1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # encoding: utf-8 3 4 from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker 5 from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray 6 import rospy 7 import math 8 from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped, PoseStamped 9 import actionlib 10 from move_base_msgs.msg import * 11 12 #到达目标点成功或失败的回调函数,输入参数:[3:成功, 其它:失败](4:ABORTED) 13 def pose_callback(msg): 14 global try_again, index, try_again, index 15 if msg.status.status == 3 and count>0 : #成功到达任意目标点,前往下一目标点 16 try_again = 1 #允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 17 18 #count表示当前目标点计数,index表示已完成的目标点计数 19 if index == count: #当index等于count时,表示所有目标点完成,重新开始巡航 20 print ('Reach the target point '+str(index-1)+'.') 21 if count>1: print 'Complete instructions!' #只有一个目标点不算巡航 22 index = 0; 23 pose = PoseStamped() 24 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' 25 pose.header.stamp = 26 pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x 27 pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y 28 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 29 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 30 goal_pub.publish(pose) 31 index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 32 elif index < count: #当index小于count时,表示还未完成所有目标点,目标巡航未完成 33 print ('Reach the target point '+str(index-1)+'.') 34 pose = PoseStamped() 35 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' 36 pose.header.stamp = 37 pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x 38 pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y 39 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 40 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 41 goal_pub.publish(pose) 42 index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 43 44 elif count>0: #未抵达设定的目标点 45 rospy.logwarn('Can not reach the target point '+str(index-1)+'.') 46 47 #如果未尝试过前往尚未抵达的目标点,则尝试前往尚未抵达的目标点 48 if try_again == 1: 49 rospy.logwarn('trying reach the target point '+str(index-1)+' again!') 50 pose = PoseStamped() 51 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' 52 pose.header.stamp = 53 pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index - 1].pose.position.x 54 pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index - 1].pose.position.y 55 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 56 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 57 goal_pub.publish(pose) 58 try_again = 0 #不允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 59 60 #如果已经尝试过前往尚未抵达的目标点,则前往下一个目标点 61 elif index < len(markerArray.markers): #若还未完成目标点 62 rospy.logwarn('try reach the target point '+str(index-1)+' failed! reach next point.') 63 if index==count: index=0 #如果下一个目标点序号为count,说明当前目标点为最后一个目标点,下一个目标点序号应该设置为0 64 pose = PoseStamped() 65 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' 66 pose.header.stamp = 67 pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x 68 pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y 69 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 70 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 71 goal_pub.publish(pose) 72 index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 73 try_again = 1 #允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 74 75 #rviz内标记按下的回调函数,输入参数:按下的位置[x, y, z=0] 76 def press_callback(msg): 77 global index, count 78 79 print('Add a new target point '+str(count)+'.') 80 marker = Marker() #创建marker对象 81 marker.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 82 marker.type = marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING #一直面向屏幕的字符格式 83 marker.action = marker.ADD #添加marker 84 marker.scale.x = 1 #marker大小 85 marker.scale.y = 1 #marker大小 86 marker.scale.z = 1 #marker大小,对于字符只有z起作用 87 marker.color.a = 1 #字符透明度 88 marker.color.r = 1 #字符颜色R(红色)通道 89 marker.color.g = 0 #字符颜色G(绿色)通道 90 marker.color.b = 0 #字符颜色B(蓝色)通道 91 marker.pose.position.x = msg.point.x #字符位置 92 marker.pose.position.y = msg.point.y #字符位置 93 marker.pose.position.z = msg.point.z #字符位置 94 marker.text = str(count) #字符内容 95 markerArray.markers.append(marker) #添加元素进数组 96 97 #markers的id不能一样,否则rviz只会识别最后一个元素 98 id = 0 99 for m in markerArray.markers: #遍历marker分别给id赋值 100 = id 101 id += 1 102 103 mark_pub.publish(markerArray) #发布markerArray,rviz订阅并进行可视化 104 105 #第一次添加marker时直接发布目标点 106 if count == 0: 107 pose = PoseStamped() #创建目标点对象 108 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 109 pose.header.stamp = 110 pose.pose.position.x = msg.point.x #目标点位置 111 pose.pose.position.y = msg.point.y #目标点位置 112 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 #四元数,到达目标点后小车的方向,z=sin(angle/2) 113 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 #四元数,到达目标点后小车的方向,w=cos(angle/2) 114 goal_pub.publish(pose) 115 index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 116 117 count += 1 #有几个目标点 118 119 def send_mark(): 120 global markerArray, count, index, try_again, mark_pub, goal_pub 121 markerArray = MarkerArray() #目标点标记数组 122 count = 0 123 index = 0 124 try_again = 1 125 rospy.init_node('path_point_demo') #初始化节点 126 mark_pub = rospy.Publisher('/path_point', MarkerArray, queue_size = 100) #用于发布目标点标记 127 click_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/clicked_point', PointStamped, press_callback) #订阅rviz内标记按下的位置 128 goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size = 1) #用于发布目标点 129 goal_status_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, pose_callback) #用于订阅是否到达目标点状态 130 rospy.spin() 131 132 if __name__ == '__main__': 133 send_mark()
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker #引入RVIZ可视化功能包的Marker标记消息 from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray #标记数组 import rospy #Python的ROS库 import math #浮点数数学运算函数模块 from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped, PoseStamped #几何基元功能包(点、矢量、姿势)的点坐标定义、姿态消息定义 import actionlib #service/client功能包 from move_base_msgs.msg import * #路径规划功能包
from…import * 语句与 import 区别
import 导入模块,相当于导入文件夹,相对路径。
from import 导入模块中的函数,相当于导入文件夹中的文件,绝对路径
import A import* 直接使用A里面的所有function,class
if __name__ == '__main__': send_mark()#执行函数
if __name__ == '__main__' :的作用
if __name__=="__main__": 语句之前和之后的代码都被执行。
import 执行.py文件则只执行语句之后的代码。
def send_mark(): global markerArray, count, index, try_again, mark_pub, goal_pub #全局变量声明 markerArray = MarkerArray() #创建目标点标记数组 count = 0 #当前目标点 index = 0 #正在前往目标点 try_again = 1 #前往目标点失败标志位 rospy.init_node('path_point_demo') #初始化节点 在navigation.launch里面重命名为了:send_mark mark_pub = rospy.Publisher('/path_point', MarkerArray, queue_size = 100) #用于发布目标点标记 click_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/clicked_point', PointStamped, press_callback) #订阅rviz内标记按下的位置 goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size = 1) #用于发布目标点 goal_status_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, pose_callback) #用于订阅是否到达目标点状态 rospy.spin()
ROS Publishers 发布者
pub1 = rospy.Publisher(“/topic_name”, message_type, queue_size=size)
ROS Subscriber 订阅者
sub1 = rospy.Subscriber(“/topic_name”, message_type, callback_function)
“/ topic_name”表示订阅者应该订阅哪个主题。
message_type 是在 “/ topic_name”上发布的消息的类型。
def press_callback(msg): global index, count print('Add a new target point '+str(count)+'.') marker = Marker() #创建marker对象,RVIZ显示的数字 marker.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 已知click_point已map为原点 marker.type = marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING #一直面向屏幕的字符格式 marker.action = marker.ADD #添加marker marker.scale.x = 1 #marker大小 marker.scale.y = 1 #marker大小 marker.scale.z = 1 #marker大小,对于字符只有z起作用 字符的倍数 marker.color.a = 1 #字符透明度 0-1之间设置 marker.color.r = 1 #字符颜色R(红色)通道 marker.color.g = 0 #字符颜色G(绿色)通道 marker.color.b = 0 #字符颜色B(蓝色)通道 marker.pose.position.x = msg.point.x #字符位置 marker.pose.position.y = msg.point.y #字符位置 marker.pose.position.z = msg.point.z #字符位置 marker.text = str(count) #字符内容 markerArray.markers.append(marker) #添加元素进数组 #markers的id不能一样,否则rviz只会识别最后一个元素 id = 0 for m in markerArray.markers: #遍历marker分别给id赋值 = id id += 1 mark_pub.publish(markerArray) #发布markerArray,rviz订阅并进行可视化 #第一次添加marker时直接发布目标点 if count == 0: pose = PoseStamped() #创建目标点对象 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 pose.header.stamp =时间戳设置为当前时间 pose.pose.position.x = msg.point.x #目标点位置 pose.pose.position.y = msg.point.y #目标点位置 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 #四元数,到达目标点后小车的方向,z=sin(angle/2) pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 #四元数,到达目标点后小车的方向,w=cos(angle/2) goal_pub.publish(pose) #目标点发布 index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 count += 1 #有几个目标点
输入参数:按下的位置[x, y, z=0]
def pose_callback(msg): global try_again, index, try_again, index if msg.status.status == 3 and count>0 : #成功到达任意目标点,且已经发布过目标点,前往下一目标点 try_again = 1 #允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 #count表示当前目标点计数,index表示已完成的目标点计数 if index == count: #当index等于count时,表示所有目标点完成,重新开始巡航 print ('Reach the target point '+str(index-1)+'.') if count>1: print 'Complete instructions!' #只有一个目标点不算巡航 index = 0; pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 elif index < count: #当index小于count时,表示还未完成所有目标点,目标巡航未完成 print ('Reach the target point '+str(index-1)+'.') pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 elif count>0: #未抵达设定的目标点 rospy.logwarn('Can not reach the target point '+str(index-1)+'.') #如果未尝试过前往尚未抵达的目标点,则尝试前往尚未抵达的目标点 if try_again == 1: rospy.logwarn('trying reach the target point '+str(index-1)+' again!') pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index - 1].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index - 1].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 goal_pub.publish(pose) try_again = 0 #不允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 #如果已经尝试过前往尚未抵达的目标点,则前往下一个目标点 elif index < len(markerArray.markers): #若还未完成目标点 rospy.logwarn('try reach the target point '+str(index-1)+' failed! reach next point.') if index==count: index=0 #如果下一个目标点序号为count,说明当前目标点为最后一个目标点,下一个目标点序号应该设置为0 pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 try_again = 1 #允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点
输入参数:3 成功 其他 失败
启动导航后,打开rviz,编辑【2D NavolGoal】发布的话题名称为【/send_mark_goal】,然后使用【2D NavolGoal】进行多点导航即可。

#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray import rospy import math from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped, PoseStamped import actionlib from move_base_msgs.msg import * import sys, select, termios, tty #到达目标点成功或失败的回调函数,输入参数:[3:成功, 其它:失败](4:ABORTED) def pose_callback(msg): global try_again, index, try_again, index if msg.status.status == 3 and count>0 : #成功到达任意目标点,前往下一目标点 try_again = 1 #允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 #count表示当前目标点计数,index表示已完成的目标点计数 if index == count: #当index等于count时,表示所有目标点完成,重新开始巡航 print ('Reach the target point '+str(index-1)+':') print('x:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.x)+ ', y:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.y)+ ', z:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.z)+ ', w:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.w)) if count>1: print 'Complete instructions!' #只有一个目标点不算巡航 index = 0; pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = markerArray.markers[index].pose.orientation.z pose.pose.orientation.w = markerArray.markers[index].pose.orientation.w goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 elif index < count: #当index小于count时,表示还未完成所有目标点,目标巡航未完成 print ('Reach the target point '+str(index-1)+':') print('x:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.x)+ ', y:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.y)+ ', z:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.z)+ ', w:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.w)) pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = markerArray.markers[index].pose.orientation.z pose.pose.orientation.w = markerArray.markers[index].pose.orientation.w goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 elif count>0: #未抵达设定的目标点 rospy.logwarn('Can not reach the target point '+str(index-1)+':'+'\r\n'+ 'x:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.x)+ ', y:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.y)+ ', z:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.z)+ ', w:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.w)) #如果未尝试过前往尚未抵达的目标点,则尝试前往尚未抵达的目标点 if try_again == 1: rospy.logwarn('trying reach the target point '+str(index-1)+' again!'+'\r\n'+ 'x:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.x)+ ', y:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.y)+ ', z:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.z)+ ', w:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.w)) pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index - 1].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index - 1].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.z pose.pose.orientation.w = markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.w goal_pub.publish(pose) try_again = 0 #不允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 #如果已经尝试过前往尚未抵达的目标点,则前往下一个目标点 elif index < len(markerArray.markers): #若还未完成目标点 rospy.logwarn('try reach the target point '+str(index-1)+' failed! reach next point:'+'\r\n'+ 'x:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.x)+ ', y:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.position.y)+ ', z:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.z)+ ', w:'+str(markerArray.markers[index-1].pose.orientation.w)) if index==count: index=0 #如果下一个目标点序号为count,说明当前目标点为最后一个目标点,下一个目标点序号应该设置为0 pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = 'map' pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.x pose.pose.position.y = markerArray.markers[index].pose.position.y pose.pose.orientation.z = markerArray.markers[index].pose.orientation.z pose.pose.orientation.w = markerArray.markers[index].pose.orientation.w goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 try_again = 1 #允许再次尝试前往尚未抵达的该目标点 #rviz内NavGoal标记按下的回调函数,输入参数:按下的位置[x, y, z=0] def navGoal_callback(msg): global index, count print('Add a new target point '+str(count)+':') print('x:'+str(msg.pose.position.x)+ ', y:'+str(msg.pose.position.y)+ ', z:'+str(msg.pose.orientation.z)+ ', w:'+str(msg.pose.orientation.w)) marker = Marker() #创建marker对象 marker.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 marker.type = marker.ARROW#TEXT_VIEW_FACING #一直面向屏幕的字符格式 marker.action = marker.ADD #添加marker marker.scale.x = 0.5 #marker大小 marker.scale.y = 0.05 #marker大小 marker.scale.z = 0.05 #marker大小,对于字符只有z起作用 marker.color.a = 1 #字符透明度 marker.color.r = 1 #字符颜色R(红色)通道 marker.color.g = 0 #字符颜色G(绿色)通道 marker.color.b = 0 #字符颜色B(蓝色)通道 marker.pose.position.x = msg.pose.position.x #字符位置 marker.pose.position.y = msg.pose.position.y #字符位置 marker.pose.position.z = 0.1#msg.position.z #字符位置 marker.pose.orientation.z = msg.pose.orientation.z #字符位置 marker.pose.orientation.w = msg.pose.orientation.w #字符位置 markerArray.markers.append(marker) #添加元素进数组 marker_number = Marker() #创建marker对象 marker_number.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 marker_number.type = marker_number.TEXT_VIEW_FACING #一直面向屏幕的字符格式 marker_number.action = marker_number.ADD #添加marker marker_number.scale.x = 0.5 #marker大小 marker_number.scale.y = 0.5 #marker大小 marker_number.scale.z = 0.5 #marker大小,对于字符只有z起作用 marker_number.color.a = 1 #字符透明度 marker_number.color.r = 1 #字符颜色R(红色)通道 marker_number.color.g = 0 #字符颜色G(绿色)通道 marker_number.color.b = 0 #字符颜色B(蓝色)通道 marker_number.pose.position.x = msg.pose.position.x #字符位置 marker_number.pose.position.y = msg.pose.position.y #字符位置 marker_number.pose.position.z = 0.1#msg.position.z #字符位置 marker_number.pose.orientation.z = msg.pose.orientation.z #字符位置 marker_number.pose.orientation.w = msg.pose.orientation.w #字符位置 marker_number.text = str(count) #字符内容 markerArray_number.markers.append(marker_number) #添加元素进数组 #markers的id不能一样,否则rviz只会识别最后一个元素 id = 0 for m in markerArray.markers: #遍历marker分别给id赋值 = id id += 1 for m in markerArray_number.markers: #遍历marker分别给id赋值 = id id += 1 mark_pub.publish(markerArray) #发布markerArray,rviz订阅并进行可视化 mark_pub.publish(markerArray_number) #发布markerArray,rviz订阅并进行可视化 #第一次添加marker时直接发布目标点 if count == 0: pose = PoseStamped() #创建目标点对象 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = msg.pose.position.x #目标点位置 pose.pose.position.y = msg.pose.position.y #目标点位置 pose.pose.orientation.z = marker.pose.orientation.z pose.pose.orientation.w = marker.pose.orientation.w goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 count += 1 #有几个目标点 #rviz内标记按下的回调函数,输入参数:按下的位置[x, y, z=0] def click_callback(msg): global index, count print('Add a new target point '+str(count)+':') print('x:'+str(msg.point.x)+ ', y:'+str(msg.point.y)+ ', z:0'+', w:1') marker = Marker() #创建marker对象 marker.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 marker.type = marker.ARROW #一直面向屏幕的字符格式 marker.action = marker.ADD #添加marker marker.scale.x = 0.2 #marker大小 marker.scale.y = 0.05 #marker大小 marker.scale.z = 0.05 #marker大小,对于字符只有z起作用 marker.color.a = 1 #字符透明度 marker.color.r = 1 #字符颜色R(红色)通道 marker.color.g = 0 #字符颜色G(绿色)通道 marker.color.b = 0 #字符颜色B(蓝色)通道 marker.pose.position.x = msg.point.x #字符位置 marker.pose.position.y = msg.point.y #字符位置 marker.pose.orientation.z = 0 #字符位置 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 #字符位置 markerArray.markers.append(marker) #添加元素进数组 marker_number = Marker() #创建marker对象 marker_number.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 marker_number.type = marker_number.TEXT_VIEW_FACING #一直面向屏幕的字符格式 marker_number.action = marker_number.ADD #添加marker marker_number.scale.x = 0.5 #marker大小 marker_number.scale.y = 0.5 #marker大小 marker_number.scale.z = 0.5 #marker大小,对于字符只有z起作用 marker_number.color.a = 1 #字符透明度 marker_number.color.r = 1 #字符颜色R(红色)通道 marker_number.color.g = 0 #字符颜色G(绿色)通道 marker_number.color.b = 0 #字符颜色B(蓝色)通道 marker_number.pose.position.x = msg.point.x #字符位置 marker_number.pose.position.y = msg.point.y #字符位置 marker_number.pose.position.z = 0.1 #字符位置 marker_number.pose.orientation.z = 0 #字符位置 marker_number.pose.orientation.w = 1 #字符位置 marker_number.text = str(count) #字符内容 markerArray_number.markers.append(marker_number) #添加元素进数组 #markers的id不能一样,否则rviz只会识别最后一个元素 id = 0 for m in markerArray.markers: #遍历marker分别给id赋值 = id id += 1 for m in markerArray_number.markers: #遍历marker分别给id赋值 = id id += 1 mark_pub.publish(markerArray) #发布markerArray,rviz订阅并进行可视化 mark_pub.publish(markerArray_number) #发布markerArray,rviz订阅并进行可视化 #第一次添加marker时直接发布目标点 if count == 0: pose = PoseStamped() #创建目标点对象 pose.header.frame_id = 'map' #以哪一个TF坐标为原点 pose.header.stamp = pose.pose.position.x = msg.point.x #目标点位置 pose.pose.position.y = msg.point.y #目标点位置 pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 #四元数,到达目标点后小车的方向,z=sin(angle/2) pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 #四元数,到达目标点后小车的方向,w=cos(angle/2) goal_pub.publish(pose) index += 1 #下一次要发布的目标点序号 count += 1 #有几个目标点 #获取键值函数 def getKey(): tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) rlist, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1) if rlist: key = else: key = '' termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings) return key def send_mark(): global markerArray, markerArray_number, count, index, try_again, mark_pub, goal_pub markerArray = MarkerArray() #目标点标记数组 markerArray_number = MarkerArray() #目标点标记数组 count = 0 index = 0 try_again = 1 rospy.init_node('path_point_demo') #初始化节点 mark_pub = rospy.Publisher('/path_point', MarkerArray, queue_size = 100) #用于发布目标点标记 navGoal_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/send_mark_goal', PoseStamped, navGoal_callback) #订阅rviz内标记按下的位置 click_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/clicked_point', PointStamped, click_callback) #订阅rviz内标记按下的位置 goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size = 1) #用于发布目标点 goal_status_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, pose_callback) #用于订阅是否到达目标点状态 while 1: key = getKey() #获取键值 if(key=='c'): #键值为c是清空目标点 count = 0 index = 0 try_again = 1 markerArray = MarkerArray() marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = 'map' marker.type = marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING marker.action = marker.DELETEALL marker.text = '' markerArray.markers.append(marker) for m in markerArray_number.markers: m.action = marker.DELETEALL mark_pub.publish(markerArray) mark_pub.publish(markerArray_number) markerArray = MarkerArray() markerArray_number = MarkerArray() elif (key == '\x03'): #ctrl+c退出 break rospy.spin() if __name__ == '__main__': settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) #获取键值初始化 send_mark()
多点导航每次都要在rviz配置 如何把目标点保存起来
在send_maker.py中添加所要做导航的目标点进行多点导航,将订阅rviz内标记按下的位置这里改成你发布的目标点即可。把sub改成pub 往话题里面发数据即可
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