Feature Preview Only: The Traceview and dmtracedumputilities will be available in an upcoming release of the SDK.提示:The Traceview及dmtracedump工具要在即将发布的下一版本SDK中才能使用。Traceview is a graphical viewer for execution logs saved by your application. The sections below describe how to use the program.Tracevie 阅读全文
1.mksdcard -l sdcard 512M /root/.android/sdcard.img2.在应用程序中加入trace 的开始和结束函数(详细说明参考开发文档) // start tracing to "/sdcard/calc.trace" Debug . startMethodTracing ( "calc" ); --------calc是你要生成的.trace文件的名字 // .. // stop tracing Log.d("lizhenghui","NNNNNNN stop traceview de 阅读全文