C# show Environment property info name and value retrieve, Maximize the Console Window based on window resolution
using System.Reflection; static void ShowEnvironmentInfoDemo() { Type type = typeof(Environment); PropertyInfo[] pis = type.GetProperties(); if (pis != null && pis.Any()) { Parallel.ForEach(pis, x => { Console.WriteLine($"Name:{x.Name},value:{x.GetValue(x)}"); }); } }
static void ConsoleWindowDemo() { try { Type type = typeof(Console); PropertyInfo[] pis = type.GetProperties(); if (pis != null && pis.Any()) { Parallel.ForEach(pis, x => { Console.WriteLine($"Name:{x.Name},Value:{x.GetValue(x)}"); }); } } catch { } }
static void MaximizeConsoleWindow() { Console.SetWindowSize(Console.LargestWindowWidth, Console.LargestWindowHeight); }