SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Search does't like .Net Framework 2.0!!! (for Error in PortalCrawl Web Service solution)

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Search really does't like .Net Framework 2.0!!

SharePoint Portal Server 2003配置搜索出现问题,爬网一直失败,查看Gather日志如下:
 2006-9-7 10:30:10 修改 sps://th-freepark/site$$$people 
      找不到该地址,(0x80042617 - Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. ) 
 2006-9-7 10:30:10 修改 http://th-freepark/ 
      找不到该地址,(0x80042616 - Error in the Site Data Web Service. )

"The address could not be found" error messages are logged to the gatherer log after you update a content index in SharePoint Portal Server 2003

Google了一把,发现有人提出来说这个问题和.Net Framework有关系,我发现我的环境中确实有.Net Framework 2.0(安装VSS2005的时候装的)。报着尝试的念头,把.Net Framework 2.0删除,重起机器,开始完全更新爬网,这次爬网成功!

所以,如果要让SPS的Search正常运行的话,Search服务器上不要安装.Net Framework 2.0。(具体什么原因不详,这个解决方案是Microsoft SharePoint Tech Support提供的)

posted on 2006-09-07 11:33  Ipark  阅读(440)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


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