

ONNX是一种针对机器学习所设计的开放式的文件格式,用于存储训练好的模型。它使得不同的人工智能框架(如Pytorch, MXNet)可以采用相同格式存储模型数据并交互。 ONNX的规范及代码主要由微软,亚马逊 ,Facebook 和 IBM 等公司共同开发,以开放源代码的方式托管在Github上。目前官方支持加载ONNX模型并进行推理的深度学习框架有: Caffe2, PyTorch, MXNet,ML.NET,TensorRT 和 Microsoft CNTK,并且 TensorFlow 也非官方的支持ONNX。---维基百科

看了上面的引用 大家应该知道了 这个其实是个文件格式用来存储训练好的模型,所以我这篇帖子既然是做表情识别那肯定是需要有个能识别表情的模型。有了这个模型我们就可以根据图片上的人物,进行表情的识别判断了。


这就是uwp api文档 开头就是AI的

我其实是个小白 所以我就直接拿官方的一个demo的简化版来进行讲解了,官方的demo演示如下。

这个app就是通过摄像头读取每一帧 进行和模型匹配得出结果的





我把官方项目简化了 所以只留下了识别后的文本移除了一些依赖的库


 private async void Current_SoftwareBitmapFrameCaptured(object sender, SoftwareBitmapEventArgs e)
            Debug.WriteLine($"Frame evaluation started {DateTime.Now}" );
            if (e.SoftwareBitmap != null)
                BitmapPixelFormat bpf = e.SoftwareBitmap.BitmapPixelFormat;

                var uncroppedBitmap = SoftwareBitmap.Convert(e.SoftwareBitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.Nv12);
                var faces = await _faceDetector.DetectFacesAsync(uncroppedBitmap);
                if (faces.Count > 0)
                    //crop image to focus on face portion
                    var faceBox = faces[0].FaceBox;
                    VideoFrame inputFrame = VideoFrame.CreateWithSoftwareBitmap(e.SoftwareBitmap);
                    VideoFrame tmp = null;
                    tmp = new VideoFrame(e.SoftwareBitmap.BitmapPixelFormat, (int)(faceBox.Width + faceBox.Width % 2) - 2, (int)(faceBox.Height + faceBox.Height % 2) - 2);
                    await inputFrame.CopyToAsync(tmp, faceBox, null);

                    //crop image to fit model input requirements
                    VideoFrame croppedInputImage = new VideoFrame(BitmapPixelFormat.Gray8, (int)_inputImageDescriptor.Shape[3], (int)_inputImageDescriptor.Shape[2]);
                    var srcBounds = GetCropBounds(
                    await tmp.CopyToAsync(croppedInputImage, srcBounds, null);

                    ImageFeatureValue imageTensor = ImageFeatureValue.CreateFromVideoFrame(croppedInputImage);

                    _binding = new LearningModelBinding(_session);

                    TensorFloat outputTensor = TensorFloat.Create(_outputTensorDescriptor.Shape);
                    List<float> _outputVariableList = new List<float>();

                    // Bind inputs + outputs
                    _binding.Bind(_inputImageDescriptor.Name, imageTensor);
                    _binding.Bind(_outputTensorDescriptor.Name, outputTensor);

                    // Evaluate results
                    var results = await _session.EvaluateAsync(_binding, new Guid().ToString());

                    Debug.WriteLine("ResultsEvaluated: " + results.ToString());

                    var outputTensorList = outputTensor.GetAsVectorView();
                    var resultsList = new List<float>(outputTensorList.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < outputTensorList.Count; i++)

                    var softMaxexOutputs = SoftMax(resultsList);

                    double maxProb = 0;
                    int maxIndex = 0;

                    // Comb through the evaluation results
                    for (int i = 0; i < Constants.POTENTIAL_EMOJI_NAME_LIST.Count(); i++)
                        // Record the dominant emotion probability & its location
                        if (softMaxexOutputs[i] > maxProb)
                            maxIndex = i;
                            maxProb = softMaxexOutputs[i];

                    Debug.WriteLine($"Probability = {maxProb}, Threshold set to = {Constants.CLASSIFICATION_CERTAINTY_THRESHOLD}, Emotion = {Constants.POTENTIAL_EMOJI_NAME_LIST[maxIndex]}");

                    // For evaluations run on the MainPage, update the emoji carousel
                    if (maxProb >= Constants.CLASSIFICATION_CERTAINTY_THRESHOLD)
                        Debug.WriteLine("first page emoji should start to update");
                        IntelligenceServiceEmotionClassified?.Invoke(this, new ClassifiedEmojiEventArgs(CurrentEmojis._emojis.Emojis[maxIndex]));

                    // Dispose of resources
                    if (e.SoftwareBitmap != null)
                        e.SoftwareBitmap = null;
            IntelligenceServiceProcessingCompleted?.Invoke(this, null);
            Debug.WriteLine($"Frame evaluation finished {DateTime.Now}");

        //WinML team function
        private List<float> SoftMax(List<float> inputs)
            List<float> inputsExp = new List<float>();
            float inputsExpSum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                var input = inputs[i];
                inputsExpSum += inputsExp[i];
            inputsExpSum = inputsExpSum == 0 ? 1 : inputsExpSum;
            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                inputsExp[i] /= inputsExpSum;
            return inputsExp;

        public static BitmapBounds GetCropBounds(int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int targetWidth, int targetHeight)
            var modelHeight = targetHeight;
            var modelWidth = targetWidth;
            BitmapBounds bounds = new BitmapBounds();
            // we need to recalculate the crop bounds in order to correctly center-crop the input image
            float flRequiredAspectRatio = (float)modelWidth / modelHeight;

            if (flRequiredAspectRatio * srcHeight > (float)srcWidth)
                // clip on the y axis
                bounds.Height = (uint)Math.Min((srcWidth / flRequiredAspectRatio + 0.5f), srcHeight);
                bounds.Width = (uint)srcWidth;
                bounds.X = 0;
                bounds.Y = (uint)(srcHeight - bounds.Height) / 2;
            else // clip on the x axis
                bounds.Width = (uint)Math.Min((flRequiredAspectRatio * srcHeight + 0.5f), srcWidth);
                bounds.Height = (uint)srcHeight;
                bounds.X = (uint)(srcWidth - bounds.Width) / 2; ;
                bounds.Y = 0;
            return bounds;


我的简化版的代码 地址如下


特别感谢 Windows Community Toolkit Sample App提供的摄像头辅助类

商店搜索 Windows Community Toolkit Sample App就能下载

讲的不好的地方 希望大家给与批评

posted @ 2020-02-07 22:59  绿荫阿广  阅读(637)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报