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Direct3D 11 is a fairly straightforward extension of Direct3D 10.x, so you can start by learning Direct3D 10 and then move up to 11 if you want. See <>
Probably the best 'starting material' is to look at these two presentations:
SIGGRAPH 2007 - Introduction to Direct3D 10 Course

Gamefest 2007 - "Windows to Reality: Getting the Most out of Direct 3D 10 Graphics in Your Games"

SlimDX is a pretty straight-forward managed projection of the native Direct3D APIs, so you should find this material useful even though it is primarily for C++.
-Chuck Walbourn Senior SDE,

Drawing DirectX11 text using SlimDX  在DX11中使用D2D代替Sprite

posted on 2012-02-15 15:32  Geo-Web  阅读(354)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报