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      A PDB File (.pdb) holds debugging and project state information that allows incremental linking of a debuug configuration  of   your program.  A PDB file is created  when  you  compile a  c/c++ program with /ZI or  /Zi or a vb/c# program with /debug.
    The Visual Studio debugger uses the project.pdb file created by the linker directly and embeds the absolute path to the pdc in the exe or dll file. If  the  debugger  can't  find the pdb file at  the location or if the path is valid(For example, if the project was moved to anthor computer),the debugger searches the path containing the exe, the Symbol Path specified in the solution's property pages(Common Properties folder,Debug Symbol Files Page).
posted on 2005-09-18 21:15  海盗  阅读(1581)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报