

非kali官方源中的那些优秀软件们 --- java反编译反汇编器引擎汇总(长期更新)


JAD   http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html



Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov (jad@kpdus.com).
Usage:    jad [option(s)] <filename(s)>
Options: -a       - generate JVM instructions as comments (annotate)
         -af      - output fully qualified names when annotating
         -b       - generate redundant braces (braces)
         -clear   - clear all prefixes, including the default ones
         -d <dir> - directory for output files
         -dead    - try to decompile dead parts of code (if there are any)
         -dis     - disassembler only (disassembler)
         -f       - generate fully qualified names (fullnames)
         -ff      - output fields before methods (fieldsfirst)
         -i       - print default initializers for fields (definits)
         -l<num>  - split strings into pieces of max <num> chars (splitstr)
         -lnc     - output original line numbers as comments (lnc)
         -lradix<num>- display long integers using the specified radix
         -nl      - split strings on newline characters (splitstr)
         -noconv  - don't convert Java identifiers into valid ones (noconv)
         -nocast  - don't generate auxiliary casts
         -noclass - don't convert .class operators
         -nocode  - don't generate the source code for methods
         -noctor  - suppress the empty constructors
         -nodos   - turn off check for class files written in DOS mode
         -nofd    - don't disambiguate fields with the same names (nofldis)
         -noinner - turn off the support of inner classes
         -nolvt   - ignore Local Variable Table entries (nolvt)
         -nonlb   - don't insert a newline before opening brace (nonlb)
         -o       - overwrite output files without confirmation
         -p       - send all output to STDOUT (for piping)
         -pa <pfx>- prefix for all packages in generated source files
         -pc <pfx>- prefix for classes with numerical names (default: _cls)
         -pe <pfx>- prefix for unused exception names (default: _ex)
         -pf <pfx>- prefix for fields with numerical names (default: _fld)
         -pi<num> - pack imports into one line using .* (packimports)
         -pl <pfx>- prefix for locals with numerical names (default: _lcl)
         -pm <pfx>- prefix for methods with numerical names (default: _mth)
         -pp <pfx>- prefix for method parms with numerical names (default:_prm)
         -pv<num> - pack fields with the same types into one line (packfields)
         -r       - restore package directory structure
         -radix<num>- display integers using the specified radix (8, 10, or 16)
         -s <ext> - output file extension (default: .jad)
         -safe    - generate additional casts to disambiguate methods/fields
         -space   - output space between keyword (if, while, etc) and expression
         -stat    - show the total number of processed classes/methods/fields
         -t<num>  - use <num> spaces for indentation (default: 4)
         -t       - use tabs instead of spaces for indentation
         -v       - show method names while decompiling
         -8       - convert Unicode strings into ANSI strings (ansi)
         -&       - redirect STDERR to STDOUT


uuDeJava https://uuware.com/st_l.en/st_p2.uw_dejava.html?st_m=24-6



DJ Java Decompiler   http://www.neshkov.com/




Procyon https://bitbucket.org/mstrobel/procyon/src/master/一停摆  https://github.com/mstrobel/procyon


原来的bitbucket中的存储库里有jar,不知道为什么在新存储库中不提供可执行bin文件了只有源码,似乎要自己手动构建。https://web.archive.org/web/20190614092620/https://bitbucket.org/mstrobel/procyon/downloads/  这里历史记录还可以下载到jar。能下载到的版本是0.5.34。


E:\>java -jar procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar -jar E:\88dca183e1bd41b889931f1cfe403205-dex2jar.jar -o E:\22


E:\>java -jar procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar
Usage: <main class> [options] <type names or class/jar files>
    -b, --bytecode-ast
       Output Bytecode AST instead of Java.
       Default: false
    -ci, --collapse-imports
       Collapse multiple imports from the same package into a single wildcard
       Default: false
    -cp, --constant-pool
       Includes the constant pool when displaying raw bytecode (unnecessary with
       Default: false
    -dl, --debug-line-numbers
       For debugging, show Java line numbers as inline comments (implies -ln;
       requires -o).
       Default: false
       Disable 'for each' loop transforms.
       Default: false
    -eml, --eager-method-loading
       Enable eager loading of method bodies (may speed up decompilation of
       larger archives).
       Default: false
    -ent, --exclude-nested
       Exclude nested types when decompiling their enclosing types.
       Default: false
    -ei, --explicit-imports
       [DEPRECATED] Explicit imports are now enabled by default.  This option
       will be removed in a future release.
       Default: false
    -eta, --explicit-type-arguments
       Always print type arguments to generic methods.
       Default: false
    -fsb, --flatten-switch-blocks
       Drop the braces statements around switch sections when possible.
       Default: false
    -fq, --force-qualified-references
       Force fully qualified type and member references in Java output.
       Default: false
    -?, --help
       Display this usage information and exit.
       Default: false
    -jar, --jar-file
       [DEPRECATED] Decompile all classes in the specified jar file (disables
       -ent and -s).
    -lc, --light
       Use a color scheme designed for consoles with light background colors.
       Default: false
    -lv, --local-variables
       Includes the local variable tables when displaying raw bytecode
       (unnecessary with -v).
       Default: false
    -ll, --log-level
       Set the level of log verbosity (0-3).  Level 0 disables logging.
       Default: 0
    -mv, --merge-variables
       Attempt to merge as many variables as possible.  This may lead to fewer
       declarations, but at the expense of inlining and useful naming.  This feature is
       experimental and may be removed or become the standard behavior in future releases.
       Default: false
    -o, --output-directory
       Write decompiled results to specified directory instead of the console.
    -r, --raw-bytecode
       Output Raw Bytecode instead of Java (to control the level of detail, see:
       -cp, -lv, -ta, -v).
       Default: false
    -ec, --retain-explicit-casts
       Do not remove redundant explicit casts.
       Default: false
    -ps, --retain-pointless-switches
       Do not lift the contents of switches having only a default label.
       Default: false
    -ss, --show-synthetic
       Show synthetic (compiler-generated) members.
       Default: false
    -sm, --simplify-member-references
       Simplify type-qualified member references in Java output [EXPERIMENTAL].
       Default: false
    -sl, --stretch-lines
       Stretch Java lines to match original line numbers (only in combination
       with -o) [EXPERIMENTAL].
       Default: false
    -ta, --type-attributes
       Includes type attributes when displaying raw bytecode (unnecessary with
       Default: false
       Enable Unicode output (printable non-ASCII characters will not be
       Default: false
    -u, --unoptimized
       Show unoptimized code (only in combination with -b).
       Default: false
    -v, --verbose
       Includes more detailed output depending on the output language (currently
       only supported for raw bytecode).
       Default: false
       Display the decompiler version and exit.
       Default: false
    -ln, --with-line-numbers
       Include line numbers in raw bytecode mode; supports Java mode with -o
       Default: false




d4j http://www.secureteam.net/d4j



 Fernflower  https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/tree/master/plugins/java-decompiler/engine

Fernflower似乎是为intellij的IDE开发的一款开源反编译插件,但是没有找到官方下载链接,似乎要自己手动构建,构建方法 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiaglbXbTbQ



CFR   官网:https://github.com/leibnitz27/cfr  https://www.benf.org/other/cfr/



java -jar cfr_0_110.jar D:\example.jar –outputdir D:\data\example

--help查看帮助 --help pullcodecase 查看命令详细帮助
kali@kali:~$ java -jar cfr.jar --help
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
CFR 0.149
java -jar CFRJAR.jar class_or_jar_file [method] [options]
   --aexagg                         (boolean)   尝试更积极地扩展和合并异常
   --aggressivesizethreshold        (int >= 0)  default: 15000   触发大幅减少的操作码数量
   --allowcorrecting                (boolean)  default: true  允许纠正错误的转换,但可能要以改变发出的代码行为为代价。 一个例子是删除不可能的(在java中!)异常处理--如果这有任何影响,将发出警告。
   --analyseas                      (One of [DETECT, JAR, WAR, CLASS]) 强制文件作为“jar”或“class”进行分析
   --arrayiter                      (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 49.0 (Java 5) or greater
   --caseinsensitivefs              (boolean)  default: false
   --clobber                        (boolean) 
   --collectioniter                 (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 49.0 (Java 5) or greater
   --commentmonitors                (boolean)  default: false
   --comments                       (boolean)  default: true
   --decodeenumswitch               (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 49.0 (Java 5) or greater
   --decodefinally                  (boolean)  default: true
   --decodelambdas                  (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 52.0 (Java 8) or greater
   --decodestringswitch             (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 51.0 (Java 7) or greater
   --dumpclasspath                  (boolean)  default: false
   --eclipse                        (boolean)  default: true
   --elidescala                     (boolean)  default: false
   --extraclasspath                 (string) 
   --forcecondpropagate             (boolean) 
   --forceexceptionprune            (boolean) 
   --forcereturningifs              (boolean) 
   --forcetopsort                   (boolean) 
   --forcetopsortaggress            (boolean) 
   --forloopaggcapture              (boolean) 
   --hidebridgemethods              (boolean)  default: true
   --hidelangimports                (boolean)  default: true
   --hidelongstrings                (boolean)  default: false
   --hideutf                        (boolean)  default: true
   --ignoreexceptions               (boolean)  default: false
   --ignoreexceptionsalways         (boolean)  default: false
   --importfilter                   (string) 
   --innerclasses                   (boolean)  default: true
   --instanceofpattern              (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 58.0 (Java 14) or greater, or experimental in 58.0 (Java 14)
   --j14classobj                    (boolean)  default: false if class file from version 49.0 (Java 5) or greater
   --jarfilter                      (string) 
   --labelledblocks                 (boolean)  default: true
   --lenient                        (boolean)  default: false
   --liftconstructorinit            (boolean)  default: true
   --methodname                     (string) 
   --obfuscationpath                (string) 
   --outputdir                      (string) 
   --outputpath                     (string) 
   --override                       (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 50.0 (Java 6) or greater
   --previewfeatures                (boolean)  default: true
   --pullcodecase                   (boolean)  default: false    主动将代码放入case语句
   --recordtypes                    (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 58.0 (Java 14) or greater, or experimental in 58.0 (Java 14)
   --recover                        (boolean)  default: true
   --recovertypeclash               (boolean) 
   --recovertypehints               (boolean) 
   --relinkconststring              (boolean)  default: true
   --removebadgenerics              (boolean)  default: true
   --removeboilerplate              (boolean)  default: true
   --removedeadmethods              (boolean)  default: true
   --removeinnerclasssynthetics     (boolean)  default: true
   --rename                         (boolean)  default: false
   --renamedupmembers               (boolean)  default: Value of option 'rename'
   --renameenumidents               (boolean)  default: Value of option 'rename'
   --renameillegalidents            (boolean)  default: Value of option 'rename'
   --renamesmallmembers             (int >= 0)  default: 0
   --showinferrable                 (boolean)  default: false if class file from version 51.0 (Java 7) or greater
   --showversion                    (boolean)  default: true
   --silent                         (boolean)  default: false
   --skipbatchinnerclasses          (boolean)  default: true
   --stringbuffer                   (boolean)  default: false if class file from version 49.0 (Java 5) or greater
   --stringbuilder                  (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 49.0 (Java 5) or greater
   --stringconcat                   (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 53.0 (Java 9) or greater
   --sugarasserts                   (boolean)  default: true
   --sugarboxing                    (boolean)  default: true
   --sugarenums                     (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 49.0 (Java 5) or greater
   --switchexpression               (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 57.0 (Java 13) or greater, or experimental in 56.0 (Java 12)
   --tidymonitors                   (boolean)  default: true
   --tryresources                   (boolean)  default: true if class file from version 51.0 (Java 7) or greater
   --usenametable                   (boolean)  default: true
   --help                           (string) 

Please specify '--help optionname' for specifics, eg
   --help pullcodecase







Krakatau   https://github.com/Storyyeller/Krakatau



python Krakatau/disassemble.py -out temp RecordTest.class

python Krakatau/disassemble.py -out disassembled.zip -roundtrip r0lling-challenge.jar


Volcano   github.com/redking00/Volcano








Bytecode Viewer 官网:bytecodeviewer.com   https://github.com/Konloch/bytecode-viewer  konloch.me一停摆  api:https://the.bytecode.club/docs/bytecode-viewer/








JEB https://www.pnfsoftware.com/


起初是专注安卓逆向,现在不仅仅支持java和dex可执行文件,还支持pdf和多种架构。它类似IDA pro工具,是商业化软件。发展迅速




JADX  https://github.com/skylot/jadx




AndroChef  http://www.androiddecompiler.com/




GDA  http://www.gda.wiki:9090/index.php









smali2java  http://www.hensence.com/cn/smali2java/#Download



posted on 2020-10-11 10:48  GKLBB  阅读(504)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报