

def shrinkBFCode(code):
    cPos2Vars = {}   #位置对应的变量
    cPos2Change = {}  #位置中 + 号 增加的值
    varPos = 0
    nCode = []
    incVal = 0
    lc = None
    dataChangeOp = set(['+', '-'])
    dataShiftOp = set(['>', '<'])
    for i in range(len(code)):
        c = code[i]
        if c not in dataChangeOp and lc in dataChangeOp:
            cPos2Change[len(nCode)] = incVal
            cPos2Vars[len(nCode)] = varPos
            incVal = 0
        if c == '>':
            varPos += 1
        elif c == '<':
            varPos -= 1
            if c in dataChangeOp:
                incVal += 1 if c == '+' else -1
                #if lc == '>' or lc == '<':
                #    cPos2Vars[len(nCode)] = varPos
                cPos2Vars[len(nCode)] = varPos
        lc = c
    return ''.join(nCode), cPos2Vars, cPos2Change
def generatePyCode(shellCode, pVars, pChange):
    pyCodes = []
    bStacks = []
    whileVarCache = {}
    for i, c in enumerate(shellCode):
        d_pos = i if i not in pVars else pVars[i]
        d_change = 1 if i not in pChange else pChange[i]
        indentLevel = len(bStacks)
        indentStr = ' '*(4*indentLevel)
        if c == '[':
            pyCodes.append('{}while data[{}] != 0:'.format(indentStr, d_pos))
            bStacks.append((c, i))
            whileVarCache[i] = {}
        elif c == ']':
            if bStacks[-1][0] != '[':
                raise Exception('miss match of {}] found between {} and {}'.format(bStacks[-1][0], bStacks[-1][1], i))
            cNum = i-bStacks[-1][1]
            if cNum == 2:
                del pyCodes[-1]
                del pyCodes[-1]
                d_pos_l = i-1 if i-1 not in pVars else pVars[i-1]
                pyCodes.append('{}data[{}] = 0'.format(' '*(4*(indentLevel-1)), d_pos_l))
            whileCode = shellCode[bStacks[-1][1]+1 : i]
            if cNum>2 and '[' not in whileCode and not '%' in whileCode:  # nested loop is a bit complicated, just skip
                loopCondvar = bStacks[-1][1]
                d_pos_l = loopCondvar if loopCondvar not in pVars else pVars[loopCondvar]
                whileVars = whileVarCache[bStacks[-1][1]]
                cVarChange = whileVars[d_pos_l]
                # remove statement of same indent
                while len(pyCodes)>0 and pyCodes[-1].startswith(indentStr) and pyCodes[-1][len(indentStr)]!=' ':
                #del pyCodes[bStacks[-1][1]-i:]
                for vPos, vChange in whileVars.items():
                    if vPos == d_pos_l:
                    ctimes = abs(vChange / cVarChange)
                    ctimesStr = '' if ctimes==1 else '{}*'.format(ctimes)
                    cSign = '+' if vChange > 0 else '-'
                    pyCodes.append('{}data[{}] {}= {}data[{}]'.format(' '*(4*(indentLevel-1)),
                                                                        vPos, cSign,  ctimesStr, d_pos_l))
                pyCodes.append('{}data[{}] = 0'.format(' '*(4*(indentLevel-1)), d_pos_l))
            del whileVarCache[bStacks[-1][1]]
        elif c == '.':
            pyCodes.append('{}print(data[{}])'.format(indentStr, d_pos))
        elif c == ',':
            pyCodes.append('{}data[{}] = ord(stdin.read(1))'.format(indentStr, d_pos))
        elif c == '+':
            opSign = '-=' if d_change < 0 else '+='
            if pyCodes and pyCodes[-1] == '{}data[{}] = 0'.format(indentStr, d_pos):
                pyCodes[-1] = '{}data[{}] = {}'.format(indentStr, d_pos, d_change)
                pyCodes.append('{}data[{}] {} {}'.format(indentStr, d_pos, opSign, abs(d_change)))
            if bStacks:
                whileVarCache[bStacks[-1][1]].setdefault(d_pos, 0)
                whileVarCache[bStacks[-1][1]][d_pos] += d_change
        elif c == '-':
            opSign = '+=' if d_change < 0 else '-='
            if pyCodes and pyCodes[-1] == '{}data[{}] = 0'.format(indentStr, d_pos):
                pyCodes[-1] = '{}data[{}] = {}'.format(indentStr, d_pos, -d_change)
                pyCodes.append('{}data[{}] {} {}'.format(indentStr, d_pos, opSign, abs(d_change)))
            if bStacks:
                whileVarCache[bStacks[-1][1]].setdefault(d_pos, 0)
                whileVarCache[bStacks[-1][1]][d_pos] -= d_change
        elif c == '%':
            pyCodes.append('{}data[{}] %= data[{}]'.format(indentStr, d_pos, d_pos+1))
    return '\n'.join(pyCodes)
shrinkCode, pVars, pChange = shrinkBFCode(target)
print(generatePyCode(shrinkCode, pVars, pChange))
posted @ 2023-11-15 20:16  GGBomb  阅读(32)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报