declare xcursor cursor for
select name from sysobjects where xtype= 'u'
declare @name varchar ( 100)
open xcursor
fetch xcursor into @name
create table #temptable ( tablename varchar ( 300), rowcount1 int )
while @@fetch_status = 0
exec ( 'insert into #temptable select ''' + @name+ ''',count(*) from ' + @name)
fetch xcursor into @name
close xcursor
deallocate xcursor
select b. name, count ( a. name) as 列数 from syscolumns a, sysobjects b , #temptable c
where b. xtype= 'u' and a. id= object_id ( b. name) and b. name= c. tablename
group by b. name
–having count ( a. name)>= 246 -- 复制要求不能超过这个标准
drop table #temptable
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