C multi thread via pthread include pthread_create,pthread_join methods
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <uuid/uuid.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> void *pMsg3(void *ptr); void pthread8(); int main() { pthread8(); return 0; } void pthread8() { pthread_t t1,t2; int ret1,ret2; char *msg1="Pthread_create(&t1,NULL,printMsg,(void*)msg1);"; char *msg2="pthread_join(t1,NULL)"; ret1=pthread_create(&t1,NULL,pMsg3,(void*)msg1); ret2=pthread_create(&t2,NULL,pMsg3,(void*)msg2); pthread_join(t1,NULL); pthread_join(t2,NULL); printf("Ret1=%d\n",ret1); printf("Ret2=%d\n",ret2); } void *pMsg3(void *ptr) { char *mgs=(char*)ptr; printf("Str=%s\n",mgs); }
The 2 critical methods are thread creation and join as below.
Compile the c program via gcc must include -lpthread instructions;
gcc -g h1.c -o h1 -lpthread -luuid
gcc h1.c -o h1 -lpthread -luuid