Ubuntu下安装 Remarkable


I can’t express the excitement of the heart. The Remarkable is best markdown editor in Linux Ubuntu.

Install deb of files on Linux Ubuntu

Follow the steps given below

  • Ctrl + alt + t

The command is open the terminal

  • sudo dpkg -i(FileName.deb or download on the official website
  1. 从终端下载或者直接到官网(墙内打不开)/ Github 下载

  2. Replace FileName with the name of the file you just downloaded
    如果是非指令下载,FileName 用软件名代替

  • sudo apt-get -f install


星期一, 18. 三月 2019 11:49下午

posted @ 2019-03-18 23:55  Chanmoo  阅读(1064)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报