一些最近用到的Mac OSX 命令


smbutil [-hv] command [-options] [args]

描述:smbutil用来控制SMB requester 以及执行不同的命令


  help command


    lookup [-w host] [-t node_type] [-e] name

  将name转变为IP地址。NetBIOS名称服务可以通过 -w选项直接指定(直译不是很懂),NetBIOS名字类型可以被指定通过-t,名人情况是lookup文件

servers. For a complete list of name type please see "http://support.microsoft.com/kb/163409".

NetBIOS名字将会被丢弃如果-e option被指定(是丢弃么,什么叫unpercent escaped)

(泥马啊~~~~The NetBIOS names will be unpercent escaped out if the -e option is specified.)

view [-options] //[domain;][user[password]@] server


-A authorize only.
-N don't prompt for a password.
-G allow guest access.
-g authorize with guest only.
-a authorize with anonymous only.
-f don't share session.

identity [-N] //[domain;][user[password]@] server
Display the user's identity as known by the server for the authenti
cated session. Will not prompt for a password if the -N option is specified.

dfs smb://[domain;][user[:password]@]server/DfsRoot[/DfsLink]
Display the Dfs referrals for this URL for the authenticated sessio
n .



smbutil view -NG //MyServer.pio.com
Share Type Comments
Groups Disk
Developer Disk
IPC$ Pipe
Users Disk

4 shares listed




mount_afp -- mount an afp (AppleShare) filesystem

mount_afp [-i] [-s] [-k] [-o options] afp_url node

The mount_afp command mounts the AFP volume denoted by the afp_url afp://[u
ser[;AUTH=uamname][:password]@]host[:port]/volumename at the mount point indicat
ed by node.

This command is normally executed by mount(8) when the -t afp option is use
d. If the -i option is not used, all the required information to establish a log
in to the remote server must be available in the
afp URL, including username & password if needed.

The arguments and options are:

-i Interactive mode, you are prompted for the password if you did not
supply one in the url.
-s Soft mount (default). Network errors, e.g. timeouts, will be retri
ed for a much shorter amount of time. If the network errors persist, then the m
ount will be force unmounted.
-k Hard mount. Network errors, e.g. timeouts, will be retried for an
extended amount of time. If the network errors persist, then the mount will be
force unmounted.
-o Options passed to mount(2) are specified with the -o option followe
d by a comma separated string of options. See the mount(8) man page for possible
options and their meanings. Additional options
supported by the AFP Client are as follows:
Indicate to the Carbon subsystem that this volume is not to
be displayed to the user.
Set flags on the mountpoint to indicate that the volume has
been mounted by the automounter.
There are two forms of afp URL, one for TCP/IP and one for AppleTal
Denotes the afp server and sharepoint to mount. It may also contain
the username & password required to log into the server. uamname is the protoco
l name of the authentication method. If port is
not specified, then port 548 is used.
node Path to mount point, which must be a directory that the user has wr
ite permissions for.
The following example illustrates how to mount the afp volume server.compan
y.com/volumename/ at the mount point /Volumes/mntpnt:
mkdir /Volumes/mntpnt
mount_afp afp://username:userpass@server.company.com/volumename/ /Vol
This example shows the proper url to use to mount the volume guestVolume fr
om the afp server myserver as guest (if no uam and no username, then use guest u
mkdir /Volumes/guest
mount_afp "afp://myserver/guestVolume" /Volumes/guest
This example shows the proper url to use to mount the volume myVolume from
the afp server myserver using Kerberos authentication:
mkdir /Volumes/myVolume
mount_afp "afp://;AUTH=Client%20Krb%20v2@myserver/myVolume" /Volumes/
mount(2), unmount(2), mount(8)
The mount_afp command first appeared Mac OS X version 10.0. Kerberos authen
tication was added in Mac OS X version 10.2
0 mount_afp successfully mounted the volume directory.
[ENODEV (19)] The server volume could not be mounted by mount_afp beca
use the server was not found or because the sharepoint does not exist, or becaus
e node does not have proper access.
[EACCES (13)] The volume could not be mounted by mount_afp because the
user did not provide proper authentication credentials.
[ENOTDIR (20)] The volume could not be mounted by mount_afp because the
mountpoint was not a directory.
Mac OS X May 8, 2002 Mac OS X

不过要记住以客户身份登陆时要用:afp://;AUTH=NO%20USER%20AUTHEN@MyServer.pio.com/Users “Users”自己改



posted @ 2013-01-05 09:29  I_O_S  阅读(1267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报