void InflationLayer::computeCaches() { //Case 1:如果栅格的膨胀半径是0,那就直接返回,啥也不用干了。 if (cell_inflation_radius_ == 0) return; // based on the inflation radius... compute distance and cost caches //Case 2:如果栅格的膨胀半径不等于缓存的栅格膨胀半径,那么: 基于膨胀半径...计算距离和成本缓存 if (cell_inflation_radius_ != cached_cell_inflation_radius_) { deleteKernels(); cached_costs_ = new unsigned char*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2]; //重新分配内存,建立cached_costs_ cached_distances_ = new double*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2]; //重新分配内存,建立cached_distances_ //建立两层循环,从0到栅格膨胀半径+1,逐步填充代价和距离 for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++i) { cached_costs_[i] = new unsigned char[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2]; cached_distances_[i] = new double[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++j) {//hypot函数是一个C++标准库函数,它计算两个浮点数的平方和的平方根,即计算直角三角形的斜边长度。 cached_distances_[i][j] = hypot(i, j); } } //更新缓存的膨胀半径 cached_cell_inflation_radius_ = cell_inflation_radius_; } //计算代价 for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++j) { cached_costs_[i][j] = computeCost(cached_distances_[i][j]); } } }
/** @brief Given a distance, compute a cost. * @param distance The distance from an obstacle in cells * @return A cost value for the distance */ //首先进行距离的判断,如果距离为0,则返回代价为致命障碍物的代价值LETHAL_OBSTACLE; //再继续往下判断,距离分辨率是否小于内切半径,是的话,则返回代价为机器人内切圆膨胀障碍物的代价值INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE; //否的话,则代价按照欧几里德距离递减,欧几里德距离为距离分辨率,定义factor因子为指数函数,最后计算出cost值; virtual inline unsigned char computeCost(double distance) const { unsigned char cost = 0; if (distance == 0) cost = LETHAL_OBSTACLE; else if (distance * resolution_ <= inscribed_radius_) cost = INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE; else { // make sure cost falls off by Euclidean distance double euclidean_distance = distance * resolution_; double factor = exp(-1.0 * weight_ * (euclidean_distance - inscribed_radius_)); cost = (unsigned char)((INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE - 1) * factor); } return cost; }
unsigned char* master_array = master_grid.getCharMap();//获取地图 unsigned int size_x = master_grid.getSizeInCellsX(), size_y = master_grid.getSizeInCellsY();//获取网格x,y坐标
std::vector<CellData>& obs_bin = inflation_cells_[0.0]; for (int j = min_j; j < max_j; j++) { for (int i = min_i; i < max_i; i++) { int index = master_grid.getIndex(i, j); //1)从master_grid地图获取(i,j)对应的索引index unsigned char cost = master_array[index]; //2)从master_grid地图获取索引对应的代价cost if (cost == LETHAL_OBSTACLE) //3)先判断代价是否等于致命障碍物对应的代价,如果是,压入 { //注意这里的obs_bin是一个指针,数据其实是存储在inflation_cells_下 //std::map<double, std::vector<CellData> > inflation_cells_; obs_bin.push_back(CellData(index, i, j, i, j)); } } }
注意这里记录的点都被记录在inflation_cells_中了,这是一个std::map<double, std::vector >类型的数据。
//根据膨胀队列,进行膨胀 //通过上面的操作,现在inflation_queue_里面全部都是obstacle cell,这些cell被打包成CellData类型,包含了这些cell本身的索引,最近障碍物的索引(即它们本身),距离(0) std::map<double, std::vector<CellData> >::iterator bin; for (bin = inflation_cells_.begin(); bin != inflation_cells_.end(); ++bin) { //遍历每一个障碍物点 //map键值对映射,键是距离最近的障碍物的距离,值是cell //second是“键”“值”对中的“值”,即遍历次数为celldata的个数 for (int i = 0; i < bin->second.size(); ++i) { // process all cells at distance dist_bin.first //在该“double键”下记录迭代到的celldata const CellData& cell = bin->second[i]; //记录该celldata的索引index unsigned int index = cell.index_; // ignore if already visited 如果已访问过,则忽略 if (seen_[index]) { continue; } seen_[index] = true; //得到该cell的坐标和离它最近的障碍物的坐标 unsigned int mx = cell.x_; unsigned int my = cell.y_; unsigned int sx = cell.src_x_; unsigned int sy = cell.src_y_; // assign the cost associated with the distance from an obstacle to the cell //4)更新膨胀队列中点的cost 值 //根据该CELL与障碍的距离来分配cost unsigned char cost = costLookup(mx, my, sx, sy); unsigned char old_cost = master_array[index]; //从master_grid查找指定索引index的代价 //如果old_cost无信息或者cost≥内接膨胀障碍物,将cost更新到master_array if (old_cost == NO_INFORMATION && (inflate_unknown_ ? (cost > FREE_SPACE) : (cost >= INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE))) master_array[index] = cost; else//否则比较新旧大小,将大的cost更新到master_array master_array[index] = std::max(old_cost, cost); // attempt to put the neighbors of the current cell onto the inflation list //上面首先从inflation_cells_中取出最大distance的cell,再将这个cell的前后左右四个cell都塞进inflation_cells_。 //由于下面关于enqueue的调用,最后两个参数(sx, sy)没有改变,所以保证了这个索引一定是obstacle cell。 //由于在 enqueue入口会检查 if (!seen_[index]),这保证了这些cell不会被重复的塞进去。 //由于这是一个priority queue,因此障碍物的周边点,每次都是离障碍物最远的点被弹出,并被检查,这样保证了这种扩张是朝着离障碍物远的方向进行。 //尝试将当前单元的邻居(前后左右)放到队列中 if (mx > 0) enqueue(index - 1, mx - 1, my, sx, sy); if (my > 0) enqueue(index - size_x, mx, my - 1, sx, sy); if (mx < size_x - 1) enqueue(index + 1, mx + 1, my, sx, sy); if (my < size_y - 1) enqueue(index + size_x, mx, my + 1, sx, sy); } } inflation_cells_.clear();
注意这里for循环为什么能够实现这个功能,跟上面的数据类型有很大关系:std::map<double, std::vector >的数据类型中第一位数据为点到障碍物的距离,初始时,map下存储的点都是障碍物的点,所以其键值都为0,然后遍历这些点的过程中会产生一系列四邻近点,这些点到障碍物的距离都为1个栅格的值,因此map下会产生一个新的键值以及一组新的地图点信息,这样子就实现了inflation_cells_的扩张以及inflation_cells_的循环遍历。而当所有接近障碍物的点都遍历完成后,将不会产生新的键值,则inflation_cells_的遍历也就结束了。
// ignore if already visited 如果已访问过,则忽略 if (seen_[index]) { continue; } seen_[index] = true;
/** * @brief Given an index of a cell in the costmap, place it into a list pending for obstacle inflation * @param grid The costmap * @param index The index of the cell * @param mx The x coordinate of the cell (can be computed from the index, but saves time to store it) * @param my The y coordinate of the cell (can be computed from the index, but saves time to store it) * @param src_x The x index of the obstacle point inflation started at * @param src_y The y index of the obstacle point inflation started at */ inline void InflationLayer::enqueue(unsigned int index, unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y) { if (!seen_[index]) { // we compute our distance table one cell further than the inflation radius dictates so we can make the check below //找它和最近的障碍物的距离,如果超过了阈值,则直接返回 //如果不超过阈值,就把它也加入inflation_cells_数组里 double distance = distanceLookup(mx, my, src_x, src_y); // we only want to put the cell in the list if it is within the inflation radius of the obstacle point if (distance > cell_inflation_radius_) return; // push the cell data onto the inflation list and mark inflation_cells_[distance].push_back(CellData(index, mx, my, src_x, src_y)); } }