1, 实际的时间效率。
2, map所需要的小于比较
3. unordered_map的自动扩容,
4. 对于自定义数据的hash
hash = hash_0 * PRIME + hash_1, 把这个组合的hash值传给unordered_map,然后所使用的PRIME与系统使用的冲突,效果就会很糟糕。那么最好就是自己实现一个类似于unordered_map的hash表,使用这个组合的hash值作为下标。
/* * hashmap.h * * Created on: Dec 26, 2012 * Author: chjd */ #ifndef HASHMAP_H_ #define HASHMAP_H_ #include <vector> #include <map> #include <utility> #include <random> using std::vector; using std::map; using std::pair; #include <algorithm> using std::max; #include <cassert> template<typename _KeyT,typename _ValueT,typename _HashFn,typename _HashFn2,typename _EqualFn,typename _LessFn> class HashMap { public: typedef _KeyT KeyT; typedef _ValueT ValueT; typedef _HashFn HashFn; typedef _HashFn2 HashFn2; typedef _EqualFn EqualFn; typedef _LessFn LessFn; typedef map<KeyT,ValueT,LessFn> CellT; typedef map<size_t,CellT> DenseDataT; typedef vector<CellT> ArrayDataT; // typedef pair<const KeyT,ValueT> KeyValuePairT; typedef typename CellT::value_type KeyValuePairT; typedef ArrayDataT DataT; private: static const unsigned int littlePrimeSize = 7; static const unsigned int bigPrimeSize = 13; static const size_t maxBit = 24; // 24 for 32bit memory space and 27bit for 64bit memory space static const size_t maxTotal = 13-2; static const size_t maxCellSize = 253; size_t ROW_PRIME; size_t COL_PRIME; size_t row_pindex; size_t col_pindex; size_t entrySize; // ROW_PRIME * COL_PRIME size_t entryLoad; // not empty entry size_t cellLoad; // size of cell size_t cnt; DataT data; // for rehash prime_index typedef std::uniform_int_distribution<> Dis; typedef std::mt19937 Gen; Gen gen_pindex; Dis dis_pindex; size_t littlePrimeTable[littlePrimeSize] = { 5, 11, 23, 47, 97, 193, 397 }; size_t bigPrimeTable[bigPrimeSize] = { 1021, /* 10 bit */ 2027, /* 11 bit */ 4013, /* 12 bit */ 8191, /* 13 bit */ 16127, /* 14 bit */ 31321, /* 15 bit */ 66047, /* 16 bit */ 131071, /* 17 bit */ 263167, /* 18 bit */ 524287, /* 19 bit */ 1046527, /* 20 bit */ 2097593, /* 21 bit */ 3626149, /* 22 bit */ }; // 8388587, /* 23 bit */ // 16769023, /* 24 bit */ // 33554347, /* 25 bit */ // 67108721, /* 26 bit */ // 134217613, /* 27 bit */ // 253450711, /* 28 bit */ // 433494437, /* 29 bit */ // 1073676287, /* 30 bit */ // 2147483647, /* 31 bit */ // 2971215073, /* 32 bit */ // }; size_t FinalHash(const KeyT& key) { size_t hash,hash2; HashFn hashFn; HashFn2 hashFn2; hash = hashFn(key)%COL_PRIME; hash2 = hashFn2(key)%ROW_PRIME; return (hash2 * COL_PRIME + hash); } void Init(size_t level=0) { row_pindex = 2+level; col_pindex = 4+level; dis_pindex = Dis(2, littlePrimeSize-2); ReInit(); data = DataT(entrySize); } void ReInit() { ROW_PRIME = littlePrimeTable[row_pindex]; COL_PRIME = bigPrimeTable[col_pindex]; entrySize = ROW_PRIME*COL_PRIME; entryLoad = 0; cellLoad = 0; cnt = 0; } void WEnLarge(size_t& total) { if(entryLoad*1.0/entrySize>0.95 && total<maxTotal) { total += 1; } } void UpdatePrimeIndex(size_t total) { row_pindex = (row_pindex + dis_pindex(gen_pindex))%littlePrimeSize; col_pindex = total - row_pindex; } bool WReHash() { cnt++; if(cnt<maxCellSize) return false; cnt = 0; if(cellLoad>maxCellSize) { size_t total = row_pindex+col_pindex; WEnLarge(total); UpdatePrimeIndex(total); ReInit(); return true; } else return false; } void ReHash() { DataT t_data = DataT(entrySize); for(auto e_it=data.begin(),e_et=data.end();e_it!=e_et;e_it++) { if(e_it->empty()) continue; for(auto c_it=e_it->begin(),c_et=e_it->end();c_it!=c_et;c_it++) { auto it = insert_key(t_data,*c_it); assert(it.second==true); } } data.clear(); data.swap(t_data); } pair<KeyValuePairT,bool> insert_key(DataT& t_data,KeyValuePairT pairValue) { size_t pos = FinalHash(pairValue.first); CellT& entry = t_data[pos]; if(entry.empty()) entryLoad++; auto it = entry.insert(pairValue); cellLoad = max(entry.size(),cellLoad); return make_pair(make_pair(it.first->first,it.first->second),it.second); } public: HashMap(size_t level=0) { Init(); } bool find(const KeyT& key,ValueT& value) { size_t pos = FinalHash(key); CellT& entry = data[pos]; if(entry.empty()) return false; auto cell_it = entry.find(key); if(cell_it==entry.end()) return false; value = cell_it->second; return true; } ValueT& operator [] (KeyT& key) { size_t pos = FinalHash(key); CellT& entry = data[pos]; return entry[key]; } pair<KeyValuePairT,bool> insert(KeyValuePairT pairValue) { if(WReHash()) ReHash(); return insert_key(data,pairValue); } pair<double,double> LoadFactor() { double entry = entryLoad * 1.0 / entrySize; double cell = cellLoad * 1.0 / maxCellSize; return pair<double,double>(entry,cell); } }; /* * any to string, when use string as key of map * * int, u32string * address, size_t, 32bit or 64bit, u16string * N = sizeof(addr)>>2; * str = u16string(N,char16_t()) * mask = size_t(0xFFFF); * tmp_addr = (size_t)addr; * for(i=0;i<N;i++) * short x = short(tmp_addr & mask); * str[i] = char16_t(x); * tmp_addr = tmp_addr >> 16; * */ #endif /* HASHMAP_H_ */
/* * test.h * * Created on: Dec 27, 2012 * Author: chjd */ #ifndef TEST_H_ #define TEST_H_ #include <string> using std::string; #include <unordered_map> using std::unordered_map; #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; #include <random> #include "hashmap.h" #include <functional> using std::hash; #include <ctime> using std::clock; using std::clock_t; #include <sparsehash/dense_hash_map> using google::dense_hash_map; class JsHash { public: size_t operator()(const char* str) const { size_t hash = 1315423911; while (*str) { hash ^= ((hash << 5) + (*str++) + (hash >> 2)); } return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF); } }; class HashStr { public: size_t operator()(const string& s) const { hash<string> hashFn; return hashFn(s); } }; class HashStr2 { public: size_t operator()(const string& s) const { JsHash jsHash; return jsHash(s.c_str()); } }; class EqualStr { public: bool operator()(const string& a, const string& b) const { return a == b; } }; class LessStr { public: bool operator()(const string& a, const string& b) const { return a < b; } }; typedef HashMap<string, size_t, HashStr, HashStr2, EqualStr, LessStr> SHashMap; typedef unordered_map<string, size_t> SUMap; typedef map<string,size_t> SMap; typedef dense_hash_map<string, size_t, HashStr,EqualStr> DMap; typedef std::uniform_int_distribution<> DisUniInt; typedef std::mt19937 GenInt; #endif /* TEST_H_ */
/* * test.cpp * * Created on: Dec 27, 2012 * Author: chjd */ #include "test.h" void GenString(DisUniInt& disl, DisUniInt& disa, GenInt& gen, string& s) { int length = disl(gen); s = string(length, char(0)); for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) s[i] = char(disa(gen)); } int TestSHashMap(size_t N) { SHashMap table; DisUniInt disl(5, 32); DisUniInt disa(int('a'), int('z')); GenInt gen; size_t cnt = 0; clock_t t0 = clock(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { string s; GenString(disl, disa, gen, s); // cout << s << endl; auto ok = table.insert(make_pair(s, i)); if (ok.second) cnt += 1; /* else { cout << ok.first.first << " -> " << ok.first.second << endl; } */ } clock_t t1 = clock(); double t2 = (t1 - t0) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "time:" << t2 << endl; pair<double,double> factor = table.LoadFactor(); cout << "entry:" << factor.first << "\t cell:" << factor.second << endl; cout << "cnt:" << cnt << endl; return cnt; } int TestUMap(size_t N) { SUMap table; DisUniInt disl(5, 32); DisUniInt disa(0, 255); GenInt gen; size_t cnt = 0; clock_t t0 = clock(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { string s; GenString(disl, disa, gen, s); auto ok = table.insert(make_pair(s, i)); if (ok.second) cnt++; } clock_t t1 = clock(); double t2 = (t1 - t0) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "time:" << t2 << endl; cout << "cnt:" << cnt << endl; return cnt; } int TestSMap(size_t N) { SMap table; DisUniInt disl(5, 32); DisUniInt disa(0, 255); GenInt gen; size_t cnt = 0; clock_t t0 = clock(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { string s; GenString(disl, disa, gen, s); auto ok = table.insert(make_pair(s, i)); if (ok.second) cnt++; } clock_t t1 = clock(); double t2 = (t1 - t0) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "time:" << t2 << endl; cout << "cnt:" << cnt << endl; return cnt; } int TestDMap(size_t N) { DMap table; DisUniInt disl(5, 32); DisUniInt disa(0, 255); GenInt gen; size_t cnt = 0; clock_t t0 = clock(); table.set_empty_key(string()); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { string s; GenString(disl, disa, gen, s); auto ok = table.insert(make_pair(s, i)); if (ok.second) cnt++; } clock_t t1 = clock(); double t2 = (t1 - t0) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "time:" << t2 << endl; cout << "cnt:" << cnt << endl; return cnt; } bool TestCorrect() { size_t N = 10000000; SUMap table_0; SHashMap table_1; DisUniInt disl(5, 32); DisUniInt disa(0, 255); GenInt gen; size_t cnt_0 = 0, cnt_1=0; for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { string s; GenString(disl, disa, gen, s); auto ok = table_0.insert(make_pair(s, i)); if (ok.second) cnt_0++; auto ok_1 = table_1.insert(make_pair(s,i)); if(ok_1.second) cnt_1++; } cout << "cnt:" << cnt_0 << "\t" << cnt_1 << endl; return cnt_0==cnt_1; } int main() { // size_t N = 100000; TestCorrect(); /* TestSHashMap(N); TestUMap(N); TestSMap(N); TestDMap(N); */ return 0; }
测试比较了自己实现的HashMap,STL的unordered_map,map,和google dense_hash_map。在数据比较小的时候,测试结果还好,当数据比较多的时候,会比unordered_map慢一些。应该是扩容的部分没写好吧。