library cache pin原理

library cache pin原理

library cache pin
An Oracle instance has a library cache that contains the description of  
different types of objects e.g. cursors, indexes, tables, views, procedures,  
... Those objects cannot be changed when they are used. They are locked by a  
mechanism based on library locks and pins. A session that need to use an object  
will first acquire a library lock in a certain mode (null, shared or exclusive)  
on the object, in order to prevent other sessions from accessing the same  
object (e.g. exclusive lock when recompiling a package or view) or to maintain  
the object definition for a long time. Locking an object is sometimes referred
as the job to locate it in the library cache and lock it in a certain mode.
If the session wants to modify or examine the object, it must acquire after  
the lock also a pin in a certain mode (again null, shared or exclusive).  

Each SQL statement that want to use/modify objects that are locked or pinned  
and whose lock/pin mode is incompatible with the requested mode, will wait  
on events like 'library cache pin' or 'library cache lock' until a timeout  
occurs. The timeout normally occurs after 5 minutes and the SQL statement  
then ends with an ORA-4021. If a deadlock is detected, an ORA-4020 is given  

Dealing with slow downs related to "mysterious" library cache pins  
and load locks we should look for the reason of the database object  
invalidations. They are likely to be triggered by actions causing  
changes to "LAST_DDL" attribute of database objects that have other
dependent ones. Typically they are the object maintenance operations -  
ALTER, GRANT, REVOKE, replacing views, etc. This behavior is described
in Oracle Server Application Developer's Guide as object dependency

After object invalidation, Oracle tries to recompile the object at the
time of the first access to it. It may be a problem in case when other
sessions have pinned the object to the library cache. It is obvious that
it is more likely to occur with more active users and with more complex
dependencies (eg. many cross-dependent packages or package bodies).  
In some cases waiting for object recompilation may even take hours  
blocking all the sessions trying to access it.

ORA-04021 timeout occurred while waiting to lock object %s%s%s%s%s".
Cause:  While trying to lock a library object, a time-out occurred.
Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-04020 deadlock detected while trying to lock object %s%s%s%s%s
Cause:  While trying to lock a library object, a deadlock is detected.
Action: Retry the operation later.
(see <Note.166924.1>)

2.   Which views can be used to detect library locking problems?

Different views can be used to detect pin/locks:

DBA_KGLLOCK : one row for each lock or pin of the instance
-KGLLKUSE  session address
-KGLLKHDL  Pin/lock handle
-KGLLKMOD/KGLLKREQ  Holding/requested mode
0           no lock/pin held
1           null mode
2           share mode
3           exclusive mode
(created via the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql)

V$ACCESS : one row for each object locked by any user
-SID       session sid
-OWNER     username
-OBJECT    object name
-TYPE      object type

V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE : one row for each object in the library cache
-OWNER         object owner
-NAME          object name or cursor text
-TYPE          object type
-LOCKS         number of locks on this object
-PINS          number of pins on this object

DBA_DDL_LOCKS  : one row for each object that is locked (exception made of the cursors)

V$SESSION_WAIT : each session waiting on a library cache pin or lock is blocked by some other session
-p1 = object address
-p2 = lock/pin address

3.   How to find out why an ORA-4021 occurs?

When you execute the statement that generates the ORA-4021, it is possible  
during the delay of 5 minutes to detect the reason for the blocking situation.  
Following query can be used to find the blocking and waiting sessions:

FYI: You need to run the script called "catblock.sql" first.  
===  This script can be found in:  $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql  

select /*+ ordered */ w1.sid  waiting_session,
        h1.sid  holding_session,
        w.kgllktype lock_or_pin,
        w.kgllkhdl address,
        decode(h.kgllkmod,  0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive',
           'Unknown') mode_held,  
        decode(w.kgllkreq,  0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive',
           'Unknown') mode_requested
  from dba_kgllock w, dba_kgllock h, v$session w1, v$session h1
  (((h.kgllkmod != 0) and (h.kgllkmod != 1)
     and ((h.kgllkreq = 0) or (h.kgllkreq = 1)))
     (((w.kgllkmod = 0) or (w.kgllkmod= 1))
     and ((w.kgllkreq != 0) and (w.kgllkreq != 1))))
  and  w.kgllktype         =  h.kgllktype
  and  w.kgllkhdl         =  h.kgllkhdl
  and  w.kgllkuse     =   w1.saddr
  and  h.kgllkuse     =   h1.saddr

The result looks like:

--------------- --------------- ---- -------- --------- ---------
             16              12 Pin  03FA2270 Share     Exclusive

The object that is locked can be found with v$object_dependency and  
should be the same as the one mentioned in the ORA-4021 error message.
select to_name from v$object_dependency where to_address = '03FA2270';
should give:


You can find which library objects are used by each session via following  
queries, e.g.  
a. for the blocked session:

select distinct kglnaobj from x$kgllk  where  
kgllkuse in (select saddr from v$session where sid = 16);

b. for the blocking session

select distinct kglnaobj from x$kgllk  where  
kgllkuse in (select saddr from v$session where sid = 12);

One of those objects can be the cursor or statement that each session is  
executing/trying to execute.

You can also use the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utldtree.sql utility to find out  
how the dependency tree looks like and which objects are dependent on e.g.  
DBMS_PIPE. One of those objects will be the sql statement of the holding  
session. A variant script on utldtree.sql stands in [NOTE:139594.1] and  
gives which objects an object depends on.

        Library cache pins are used to manage library cache concurrency.
        Pinning an object causes the heaps to be loaded into memory (if not already loaded).
        PINS can be acquired in NULL, SHARE or EXCLUSIVE modes and can be considered like a special form of lock.
        A wait for a "library cache pin" implies some other session holds that PIN in an incompatible mode.
        P1 = Handle address
        P2 = Pin address
        P3 = Encoded Mode & Namespace
        ·Handle address
        Use P1RAW rather than P1                                                                                         
        This is the handle of the library cache object which the waiting session wants to acquire a pin on.   

查找library cache对象
        The actual object being waited on can be found using                                                            
          SELECT kglnaown "Owner", kglnaobj "Object"                                                                     
            FROM x$kglob                                                                                                
           WHERE kglhdadr='&1RAW'                                                                                       
        ·Pin address
        Use P2RAW rather than P2                                                                                         
        This is the address of the PIN itself.                                                                           
        ·Encoded Mode & Namespace                                                                                 
        In Oracle 7.0 - 8.1.7 inclusive the value is 10 * Mode + Namespace.                                             
        In Oracle 9.0 - 9.2 inclusive the value is 100 * Mode + Namespace.                                               
        Mode is the mode in which the pin is wanted. This is a number thus:                                             
        o        2 - Share mode                                                                                          
        o        3 - Exclusive mode                                                                                       
        Namespace is just the namespace number of the namespace in the library cache in which the required object lives:
        o        0 SQL Area                                                                                               
        o        1 Table / Procedure / Function / Package Header                                                         
        o        2 Package Body                                                                                          
        o        3 Trigger                                                                                                
        o        4 Index                                                                                                  
        o        5 Cluster                                                                                                
        o        6 Object                                                                                                
        o        7 Pipe                                                                                                   
        o        13 Java Source                                                                                          
        o        14 Java Resource                                                                                         
        o        32 Java Data
posted @ 2008-09-28 11:26  它家  阅读(1056)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报