HDU 3667.Transportation 最小费用流
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 3045 Accepted Submission(s): 1318
Problem Description
There are N cities, and M directed roads connecting them. Now you want to transport K units of goods from city 1 to city N. There are many robbers on the road, so you must be very careful. The more goods you carry, the more dangerous it is. To be more specific, for each road i, there is a coefficient ai. If you want to carry x units of goods along this road, you should pay ai * x2 dollars to hire guards to protect your goods. And what’s worse, for each road i, there is an upper bound Ci, which means that you cannot transport more than Ci units of goods along this road. Please note you can only carry integral unit of goods along each road.
You should find out the minimum cost to transport all the goods safely.
You should find out the minimum cost to transport all the goods safely.
There are several test cases. The first line of each case contains three integers, N, M and K. (1 <= N <= 100, 1 <= M <= 5000, 0 <= K <= 100). Then M lines followed, each contains four integers (ui, vi, ai, Ci), indicating there is a directed road from city ui to vi, whose coefficient is ai and upper bound is Ci. (1 <= ui, vi <= N, 0 < ai <= 100, Ci <= 5)
Output one line for each test case, indicating the minimum cost. If it is impossible to transport all the K units of goods, output -1.
Sample Input
2 1 2
1 2 1 2
2 1 2
1 2 1 1
2 2 2
1 2 1 2
1 2 2 2
Sample Output
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<set> #include<map> #include<queue> #include<stack> #include<vector> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> P; #define PI acos(-1.0) const int maxn=1e3+100,maxm=1e5+100,inf=0x3f3f3f3f,mod=1e9+7; const ll INF=1e13+7; struct edge { int from,to; ll c,w; }; int n; vector<edge>es; vector<int>G[maxn]; ll dist[maxn]; int pre[maxn]; inline void addedge(int u,int v,ll c,ll w) { es.push_back((edge) { u,v,c,w }); es.push_back((edge) { v,u,0,-w }); int x=es.size(); G[u].push_back(x-2); G[v].push_back(x-1); } bool spfa(int s,int t) { static std::queue<int> q; static bool inq[maxn]; for(int i=0; i<=n+10; i++) dist[i]=INF,inq[i]=false; pre[s]=-1; dist[s]=0; q.push(s); while(!q.empty()) { int u=q.front(); q.pop(); inq[u]=false; for(int i=0; i<G[u].size(); i++) { edge e=es[G[u][i]]; if(e.c&&dist[e.to]>dist[u]+e.w) { pre[e.to]=G[u][i]; dist[e.to]=dist[u]+e.w; if(!inq[e.to]) q.push(e.to),inq[e.to]=true; } } } return dist[t]<inf; } void dinic(int s,int t,ll f) { ll flow=0,cost=0; while(spfa(s,t)) { ll d=f; for(int i=t; i!=s; i=es[pre[i]].from) d=min(d,es[pre[i]].c); f-=d; flow+=d; cost+=d*dist[t]; for(int i=t; i!=s; i=es[pre[i]].from) { es[pre[i]].c-=d; es[pre[i]^1].c+=d; } if(f<=0) break; } if(f) puts("-1"); else printf("%lld\n",cost); } int main() { int m; ll k; while(~scanf("%d%d%lld",&n,&m,&k)) { for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) { int u,v; ll c,w; scanf("%d%d%lld%lld",&u,&v,&w,&c); for(ll t=1; t<=c; t++) addedge(u,v,1LL,(t*t-(t-1)*(t-1))*w); } dinic(1,n,k); es.clear(); for(int i=0; i<=n+10; i++) G[i].clear(); } return 0; }
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