pat 1144 The Missing Number(20 分)
1144 The Missing Number(20 分)
Given N integers, you are supposed to find the smallest positive integer that is NOT in the given list.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (≤105). Then N integers are given in the next line, separated by spaces. All the numbers are in the range of int.
Output Specification:
Print in a line the smallest positive integer that is missing from the input list.
Sample Input:
5 -25 9 6 1 3 4 2 5 17
Sample Output:
1 #include <map> 2 #include <set> 3 #include <queue> 4 #include <cmath> 5 #include <stack> 6 #include <vector> 7 #include <string> 8 #include <cstdio> 9 #include <cstring> 10 #include <climits> 11 #include <iostream> 12 #include <algorithm> 13 #define wzf ((1 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0) 14 #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f 15 #define LL long long 16 using namespace std; 17 18 const int MAXN = 1e6 + 10; 19 20 int n, A[MAXN] = {0}, a; 21 22 int main() 23 { 24 scanf("%d", &n); 25 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) 26 { 27 scanf("%d", &a); 28 if (a <= 0 || a > MAXN) continue; 29 A[a] = 1; 30 } 31 for (int i = 1; ; ++ i) 32 if (A[i] == 0) 33 { 34 printf("%d\n", i); 35 break; 36 } 37 return 0; 38 }