von Mises distribution(冯·米赛斯分布)的随机模拟与参数估计的笔记(一)

von Mises distribution(冯·米赛斯分布)的随机模拟


1.von Mises distribution概述

​ 在概率论和方向统计中,von-Mises 分布(也称为圆形正态分布或 Tikhonov 分布)是圆上的连续概率分布。 它是环绕正态分布的近似值,它是正态分布的循环模拟。 圆上的自由扩散角 θ 是一个包裹的正态分布随机变量,其展开方差随时间线性增长。 另一方面,von-Mises 分布是谐波势中圆上漂移和扩散过程的平稳分布,即具有优选方向。 von-Mises 分布是指定第一个圆形矩的实部和虚部时圆形数据的最大熵分布。 von-Mises 分布是 von Mises-Fisher 分布在 N 维球面上的一个特例(如图1所示)。

图1 von Mises Distribution 与 Fisher Distribution 的关系图

1.1 von Mises分布的定义

​ 对于角度x的von Mises分布的概率密度PDF由下式给出:


I0(κ) 为零阶修正贝塞尔公式。其中参数 μκ可以近似理解为正态分布的N(μ,δ)中的均值μ和标准差δ

  • μ 其中是衡量方位角x的平均值,整个分布的平均体现;

  • κ 其中是衡量方位角x的集中程度(κ>0)



κ趋近于无穷大时,方位角的集中程度很高,其近似于均值为μ, 方差为1κ的高斯分布:




其中 Ij(κ)j阶改进的贝塞尔函数。

​ 图 2 von mises分布的PDF图




​ 图 3 von mises分布的CDF图

其中的von Mises分布的统计特征参数如下表所示:

表 一 von Mises分布统计参数表

1.2 von Mises 分布的随机模拟代码(matlab)

其中模拟与估计代码来源于Philipp BerensMarc J. VelascoCircular Statistics Toolbox

function alpha = circ_vmrnd(theta, kappa, n)

% alpha = circ_vmrnd(theta, kappa, n)
%   Simulates n random angles from a von Mises distribution, with preferred 
%   direction thetahat and concentration parameter kappa.
%   Input:
%     [theta    preferred direction, default is 0]
%     [kappa    width, default is 1]
%     [n        number of samples, default is 10]
%     If n is a vector with two entries (e.g. [2 10]), the function creates
%     a matrix output with the respective dimensionality.
%   Output:
%     alpha     samples from von Mises distribution
%   References:
%     Statistical analysis of circular data, Fisher, sec. 3.3.6, p. 49
% Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab

% By Philipp Berens and Marc J. Velasco, 2009
% velasco@ccs.fau.edu

% default parameter
if nargin < 3
    n = 10;

if nargin < 2
    kappa = 1;

if nargin < 1
    theta = 0;

if numel(n) > 2
  error('n must be a scalar or two-entry vector!')
elseif numel(n) == 2
  m = n;
  n = n(1) * n(2);

% if kappa is small, treat as uniform distribution
if kappa < 1e-6
    alpha = 2*pi*rand(n,1);

% other cases
a = 1 + sqrt((1+4*kappa.^2));
b = (a - sqrt(2*a))/(2*kappa);
r = (1 + b^2)/(2*b);

alpha = zeros(n,1);
for j = 1:n
  while true
      u = rand(3,1);

      z = cos(pi*u(1));
      f = (1+r*z)/(r+z);
      c = kappa*(r-f);

      if u(2) < c * (2-c) || ~(log(c)-log(u(2)) + 1 -c < 0)


  alpha(j) = theta +  sign(u(3) - 0.5) * acos(f);
  alpha(j) = angle(exp(1i*alpha(j)));

if exist('m','var')
  alpha = reshape(alpha,m(1),m(2));

1.3 von Mises 分布的参数估计代码(matlab)

function [thetahat kappa] = circ_vmpar(alpha,w,d)

% r = circ_vmpar(alpha, w, d)
%   Estimate the parameters of a von Mises distribution.
%   Input:
%     alpha	sample of angles in radians
%     [w		number of incidences in case of binned angle data]
%     [d    spacing of bin centers for binned data, if supplied 
%           correction factor is used to correct for bias in 
%           estimation of r, in radians (!)]
%   Output:
%     thetahat		preferred direction
%     kappa       concentration parameter
% PHB 3/23/2009
% References:
%   Statistical analysis of circular data, N.I. Fisher
% Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab

% By Philipp Berens, 2009
% berens@tuebingen.mpg.de

alpha = alpha(:);
if nargin < 2
  w = ones(size(alpha));
if nargin < 3
  d = 0;

r = circ_r(alpha,w,d);
kappa = circ_kappa(r);

thetahat = circ_mean(alpha,w);


function r = circ_r(alpha, w, d, dim)
% r = circ_r(alpha, w, d)
%   Computes mean resultant vector length for circular data.
%   Input:
%     alpha	sample of angles in radians
%     [w		number of incidences in case of binned angle data]
%     [d    spacing of bin centers for binned data, if supplied 
%           correction factor is used to correct for bias in 
%           estimation of r, in radians (!)]
%     [dim  compute along this dimension, default is 1]
%     If dim argument is specified, all other optional arguments can be
%     left empty: circ_r(alpha, [], [], dim)
%   Output:
%     r		mean resultant length
% PHB 7/6/2008
% References:
%   Statistical analysis of circular data, N.I. Fisher
%   Topics in circular statistics, S.R. Jammalamadaka et al. 
%   Biostatistical Analysis, J. H. Zar
% Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab

% By Philipp Berens, 2009
% berens@tuebingen.mpg.de - www.kyb.mpg.de/~berens/circStat.html

if nargin < 4
  dim = 1;

if nargin < 2 || isempty(w) 
  % if no specific weighting has been specified
  % assume no binning has taken place
	w = ones(size(alpha));
  if size(w,2) ~= size(alpha,2) || size(w,1) ~= size(alpha,1) 
    error('Input dimensions do not match');

if nargin < 3 || isempty(d)
  % per default do not apply correct for binned data
  d = 0;

% compute weighted sum of cos and sin of angles
r = sum(w.*exp(1i*alpha),dim);

% obtain length 
r = abs(r)./sum(w,dim);

% for data with known spacing, apply correction factor to correct for bias
% in the estimation of r (see Zar, p. 601, equ. 26.16)
if d ~= 0
  c = d/2/sin(d/2);
  r = c*r;

function kappa = circ_kappa(alpha,w)
% kappa = circ_kappa(alpha,[w])
%   Computes an approximation to the ML estimate of the concentration 
%   parameter kappa of the von Mises distribution.
%   Input:
%     alpha   angles in radians OR alpha is length resultant
%     [w      number of incidences in case of binned angle data]
%   Output:
%     kappa   estimated value of kappa
%   References:
%     Statistical analysis of circular data, Fisher, equation p. 88
% Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab

% By Philipp Berens, 2009
% berens@tuebingen.mpg.de - www.kyb.mpg.de/~berens/circStat.html

alpha = alpha(:);

if nargin<2
  % if no specific weighting has been specified
  % assume no binning has taken place
	w = ones(size(alpha));
  if size(w,2) > size(w,1)
    w = w';

N = length(alpha);

if N>1
  R = circ_r(alpha,w);
  R = alpha;

if R < 0.53
  kappa = 2*R + R^3 + 5*R^5/6;
elseif R>=0.53 && R<0.85
  kappa = -.4 + 1.39*R + 0.43/(1-R);
  kappa = 1/(R^3 - 4*R^2 + 3*R);

if N<15 && N>1
  if kappa < 2
    kappa = max(kappa-2*(N*kappa)^-1,0);    
    kappa = (N-1)^3*kappa/(N^3+N);

function [mu ul ll] = circ_mean(alpha, w, dim)
% mu = circ_mean(alpha, w)
%   Computes the mean direction for circular data.
%   Input:
%     alpha	sample of angles in radians
%     [w		weightings in case of binned angle data]
%     [dim  compute along this dimension, default is 1]
%     If dim argument is specified, all other optional arguments can be
%     left empty: circ_mean(alpha, [], dim)
%   Output:
%     mu		mean direction
%     ul    upper 95% confidence limit
%     ll    lower 95% confidence limit 
% PHB 7/6/2008
% References:
%   Statistical analysis of circular data, N. I. Fisher
%   Topics in circular statistics, S. R. Jammalamadaka et al. 
%   Biostatistical Analysis, J. H. Zar
% Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab

% By Philipp Berens, 2009
% berens@tuebingen.mpg.de - www.kyb.mpg.de/~berens/circStat.html

if nargin < 3
  dim = 1;

if nargin < 2 || isempty(w)
  % if no specific weighting has been specified
  % assume no binning has taken place
	w = ones(size(alpha));
  if size(w,2) ~= size(alpha,2) || size(w,1) ~= size(alpha,1) 
    error('Input dimensions do not match');

% compute weighted sum of cos and sin of angles
r = sum(w.*exp(1i*alpha),dim);

% obtain mean by
mu = angle(r);

% confidence limits if desired
if nargout > 1
  t = circ_confmean(alpha,0.05,w,[],dim);
  ul = mu + t;
  ll = mu - t;
function t = circ_confmean(alpha, xi, w, d, dim)
% t = circ_mean(alpha, xi, w, d, dim)
%   Computes the confidence limits on the mean for circular data.
%   Input:
%     alpha	sample of angles in radians
%     [xi   (1-xi)-confidence limits are computed, default 0.05]
%     [w		number of incidences in case of binned angle data]
%     [d    spacing of bin centers for binned data, if supplied 
%           correction factor is used to correct for bias in 
%           estimation of r, in radians (!)]
%     [dim  compute along this dimension, default is 1]
%   Output:
%     t     mean +- d yields upper/lower (1-xi)% confidence limit
% PHB 7/6/2008
% References:
%   Statistical analysis of circular data, N. I. Fisher
%   Topics in circular statistics, S. R. Jammalamadaka et al. 
%   Biostatistical Analysis, J. H. Zar
% Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab

% By Philipp Berens, 2009
% berens@tuebingen.mpg.de - www.kyb.mpg.de/~berens/circStat.html

if nargin < 5
  dim = 1;

if nargin < 4 || isempty(d)
  % per default do not apply correct for binned data
  d = 0;

if nargin < 3 || isempty(w)
  % if no specific weighting has been specified
  % assume no binning has taken place
	w = ones(size(alpha));
  if size(w,2) ~= size(alpha,2) || size(w,1) ~= size(alpha,1) 
    error('Input dimensions do not match');

% set confidence limit size to default
if nargin < 2 || isempty(xi)
  xi = 0.05;

% compute ingredients for conf. lim.
r = circ_r(alpha,w,d,dim);
n = sum(w,dim);
R = n.*r;
c2 = chi2inv((1-xi),1);

% check for resultant vector length and select appropriate formula
t = zeros(size(r));

for i = 1:numel(r)
  if r(i) < .9 && r(i) > sqrt(c2/2/n(i))
    t(i) = sqrt((2*n(i)*(2*R(i)^2-n(i)*c2))/(4*n(i)-c2));  % equ. 26.24
  elseif r(i) >= .9
    t(i) = sqrt(n(i)^2-(n(i)^2-R(i)^2)*exp(c2/n(i)));      % equ. 26.25
    t(i) = NaN;
    warning('Requirements for confidence levels not met.');

% apply final transform
t = acos(t./R);

1.4 参考引用


(2) https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42576437/article/details/107124117

(3) https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10676-circular-statistics-toolbox-directional-statistics

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