




private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(PoolThreadCache.class);

// 所指向的arena
final PoolArena<byte[]> heapArena;
final PoolArena<ByteBuffer> directArena;

// Hold the caches for the different size classes, which are tiny, small and normal.
// 分别是不同情况下的small tiny normal存储数组
private final MemoryRegionCache<byte[]>[] tinySubPageHeapCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<byte[]>[] smallSubPageHeapCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<ByteBuffer>[] tinySubPageDirectCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<ByteBuffer>[] smallSubPageDirectCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<byte[]>[] normalHeapCaches;
private final MemoryRegionCache<ByteBuffer>[] normalDirectCaches;

// Used for bitshifting when calculate the index of normal caches later
private final int numShiftsNormalDirect;
private final int numShiftsNormalHeap;
// 分配次数的阈值,超过则需要进行trim
private final int freeSweepAllocationThreshold;
// 分配的次数,每一次分配会加一
private int allocations;



    // tiny 512 small 256 normal 64
    // 这三个值是队列的最长长度  xxCacheSize
    // tiny 32 small 4 normal 16
    // 这三个值是各自的取值个数  numxxSubpagePools
    PoolThreadCache(PoolArena<byte[]> heapArena, PoolArena<ByteBuffer> directArena,
                    int tinyCacheSize, int smallCacheSize, int normalCacheSize,
                    int maxCachedBufferCapacity, int freeSweepAllocationThreshold) {

        // 初始化数组,并且将对应的线程引用计数加一
        if (directArena != null) {
        if (heapArena != null) {
            // Create the caches for the heap allocations
            tinySubPageHeapCaches = createSubPageCaches(
                    tinyCacheSize, PoolArena.numTinySubpagePools, SizeClass.Tiny);
            //  numSmallSubpagePools = pageShifts - 9; pageShifts等于page的偏移量,在pbba的validateAndCalculatePageShifts函数中
            smallSubPageHeapCaches = createSubPageCaches(
                    smallCacheSize, heapArena.numSmallSubpagePools, SizeClass.Small);

            numShiftsNormalHeap = log2(heapArena.pageSize);
            normalHeapCaches = createNormalCaches(
                    normalCacheSize, maxCachedBufferCapacity, heapArena);
			// 引用计数加一
        } else {
            // No heapArea is configured so just null out all caches
            tinySubPageHeapCaches = null;
            smallSubPageHeapCaches = null;
            normalHeapCaches = null;
            numShiftsNormalHeap = -1;

        // Only check if there are caches in use.
        if ((tinySubPageDirectCaches != null || smallSubPageDirectCaches != null || normalDirectCaches != null
                || tinySubPageHeapCaches != null || smallSubPageHeapCaches != null || normalHeapCaches != null)
                && freeSweepAllocationThreshold < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("freeSweepAllocationThreshold: "
                    + freeSweepAllocationThreshold + " (expected: > 0)");





16B  -- TinyCache[1]  -- (Buf512-...-Buf3-Buf2-Buf1)
32B  -- TinyCache[2]  -- ()
496B -- TinyCache[31] -- (Buf2-Buf1)
512B -- SmallCache[0] -- (Buf256-...-Buf3-Buf2-Buf1)
8KB  -- NormalCache[0] - (Buf64 -...-Buf3-Buf2-Buf1)








标准化capacity -- 计算对应偏移量 -- 找到制定的MemoryRegionCache队列 -- 加入队列中

 * Add {@link PoolChunk} and {@code handle} to the cache if there is enough room.
 * Returns {@code true} if it fit into the cache {@code false} otherwise.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
boolean add(PoolArena<?> area, PoolChunk chunk, long handle, int normCapacity, SizeClass sizeClass) {
    MemoryRegionCache<?> cache = cache(area, normCapacity, sizeClass);
    if (cache == null) {
        return false;
    return cache.add(chunk, handle);

  private MemoryRegionCache<?> cache(PoolArena<?> area, int normCapacity, SizeClass sizeClass) {
        switch (sizeClass) {
        case Normal:
            return cacheForNormal(area, normCapacity);
        case Small:
            return cacheForSmall(area, normCapacity);
        case Tiny:
            return cacheForTiny(area, normCapacity);
            throw new Error();

  private MemoryRegionCache<?> cacheForTiny(PoolArena<?> area, int normCapacity) {
        int idx = PoolArena.tinyIdx(normCapacity);
        if (area.isDirect()) {
            return cache(tinySubPageDirectCaches, idx);
        return cache(tinySubPageHeapCaches, idx);
         * Add to cache if not already full.
        public final boolean add(PoolChunk<T> chunk, long handle) {
            Entry<T> entry = newEntry(chunk, handle);
            boolean queued = queue.offer(entry);
            if (!queued) {
                // If it was not possible to cache the chunk, immediately recycle the entry

            return queued;




  • queue队列是MpscArrayQueue
  • 分配次数限制来控制空间利用率,从而触发释放机制


 private abstract static class MemoryRegionCache<T> {
        // 队列最大的长度    
        private final int size;
        // 内部缓存的mpsc队列
        private final Queue<Entry<T>> queue;
        // 缓存内存的大小类别,Tiny/Small/Normal
        private final SizeClass sizeClass;
        // 分配的次数
        private int allocations;

        MemoryRegionCache(int size, SizeClass sizeClass) {
        // 给指定的pooledByteBuf分配空间信息
        protected abstract void initBuf(PoolChunk<T> chunk, long handle,
                                        PooledByteBuf<T> buf, int reqCapacity);
      // 缓存空间,一般arena缓存会先调用这个来进行存储空间
         * Add to cache if not already full.
        public final boolean add(PoolChunk<T> chunk, long handle) {
            Entry<T> entry = newEntry(chunk, handle);
            boolean queued = queue.offer(entry);
            if (!queued) {
                // If it was not possible to cache the chunk, immediately recycle the entry

            return queued;
        // 分配空间,从队列中获取
         * Allocate something out of the cache if possible and remove the entry from the cache.
        public final boolean allocate(PooledByteBuf<T> buf, int reqCapacity) {
            Entry<T> entry = queue.poll();
            if (entry == null) {
                return false;
            initBuf(entry.chunk, entry.handle, buf, reqCapacity);

            // allocations is not thread-safe which is fine as this is only called from the same thread all time.
            ++ allocations;
            return true;
        // 回收释放缓存
         * Free up cached {@link PoolChunk}s if not allocated frequently enough.
        public final void trim() {
            int free = size - allocations;
            allocations = 0;

            // We not even allocated all the number that are
            if (free > 0) {
         * Clear out this cache and free up all previous cached {@link PoolChunk}s and {@code handle}s.
        public final int free() {
            return free(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        private int free(int max) {
            int numFreed = 0;
            for (; numFreed < max; numFreed++) {
                Entry<T> entry = queue.poll();
                if (entry != null) {
                } else {
                    // all cleared
                    return numFreed;
            return numFreed;
      @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
        private  void freeEntry(Entry entry) {
            PoolChunk chunk = entry.chunk;
            long handle = entry.handle;
            // 回收entry
            // recycle now so PoolChunk can be GC'ed.
			// 释放内存空间
            chunk.arena.freeChunk(chunk, handle, sizeClass);


  • 缓存的所分配空间的基础信息,从而能利用这些信息重新进行initBuf
 // 队列存储的内部对象,主要是存放所分配内存指向的chunk以及其handle参数(这里所指代的是内存偏移量),Recycle用来回收
     static final class Entry<T> {
            final Handle<Entry<?>> recyclerHandle;
            PoolChunk<T> chunk;
            long handle = -1;

            Entry(Handle<Entry<?>> recyclerHandle) {
                this.recyclerHandle = recyclerHandle;

            void recycle() {
                chunk = null;
                handle = -1;

        private static Entry newEntry(PoolChunk<?> chunk, long handle) {
            Entry entry = RECYCLER.get();
            entry.chunk = chunk;
            entry.handle = handle;
            return entry;

        private static final Recycler<Entry> RECYCLER = new Recycler<Entry>() {
            protected Entry newObject(Handle<Entry> handle) {
                return new Entry(handle);



当分配的空间大小小于pagesize=8k,那么认为是tiny and small。











  • 任务对象设为 受监控的线程 以及 断开时需要执行任务 ,设为一个单元

  • 全部只有一个守护线程不断循环进行任务分发,当无任务关闭线程。通过一个started变量来控制,由于只需要保证原子性,不需要设为volatile,通过CAS进行操作即可

  • 任务队列设为mpmc,保证有其他线程可以访问任务量

  • 内部通过arraylist进行任务轮询,因为当某线程unwatch任务时候,通过是加入mpmc队列中,这时候该队列中有两个任务内容,内部轮询时发现unwatch时可以对arraylist执行remove操作。所以重写任务的equal函数。

 * Checks if a thread is alive periodically and runs a task when a thread dies.
 * <p>
 * This thread starts a daemon thread to check the state of the threads being watched and to invoke their
 * associated {@link Runnable}s.  When there is no thread to watch (i.e. all threads are dead), the daemon thread
 * will terminate itself, and a new daemon thread will be started again when a new watch is added.
 * </p>
 * @deprecated will be removed in the next major release
public final class ThreadDeathWatcher {

    private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(ThreadDeathWatcher.class);
    // visible for testing
    static final ThreadFactory threadFactory;

    // Use a MPMC queue as we may end up checking isEmpty() from multiple threads which may not be allowed to do
    // concurrently depending on the implementation of it in a MPSC queue.
    private static final Queue<Entry> pendingEntries = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Entry>();
    private static final Watcher watcher = new Watcher();
    private static final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean();
    private static volatile Thread watcherThread;

    static {
        String poolName = "threadDeathWatcher";
        String serviceThreadPrefix = SystemPropertyUtil.get("io.netty.serviceThreadPrefix");
        if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(serviceThreadPrefix)) {
            poolName = serviceThreadPrefix + poolName;
        // because the ThreadDeathWatcher is a singleton, tasks submitted to it can come from arbitrary threads and
        // this can trigger the creation of a thread from arbitrary thread groups; for this reason, the thread factory
        // must not be sticky about its thread group
        threadFactory = new DefaultThreadFactory(poolName, true, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, null);

     * Schedules the specified {@code task} to run when the specified {@code thread} dies.
     * @param thread the {@link Thread} to watch
     * @param task the {@link Runnable} to run when the {@code thread} dies
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code thread} is not alive
    public static void watch(Thread thread, Runnable task) {
        if (thread == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("thread");
        if (task == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("task");
        if (!thread.isAlive()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("thread must be alive.");

        schedule(thread, task, true);

     * Cancels the task scheduled via {@link #watch(Thread, Runnable)}.
    public static void unwatch(Thread thread, Runnable task) {
        if (thread == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("thread");
        if (task == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("task");

        schedule(thread, task, false);

    private static void schedule(Thread thread, Runnable task, boolean isWatch) {
        pendingEntries.add(new Entry(thread, task, isWatch));

        if (started.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            final Thread watcherThread = threadFactory.newThread(watcher);
            // Set to null to ensure we not create classloader leaks by holds a strong reference to the inherited
            // classloader.
            // See:
            // - https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/7290
            // - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7008595
            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
                public Void run() {
                    return null;

            ThreadDeathWatcher.watcherThread = watcherThread;

     * Waits until the thread of this watcher has no threads to watch and terminates itself.
     * Because a new watcher thread will be started again on {@link #watch(Thread, Runnable)},
     * this operation is only useful when you want to ensure that the watcher thread is terminated
     * <strong>after</strong> your application is shut down and there's no chance of calling
     * {@link #watch(Thread, Runnable)} afterwards.
     * @return {@code true} if and only if the watcher thread has been terminated
    public static boolean awaitInactivity(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
        if (unit == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("unit");

        Thread watcherThread = ThreadDeathWatcher.watcherThread;
        if (watcherThread != null) {
            return !watcherThread.isAlive();
        } else {
            return true;

    private ThreadDeathWatcher() { }

    private static final class Watcher implements Runnable {

        private final List<Entry> watchees = new ArrayList<Entry>();

        public void run() {
            for (;;) {

                // Try once again just in case notifyWatchees() triggered watch() or unwatch().

                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
                    // Ignore the interrupt; do not terminate until all tasks are run.

                if (watchees.isEmpty() && pendingEntries.isEmpty()) {

                    // Mark the current worker thread as stopped.
                    // The following CAS must always success and must be uncontended,
                    // because only one watcher thread should be running at the same time.
                    boolean stopped = started.compareAndSet(true, false);
                    assert stopped;

                    // Check if there are pending entries added by watch() while we do CAS above.
                    if (pendingEntries.isEmpty()) {
                        // A) watch() was not invoked and thus there's nothing to handle
                        //    -> safe to terminate because there's nothing left to do
                        // B) a new watcher thread started and handled them all
                        //    -> safe to terminate the new watcher thread will take care the rest

                    // There are pending entries again, added by watch()
                    if (!started.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                        // watch() started a new watcher thread and set 'started' to true.
                        // -> terminate this thread so that the new watcher reads from pendingEntries exclusively.

                    // watch() added an entry, but this worker was faster to set 'started' to true.
                    // i.e. a new watcher thread was not started
                    // -> keep this thread alive to handle the newly added entries.

        private void fetchWatchees() {
            for (;;) {
                Entry e = pendingEntries.poll();
                if (e == null) {

                if (e.isWatch) {
                } else {

        private void notifyWatchees() {
            List<Entry> watchees = this.watchees;
            for (int i = 0; i < watchees.size();) {
                Entry e = watchees.get(i);
                if (!e.thread.isAlive()) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        logger.warn("Thread death watcher task raised an exception:", t);
                } else {
                    i ++;

    private static final class Entry {
        final Thread thread;
        final Runnable task;
        final boolean isWatch;

        Entry(Thread thread, Runnable task, boolean isWatch) {
            this.thread = thread;
            this.task = task;
            this.isWatch = isWatch;

        public int hashCode() {
            return thread.hashCode() ^ task.hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj == this) {
                return true;

            if (!(obj instanceof Entry)) {
                return false;

            Entry that = (Entry) obj;
            return thread == that.thread && task == that.task;




ObjectCleaner does start a Thread to handle the cleaning of resources which leaks into the users application. We should not use it in netty itself to make things more predictable.

    /// TODO: In the future when we move to Java9+ we should use java.lang.ref.Cleaner.
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        try {
        } finally {
posted @ 2019-02-15 18:23  Grim_Reaper  阅读(538)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报