create or replace Package_name(paramater1 in type,paramater2 in type,out_message out type) is locate_paramater1 type; locate_paramater2 type; begin begin select sth into locate_paramater1 from table_name where 。。。。 exception when no_data_found then locate_paramater1:=' '; out_message:='Some Information to user to look'; end begin select sth into locate_paramater2 from table_name where 。。。。 exception when no_data_found then locate_paramater2:=' '; out_message:='Some Information to user to look'; end end
create or replace function_name(paramater1 in type,paramater2 in type) return return_type; is locate_paramater1 type; locate_paramater2 type; out_message return_type; begin begin select sth into locate_paramater1 from table_name where 。。。。 exception when no_data_found then locate_paramater1:=' '; out_message:='Some Information to user to look'; return out_message; when others then out_message:='Error'; return out_message; end begin select sth into locate_paramater2 from table_name where 。。。。 exception when no_data_found then locate_paramater2:=' '; out_message:='Some Information to user to look'; return out_message; end end
create or replace procedure inOrUp_Sc_Number(ip_sno in number,ip_courseCount in number) is tempt_count number(4); e_sc_number number(4); begin begin --tab 是一个系统表,存储当前用户下所拥有的表信息 select 1 into e_sc_number from tab where tname='SC_Number'; exception when no_data_found then --注意对私有数据的赋值方式!!!! e_sc_number:=0; when others then dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); return; end; --endOfBegin if e_sc_number=0 then --这个是动态sql,因为在执行这句话之前不知道是否要执行,所以要用动态的 --动态sql的语法:execute immediate 'sql statement' execute immediate 'create table SC_Number(sno number(5) primary key,cnum number(3) )'; execute immediate 'insert into SC_Number select sno,count(*) from sc group by sno'; commit; end if; begin --这个也是动态sql --需要注意的是给动态sql,动态的赋值,=:number useing paramater execute immediate 'select 1 from SC_Number where sno=:1' into tempt_count using trim(ip_sno); exception when no_data_found then tempt_count:=0; when others then dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); return; end; --endOfBegin if tempt_count=1 then begin execute immediate --这个还是动态sql --需要注意的是给动态sql,动态的赋值,=:number useing paramater 'update SC_Number set cnum=:1 where sno=:2'using ip_courseCount,trim(ip_sno); commit; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); return; end; end if; --endOfIf if tempt_count=0 then begin execute immediate --为神马这么多动态sql 'insert into SC_Number values(:1,:2)'using ip_sno,ip_courseCount; commit; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); return; end; end if; --endOfIf end;
create or replace function func_InsetOrUpdateSc(ip_sname in varchar2,ip_cname in varchar2,ip_grade in varchar2) --这个是函数的返回类型 return varchar2 is student_num student.sno%type; course_num course.cno%type; out_messsage varchar2(30);--注意私有数据声明时要标注大小 tempt_count number(4); begin begin select sno into student_num from student where student.snmae=ip_sname; exception when no_data_found then student_num:=''; out_messsage:='No such a Student'; return out_messsage; when others then out_messsage:='Error'; return out_messsage; end; --endOfBegin begin select cno into course_num from course where course.cname=ip_cname; exception when no_data_found then course_num:='';--私有数据的赋值方法和过程类似 out_messsage:='No such a Course'; return out_messsage; when others then out_messsage:='Error'; return out_messsage; end; --endOfBegin begin select 1 into tempt_count from sc where sc.sno=student_num and sc.cno=course_num; exception when no_data_found then tempt_count:=0; when others then out_messsage:='Error'; return out_messsage; end; --endOfBegin if tempt_count=1 then begin update sc set sc.grade=ip_grade where sc.sno=student_num and sc.cno=course_num; --注意下面的commit语句,在update,insert时,不要忘记了哦 commit; out_messsage:='Update Success'; return out_messsage; exception when others then out_messsage:='Error'; return out_messsage; end; end if; --endOfIf if tempt_count=0 then begin insert into sc values(student_num,course_num,ip_grade); commit; out_messsage:='Insert Success!'; return out_messsage; exception when others then out_messsage:='Error'; return out_messsage; end; end if; --endOfIf end;