iPad2、MSAA和alpha混合几何 Bug

iPad2 and MSAA and alpha-blended geometry

There is a bug in apple driver resulting in artifacts when MSAA is enabled and alpha-blended geometry is drawn with non RGBA colorMask. To prevent artifacts we force RGBA colorMask when this configuration is encountered, though it will render built-in Glow FX unusable (as it needs DST_ALPHA for intensity value). Also, please update your shaders if you wrote them yourself (see "Render Setup -> ColorMask" in Pass Docs). 、

在苹果驱动程序中,当启用MSAA,并使用非RGBA colorMask进行alpha混合几何渲染时,会出现一个bug。为了防止发生这种bug,我们在遇到此种配置时强制使用RGBA colorMask,但这样做的后果会使内置Glow FX 无法使用 (因为它用到了DST_ALPHA 所需要的强度值)。另外,如果是你自己写的着色器,请一定不要忘记更新它们(请参阅Pass Docs中的" Render Setup -> ColorMask"文档)。

posted on 2013-01-25 19:08  warmwar  阅读(196)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报