Python 代码风格 & Python coding style

from 《Python 2.7.9 documentation》

- Use 4-space indentation, and no tabs.  

- Wrap lines so that they don’t exceed 79 characters.  

- Use blank lines to separate functions and classes, and larger blocks of code inside functions.  

- When possible, put comments on a line of their own.  

- Use docstrings.  

- Use spaces around operators and after commas, but not directly inside bracketing constructs: a = f(1, 2) + g(3, 4).  
操作符两侧和逗号后面留空格,但括号里侧不加空格:a = f(1, 2) + g(3, 4)

- Name your classes and functions consistently; the convention is to use CamelCase for classes and lower_case_with_underscores for functions and methods. Always use self as the name for the first method argument (see A First Look at Classes for more on classes and methods).  

- Don’t use fancy encodings if your code is meant to be used in international environments. Plain ASCII works best in any case.
posted @ 2015-07-20 11:41  GeekRai  阅读(433)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报