nyoj 349 (poj 1094) (拓扑排序)

Sorting It All Out

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An ascending sorted sequence of distinct values is one in which some form of a less-than operator is used to order the elements from smallest to largest. For example, the sorted sequence A, B, C, D implies that A < B, B < C and C < D. in this problem, we will give you a set of relations of the form A < B and ask you to determine whether a sorted order has been specified or not.
Input consists of multiple problem instances. Each instance starts with a line containing two positive integers n and m. the first value indicated the number of objects to sort, where 2 <= n <= 26. The objects to be sorted will be the first n characters of the uppercase alphabet. The second value m indicates the number of relations of the form A < B which will be given in this problem instance. Next will be m lines, each containing one such relation consisting of three characters: an uppercase letter, the character "<" and a second uppercase letter. No letter will be outside the range of the first n letters of the alphabet. Values of n = m = 0 indicate end of input.
For each problem instance, output consists of one line. This line should be one of the following three:

Sorted sequence determined after xxx relations: yyy...y.
Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
Inconsistency found after xxx relations.

where xxx is the number of relations processed at the time either a sorted sequence is determined or an inconsistency is found, whichever comes first, and yyy...y is the sorted, ascending sequence.

4 6
3 2
26 1
0 0

Sorted sequence determined after 4 relations: ABCD.
Inconsistency found after 2 relations.
Sorted sequence cannot be determined.


1 /**
2     分析:
3         Ⅰ、数据 n 表示有 n 个字母, 且字母由A开始到 char('A' + n - 1)
4         Ⅱ、 数据 m 表示有 m 个输入, 用来判断是否能够确定前 n 个字符的关系
5         Ⅲ、如果确定其前 n 个字母的先后顺序就输出,同时对后面的数据不做判断
6         Ⅳ、如果能够确定有环的存在也可以不用对后面的数据进行判断 (输出 Inconsistency...)         
7 **/


 1 int topo_sort () {
 2     int flag = 1, temp [30], c = 0, Q[30], in_num, pos;
 3     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
 4         temp [i] = my_in [i];
 5     }
 6     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
 7         in_num = 0;
 8         for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++ j) {
 9             if (!temp [j]) {
10                 pos = j;
11                 in_num ++;
12             }
13         }
14         if (!in_num) return 0; //
15         if (in_num > 1) flag = -1; // 不可能有序,但有可能有环,所以不能return
17         Q [c ++] = pos;
18         temp [pos] = -1;
19         for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++ j) {
20             if (my_map [pos][j] == 1) {
21                 temp [j] --;
22             }
23         } 
24     }
25     return flag;
26 }


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <algorithm>
 3 #include <cstdio>
 4 #include <cstring>
 6 using namespace std;
 8 int n,     m, my_map [30][30], my_in [30], Q[30], c;
10 int topo_sort () {
11     int flag = 1, temp [30], num_in, pos;
12     c = 0;
13     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
14         temp [i] = my_in [i];
15     }
17     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) {
18         num_in = 0;
19         for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++ j) {
20             if (!temp [j]) {
21                 ++ num_in;
22                 pos = j;
23             }
24         }
25         if (!num_in) return 0; //
26         if (num_in > 1) flag = -1; // 不能确定
28         temp [pos] = -1;
29         Q [c ++] = pos;
30         for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++ j) {
31             if (my_map [pos][j] == 1) {
32                 temp [j] --;
33             }
34         }
35     }
36     return flag;
37 }
39 int main () {
40     while (scanf ("%d%d", &n, &m), n != 0 || m != 0) {
41         int flag = 1, a1, b1;
42         char a, b, d;
43         memset (my_map, 0, sizeof (my_map));
44         memset (my_in, 0, sizeof (my_in));
46         for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++ i) {
47             getchar ();
48             scanf ("%c%c%c", &a, &d, &b);
49             if (!flag) continue;
51             a1 = int (a - 'A' + 1);
52             b1 = int (b - 'A' + 1);
53             my_map [a1][b1] = 1;
54             my_in [b1] ++;
56             int x = topo_sort ();
57             if (x == 1) {
58                 printf("Sorted sequence determined after %d relations: ",i);
59                 for (int i = 0; i < c; ++ i) {
60                     printf ("%c", 'A' + Q [i] - 1);
61                 }
62                 printf (".\n");
63                 flag = 0;
64             } else if (x == 0) {
65                 printf("Inconsistency found after %d relations.\n",i);
66                 flag = 0;
67             }
68         }
70         if (flag) {
71             printf("Sorted sequence cannot be determined.\n");
72         }
73     }
74 }


posted @ 2018-05-03 15:20  GetcharZp  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报