容 * @param pMText 按钮文本 * @param pMCallback 按钮点击回调,可以为nullptr */ void Show( const std::string& pContent, const std::string& pText, std::function< void ()> pMCallback); private : void Show(); void Hide(); void AfterHidden(); void ButtonClicked(Ref* sender, Widget::TouchEventType type); private : Widget* m_pUIWidget; Text* m_pText_Content; Button* m_pButton_L; Button* m_pButton_M; Button* m_pButton_R; ImageView* m_pImage_MsgBoxBG; ImageView* m_pImage_Mask; private : std::function< void ()> m_Button_L_Clicked; // 左边按钮点击回调 std::function< void ()> m_Button_M_Clicked; // 中间按钮点击回调 std::function< void ()> m_Button_R_Clicked; // 右边按钮点击回调 Button* m_pClickedButton; }; #endif // __MSG_BOX_H__ |
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★Director::getInstance()->getRunningScene()->addChild(this->m_pUIWidget, 127)这一行表明了MsgBox显示的层级为127。如果当前场景中有ZOrder大于127的节点,该节点会显示在MsgBox层上。在设计程序的时候要注意不要出现层级大于127的结点。
物件分数 = 判定分数 × 当前Combo加成
●Perfect = 500
●Great = 300
●Good = 100
●Bad = 50
●Miss = 0
而当前Combo加成 = 当前Combo数 / 100。
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导出后,使用Texture Packer将UI中使用到的图像资源(不包括图字)打包。其实就是把需要打包的图片拖进Texture Packer然后点“Publish”按钮。左边“Output”选项中,“Data Format”要选为“cocos2d”:
Texture Packer的整合算法优于CocoStudio,在大部分情况打出的大图尺寸小于CocoStudio的。例如在本项目的UI工程,用CocoStudio按最大1024×1024导出后会生成两个png和两个plst文件,而Texture Packer导出后只有一个。所以要修改一下EasyLiveUI_LiveScene.ExportJson和EasyLiveUI_MsgBox.ExportJson文件,将选中的部分删掉并保存:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | void SoundSystem::PlaySound(Sound* pSound, bool pIsSong, int pColume) { auto result = this ->m_pSystem->playSound( FMOD_CHANNEL_REUSE, pSound, false , pIsSong ? & this ->m_pChannel_Song : & this ->m_Channel_HitSound[pColume]); ERRCHECK(result); } |
1 2 | void SetLiveSceneUI(LiveSceneUI* pLSUI){ this ->m_pLiveSceneUI = pLSUI; } void SetHitEffect(HitEffect* pHE){ this ->m_pHitEffect = pHE; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 | void LiveController::StartLive() { this ->m_CurStatus = LCStatus::Running; GameModule::GetSongSystem()->PlaySong(); this ->m_nScore = 0; this ->m_nCombo = 0; this ->m_nVitality = 32; this ->m_pLiveSceneUI->SetScore(0, 0, false ); this ->m_pLiveSceneUI->SetCombo(0); this ->m_pLiveSceneUI->SetVIT(32, 100); this ->m_pHitEffect->Resume(); this ->m_pLiveSceneUI->Resume(); } void LiveController::PauseLive() { if ( this ->m_CurStatus == LCStatus::Running) { this ->m_CurStatus = LCStatus::Pausing; GameModule::GetSongSystem()->PauseSong(); } this ->m_pHitEffect->Pause(); this ->m_pLiveSceneUI->Pause(); } void LiveController::ResumeLive() { this ->m_CurStatus = LCStatus::Running; GameModule::GetSongSystem()->ResumeSong(); this ->m_pHitEffect->Resume(); this ->m_pLiveSceneUI->Resume(); } void LiveController::RestartLive() { GameModule::GetSongSystem()->StopSong(); GameModule::GetSongData()->ResetHitStatus(); for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { this ->m_CurIndexes[i] = 0; this ->m_pHitEffect->StopStripEffect(i); } this ->StartLive(); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | void LiveController::Update() { // ... // // Miss判定 // auto curObj = &columeData->at(bottomIndex); if (GameModule::GetHitJudger()->JudgeMiss(songData->GetJudgement(), curTime, curObj)) { curObj->Enabled = false ; GameModule::GetSongSystem()->PlayHitSound(HitJudgeType::Miss, i); this ->ComputeScore(HitJudgeType::Miss, curObj); if (bottomIndex > 0) { bottomIndex--; } if (curObj->Type == BeatObjectType::Strip) { this ->m_pHitEffect->StopStripEffect(i); } } // // ... } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | void LiveController::HitButtonsOnEvent( int pColume, bool pIsPress) { // ... // if (pIsPress) { result = judger->JudgeHead(songData->GetJudgement(), curTime, objData); if (result != HitJudgeType::None) { if (objData->Type == BeatObjectType::Block) { objData->Enabled = false ; this ->m_pHitEffect->PlayBlockEffect(pColume); } else { objData->HeadHitted = true ; this ->m_pHitEffect->PlayStripEffect(pColume); } } } else if (objData->Type == BeatObjectType::Strip && objData->HeadHitted) { result = judger->JudgeTail(songData->GetJudgement(), curTime, objData); objData->Enabled = false ; this ->m_pHitEffect->StopStripEffect(pColume); this ->m_pHitEffect->PlayBlockEffect(pColume); } GameModule::GetSongSystem()->PlayHitSound(result, pColume); this ->ComputeScore(result, objData); } |
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