WebService 开发

WebService 是一种跨编程语言和跨操作系统平台的远程调用技术。

理解 WebService

  1. 从表面上看,WebService 就是一个应用程序向外界暴露出一个能通过 Web 进行调用的 API,也就是说能用编程的方法通过 Web 来调用这个应用程序。我们把调用这个 WebService 的应用程序叫做客户端,而把提供这个 WebService 的应用程序叫做服务端。

  2. 从深层次看,WebService 是建立可互操作的分布式应用程序的新平台,是一个平台,是一套标准。它定义了应用程序如何在 Web 上实现互操作性,你可以用任何你喜欢的语言,在任何你喜欢的平台上写 Web service ,只要我们可以通过 Web service 标准对这些服务进行查询和访问。 

Python 库选择


针对 Python 的 WebService 开发,开发者讨论最多的库是 soaplib(官方地址:http://soaplib.github.io/soaplib/2_0/index.html),但从其官网可知,其最新版本 “soaplib-2.0.0-beta2” 从 2011 年 3 月发布后就不再进行更新了。通过阅读 soaplib 的官方文档,可知其不再维护后已经转向了一个新的项目:rpclib(官方地址:http://github.com/arskom/rpclib)进行后续开发,但在 rpclib 的 readme 中,介绍了 rpclib 已经更名为 spyne,并将持续进行更新,so,那就选用 spyne 进行开发了。

spyne 官方文档:http://spyne.io/docs/2.10/index.html

spyne github:https://github.com/arskom/spyne

  • spyne 安装

pip install spyne
  • lxml 安装:

下载与 python 匹配的版本安装包  https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lxml/3.6.0 进行安装,如 lxml-3.6.0.win-amd64-py2.7.exe (md5)


客户端调用 WebService 一般应用 suds 库。


  • suds 安装:

pip install suds

Spyne Introduction

Protocols:协议   Protocols define the rules for transmission of structured data Transports: 传输   Transports, also protocols themselves, encapsulate protocol data in their free-form data sections. Models: 模式   Types like Unicode, Integer or ByteArray are all models. They reside in the spyne.model package. Interface Documents: 接口文档   Interface documents provide a machine-readable description of the expected input and output of the exposed method calls.  Serializers: 序列化对象   Serializers are currently not distinguished in Spyne code. They are the protocol-specific representations of a serialized Python object.

How your code is wrapped?

step1:Your code is inside @rpc-wrapped methods in ServiceBase subclasses.

step2:The ServiceBase subclasses in turn are wrapped by an Application instance.

         The Application instantiation is used to assign input and output protocols to the exposed methods.

step3:The Application instance is finally wrapped by a client or server transport that takes the responsibility of moving the bits around.

step4:Deploying the service using Soap via Wsgi


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a simple HelloWorld example to show the basics of writing
a webservice using spyne, starting a server, and creating a service
Here's how to call it using suds:
#>>> from suds.client import Client
#>>> hello_client = Client('http://localhost:8000/?wsdl')
#>>> hello_client.service.say_hello('punk', 5)
   string[] =
      "Hello, punk",
      "Hello, punk",
      "Hello, punk",
      "Hello, punk",
      "Hello, punk",
# Application is the glue between one or more service definitions, interface and protocol choices.
from spyne import Application
# @rpc decorator exposes methods as remote procedure calls
# and declares the data types it accepts and returns
from spyne import rpc
# spyne.service.ServiceBase is the base class for all service definitions.
from spyne import ServiceBase
# The names of the needed types for implementing this service should be self-explanatory.
from spyne import Iterable, Integer, Unicode
from spyne.protocol.soap import Soap11
# Our server is going to use HTTP as transport, It’s going to wrap the Application instance.
from spyne.server.wsgi import WsgiApplication
# step1: Defining a Spyne Service
class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):
    @rpc(Unicode, Integer, _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
    def say_hello(self, name, times):
        """Docstrings for service methods appear as documentation in the wsdl.
        **What fun!**
        @param name: the name to say hello to
        @param times: the number of times to say hello
        @return  When returning an iterable, you can use any type of python iterable. Here, we chose to use generators.
        for i in range(times):
            yield u'Hello, %s' % name
# step2: Glue the service definition, input and output protocols
soap_app = Application([HelloWorldService], 'spyne.examples.hello.soap',
# step3: Wrap the Spyne application with its wsgi wrapper
wsgi_app = WsgiApplication(soap_app)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import logging
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    # configure the python logger to show debugging output
    logging.info("listening to")
    logging.info("wsdl is at: http://localhost:8000/?wsdl")
    # step4:Deploying the service using Soap via Wsgi
    # register the WSGI application as the handler to the wsgi server, and run the http server
    server = make_server('', 8000, wsgi_app)


访问浏览器检查服务  http://localhost:8000/?wsdl

浏览器中输出 wsdl 文件:


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from suds.client import Client  # 导入suds.client 模块下的Client类
wsdl_url = "http://localhost:8000/?wsdl"
def say_hello_test(url, name, times):
    client = Client(url)                    # 创建一个webservice接口对象
    client.service.say_hello(name, times)   # 调用这个接口下的getMobileCodeInfo方法,并传入参数
    req = str(client.last_sent())           # 保存请求报文,因为返回的是一个实例,所以要转换成str
    response = str(client.last_received())  # 保存返回报文,返回的也是一个实例
    print req       # 打印请求报文
    print response  # 打印返回报文
if __name__ == '__main__':
    say_hello_test(wsdl_url, 'Milton', 2)



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