
1.开始之前先说明一下IDataBase 接口,RPro 类。

IDataBase action = RUtility.Instance.GetDbUtility(TableName);

获得的就是框架的数据操作类(RAction,RMotion),IDataBase 目前兼容Oracle和SqlServer数据库.

RPro rp = new RPro([_dbUtility]);



 RSqlBuilder是对RPro的补充,能统一Sql语句(不区别数据库,写法一样),支持链接编程,支持AOP拦截。(目前版本只用于查询 ,不用于新增,删除,更新)

RRunnable run = rp.ExecuteQuerySqlBuilder(rsb);


namespace YZR.Data
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Reflection;
    /// <summary>
    /// Create By YZR   2016.03.01
    /// 用于查询  不用于新增,删除,更新
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class RSqlBuilder
        private string actionName;

        public string ActionName
            get { return actionName; }
            set { actionName = value; }
        private string columnName;

        public string ColumnName
            get { return columnName; }
            set { columnName = value; }

        private string colName;//作为子查询的别名列

        public string ColName
            get { return colName; }
            set { colName = value; }
        private string dataSource;

        public string DataSource
            get { return dataSource; }
            set { dataSource = value; }
        private string tableName;

        public string TableName
            get { return tableName; }
            set { tableName = value; }
        private List<IRWhere> wheres;

        public List<IRWhere> Wheres
            get { return wheres; }
            set { wheres = value; }
        private RSqlBuilder rsb;//作为内置子查询对象

        public RSqlBuilder Rsb
            get { return rsb; }
            set { rsb = value; }
        private QueryPattern pattern = QueryPattern.Where;

        public QueryPattern Pattern
            get { return pattern; }
            set { pattern = value; }
        private bool isSubQuery = false;

        public bool IsSubQuery
            get { return isSubQuery; }
            set { isSubQuery = value; }

        private bool isJoinQuery = false;

        public bool IsJoinQuery
            get { return isJoinQuery; }
            set { isJoinQuery = value; }
        public JoinClass jc { get; set; }

        public RRunnable innerRunnable { get; set; }

        private RSqlBuilder innerRsqlBuilder;

        public RSqlBuilder InnerRsqlBuilder
            get { return innerRsqlBuilder; }
            set { innerRsqlBuilder = value; }
        private int topCount;

        private string orderColumn;

        private OrderType orderType;//排序方式

        private Pager pager;

        public Pager Pager
            get { return pager; }
            set { pager = value; }
        private bool QueryTotalCount = false;
        private List<IRWhere> countWheres;
        private bool QueryDistinct = false;

        public RSqlBuilder()
            this.innerRsqlBuilder = this;
        public RSqlBuilder(string _actionName, string _columnName, string _dataSource)
            this.actionName = _actionName;
            this.columnName = _columnName;
            this.dataSource = _dataSource;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder = this;
        public RSqlBuilder(string _actionName, string _columnName, string _dataSource, List<IRWhere> wheres)
            this.actionName = _actionName;
            this.columnName = _columnName;
            this.dataSource = _dataSource;
            this.wheres = wheres;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder = this;
        public RSqlBuilder(string _actionName, string _columnName, string _dataSource, string tableName)
            this.actionName = _actionName;
            this.columnName = _columnName;
            this.dataSource = _dataSource;
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder = this;
        public RSqlBuilder(string _actionName, string _columnName, string _dataSource, string tableName, List<IRWhere> wheres)
            this.actionName = _actionName;
            this.columnName = _columnName;
            this.dataSource = _dataSource;
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.wheres = wheres;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder = this;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_actionName"></param>
        /// <param name="_columnName"></param>
        /// <param name="_colName">作为where语句的 列名 in (....)</param>
        /// <param name="_dataSource"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <param name="wheres"></param>
        /// <param name="rsb"></param>
        /// <param name="qp"></param>
        public RSqlBuilder(string _actionName, string _columnName, string _colName, string _dataSource, string tableName, List<IRWhere> wheres, RSqlBuilder rsb, QueryPattern qp)
            this.actionName = _actionName;
            this.columnName = _columnName;
            this.dataSource = _dataSource;
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.wheres = wheres;
            this.rsb = rsb;
            this.Pattern = qp;
            this.isSubQuery = true;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder = this;
            this.colName = _colName;
        public RSqlBuilder(string _actionName, string _columnName, string tableName, List<IRWhere> wheres, RSqlBuilder rsb, QueryPattern qp)
            this.actionName = _actionName;
            this.columnName = _columnName;
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.wheres = wheres;
            this.rsb = rsb;
            this.Pattern = qp;
            this.isSubQuery = true;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder = this;

        public void ToSql()
            Rsql rs = new Rsql();
            if (IsJoinQuery)
                rs.JObject = jc;
                //rs.IsJoinQuery = true;
                rs.IsJoinQuery = IsJoinQuery;
                //isJoinQuery = false;//完成传导之后恢复isJoinQuery值
                rs.ActionName = RAopEnum.Select.ToString();
                rs.ColumnName = jc.ColumnName;
                rs.DataSource = jc.MainTableName + "-" + jc.JoinTableName;
                rs.TableName = null;
                rs.Wheres = jc.Wheres;

                rs.ActionName = this.actionName;
                rs.ColumnName = this.columnName;
                rs.DataSource = this.dataSource;
                rs.TableName = this.tableName;
                rs.Wheres = this.wheres;
                rs.subRsb = this.rsb;
                rs.pattern = this.pattern;
            rs.IsSubQuery = this.isSubQuery;
            rs.TopCount = innerRsqlBuilder.topCount;
            rs.orderType = innerRsqlBuilder.orderType;
            rs.OrderColumn = innerRsqlBuilder.orderColumn;
            rs.innerPager = innerRsqlBuilder.pager;
            rs.QueryTotalCount = innerRsqlBuilder.QueryTotalCount;
            rs.QueryDistinct = innerRsqlBuilder.QueryDistinct;
            rs.IsToSql = true;
            _rsqlExpress = rs;
        public void SetAction(RAopEnum rEnum)
            this.actionName = rEnum.ToString();
        public void SetColumn(string[] colNames)
            StringBuilder _colNames = new StringBuilder();
            if (colNames.Length <= 0)
                this.columnName = "*";
            foreach (string item in colNames)
                _colNames.Append(item + ",");
            _colNames = _colNames.Remove(_colNames.Length - 1, 1);
            this.columnName = _colNames.ToString();
        public void SetColumn(string colNames)
            this.columnName = colNames;
        public void SetColumn()
            this.columnName = "*";
        public void SetDataSoruce(TableNames tableName)
            this.dataSource = tableName.ToString();

        private Rsql _rsqlExpress = new Rsql();

        public Rsql RsqlExpress
            get { return _rsqlExpress; }
            set { _rsqlExpress = value; }

        static RSqlBuilder()


        public static RSqlBuilder Join(string table1, string table2, List<OnKey> list, List<IRWhere> wheres)//考虑返回值,链表操作
            string[] names = new string[2] { table1, table2 };
            Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            RSqlBuilder rsb = new RSqlBuilder();
            if (table1 == table2)
                dic.Add("ERROR", "表名出现异常");
                RRunnable run = new RRunnable("表名重复", 0, dic);

                rsb.innerRunnable = run;
                return rsb;
            return Join(names, list, wheres);
        private static bool func(string[] tableNames)
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            foreach (string item in tableNames)
                if (al.Contains(item))
                    return true;
            return false;
        public static RSqlBuilder Join(string[] tableNames, List<OnKey> list, List<IRWhere> wheres)

            Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            RSqlBuilder rsb = new RSqlBuilder();
            if (func(tableNames))
                dic.Add("ERROR", "表名出现异常");
                RRunnable run = new RRunnable("表名重复", 0, dic);

                rsb.innerRunnable = run;
                return rsb;

            if (list == null || list.Any() == false)
                dic.Add("ERROR", "连接语句的on谓词出现异常");
                RRunnable run = new RRunnable("on谓词的键值对不能为空,而且个数必须1个或以上", 0, dic);

                rsb.innerRunnable = run;
                return rsb;
            if (tableNames == null || tableNames.Length < 1)
                dic.Add("ERROR", "表名出现异常");
                RRunnable run = new RRunnable("表名不能为空,而且个数必须1个或以上", 0, dic);

                rsb.innerRunnable = run;
                return rsb;

            JoinClass myJoin = new JoinClass();
            myJoin.MainTableName = tableNames[0];
            //myJoin.JoinTableName = table2;
            myJoin.JoinType = JoinType.Inner;
            myJoin.Wheres = wheres;
            myJoin.ComplexJoin = false;//默认
            string joinTable = string.Empty;
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

            string onStr = string.Empty;
            if (list != null)
                if (list.Any())
                    foreach (OnKey item in list)
                        onStr += item.MainKey + " = " + item.JoinKey + " and ";
            myJoin.OnString = onStr.Substring(0, onStr.Length - 4);

            if (tableNames.Length == 1)//内连接
                dic.Add("ERROR", "不支持自连接");
                RRunnable run = new RRunnable("不支持自连接", 0, dic);

                rsb.innerRunnable = run;
                return rsb;

                //myJoin.JoinType = JoinType.Self;
                //myJoin.JoinTableName = myJoin.MainTableName;
                //myJoin.ColumnName = myJoin.MainTableName + ".*";
                Type type = typeof(TableNames);
                string[] tbNames = type.GetEnumNames();
                bool error = false;
                foreach (string item in tableNames)
                    if (tbNames.Contains(item) == false)
                        error = true;
                if (error)
                    dic.Add("ERROR", "表名输入有误,请检车Entity");
                    RRunnable run = new RRunnable("找不到指定表名", 0, dic);

                    rsb.innerRunnable = run;
                    return rsb;

                if (tableNames.Length > 2)

                    myJoin.ComplexJoin = true;

                foreach (string table in tableNames)
                    if (table != myJoin.MainTableName)
                        joinTable += table + ",";

                    string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                    Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadFrom(path + "bin\\YZR.Entity.dll");

                    Type t = ass.GetType("YZR.Entity." + table);
                    string[] names = t.GetEnumNames();
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (string item in names)
                        bool flag = true;
                        string value = item;
                        string asString = string.Empty;
                        while (flag)
                            if (al.Contains(value))
                                value = value + i;
                                asString = item + "  " + value;//别名

                                flag = false;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asString))
                            myJoin.ColumnName += " " + table + "." + value + ",";
                            myJoin.ColumnName += " " + table + "." + asString + ",";

                myJoin.JoinTableName = joinTable.Substring(0, joinTable.Length - 1);
                myJoin.ColumnName = myJoin.ColumnName.Substring(0, myJoin.ColumnName.Length - 1);

            //jc = myJoin;
            //isJoinQuery = true;
            RSqlBuilder r = new RSqlBuilder();
            r.IsJoinQuery = true;
            r.jc = myJoin;
            return r;

        public static RSqlBuilder Select(string _columnName, string _dataSource, List<IRWhere> wheres)
            return new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), _columnName, _dataSource, wheres);
        public static RSqlBuilder Select(string _columnName, string _dataSource, string tableName, List<IRWhere> wheres)
            return new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), _columnName, _dataSource, tableName, wheres);
        /// <summary>
        /// where式子查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_columnName"></param>
        /// <param name="_colName">作为where语句的 "列名_colName" in (.....)</param>
        /// <param name="_dataSource"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <param name="wheres"></param>
        /// <param name="rsb"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RSqlBuilder SubSelectWhere(string _columnName, string _colName, string _dataSource, string tableName, List<IRWhere> wheres, RSqlBuilder rsb)
            return new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), _columnName, _colName, _dataSource, tableName, wheres, rsb, QueryPattern.Where);
        public static RSqlBuilder SubSelectForm(string _columnName, string tableName, List<IRWhere> wheres, RSqlBuilder rsb)
            return new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), _columnName, tableName, wheres, rsb, QueryPattern.From);

        public RSqlBuilder Top(int count)
            this.innerRsqlBuilder.topCount = count;
            return this.innerRsqlBuilder;

        public RSqlBuilder OrderByAsc(string Column)
            this.innerRsqlBuilder.orderColumn = Column;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder.orderType = OrderType.Asc;
            return this.innerRsqlBuilder;
        public RSqlBuilder OrderByAsc(Enum Column)
            return OrderByAsc(Column.ToString());
        public RSqlBuilder OrderByDesc(string Column)
            this.innerRsqlBuilder.orderColumn = Column;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder.orderType = OrderType.Desc;
            return this.innerRsqlBuilder;
        public RSqlBuilder OrderByDesc(Enum Column)
            return OrderByDesc(Column.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// 分页
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colName">所有查询的列</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">别名</param>
        /// <param name="StartIndex">开始索引</param>
        /// <param name="LastIndex">结束索引</param>
        /// <param name="orderCol">排序列,一般主键</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RSqlBuilder Page(string colName, string tableName, int StartIndex, int LastIndex, string orderCol, List<IRWhere> wheres)
            this.innerRsqlBuilder.pager = new Pager(colName, tableName, StartIndex, LastIndex, orderCol, wheres);
            return this.innerRsqlBuilder;
        public RSqlBuilder Page(int PageIndex, int PageSize, string colName, string tableName, string orderCol, List<IRWhere> wheres)
            int StartIndex = (PageIndex - 1) * PageSize;
            int LastIndex = PageIndex * PageSize;
            this.innerRsqlBuilder.pager = new Pager(colName, tableName, StartIndex, LastIndex, orderCol, wheres);
            return this.innerRsqlBuilder;
        /// <summary>
        /// 没有加上wheres
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wheres"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RSqlBuilder Count(List<IRWhere> wheres)
            innerRsqlBuilder.QueryTotalCount = true;
            return innerRsqlBuilder;
        public RSqlBuilder Count()
            innerRsqlBuilder.QueryTotalCount = true;
            return innerRsqlBuilder;

        public RSqlBuilder Distinct()
            innerRsqlBuilder.QueryDistinct = true;
            return innerRsqlBuilder;
        public RSqlBuilder Clear()
            return new RSqlBuilder();
    public enum QueryPattern
    public class JoinClass
        private string mainTableName;

        public string MainTableName
            get { return mainTableName; }
            set { mainTableName = value; }
        private string joinTableName;

        public string JoinTableName
            get { return joinTableName; }
            set { joinTableName = value; }
        private JoinType joinType;

        public JoinType JoinType
            get { return joinType; }
            set { joinType = value; }
        public string OnString { get; set; }
        private List<IRWhere> wheres;

        public List<IRWhere> Wheres
            get { return wheres; }
            set { wheres = value; }
        private string columnName;

        public string ColumnName
            get { return columnName; }
            set { columnName = value; }
        private bool complexJoin = false;

        public bool ComplexJoin
            get { return complexJoin; }
            set { complexJoin = value; }

    public enum JoinType
    public class OnKey
        private string mainKey;

        public string MainKey
            get { return mainKey; }
            set { mainKey = value; }
        private string joinKey;

        public string JoinKey
            get { return joinKey; }
            set { joinKey = value; }
        public OnKey(string mainKey, string joinKey)
            this.mainKey = mainKey;
            this.joinKey = joinKey;
    public enum OrderType
    public class Pager
        private string colName;

        public string ColName
            get { return colName; }
            set { colName = value; }
        private string tableName;

        public string TableName
            get { return tableName; }
            set { tableName = value; }
        private int startIndex;

        public int StartIndex
            get { return startIndex; }
            set { startIndex = value; }
        private int lastIndex;

        public int LastIndex
            get { return lastIndex; }
            set { lastIndex = value; }
        private string orderCol;

        public string OrderCol
            get { return orderCol; }
            set { orderCol = value; }
        private List<IRWhere> wheres;

        public List<IRWhere> Wheres
            get { return wheres; }
            set { wheres = value; }
        public Pager(string colName, string tableName, int startIndex, int lastIndex, string orderCol, List<IRWhere> wheres)
            this.colName = colName;
            this.tableName = tableName;
            this.startIndex = startIndex;
            this.lastIndex = lastIndex;
            this.orderCol = orderCol;
            this.wheres = wheres;
View Code


        /// <summary>
        /// RSqlBuilder
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string RExecute()
            RPro rp = new RPro();
            List<IRWhere> list = new List<IRWhere>();
            //list.Add(new RWhere(" and ", "UserName", "=", "YZR"));
            list.Add(new RWhere(" and ", TableNames.UserInfo.ToString() + "." + UserInfo.UserID.ToString(), "in", "1,2,3,4"));
            //================Begin SubQuery============================================================
            //RSqlBuilder ParentRsb = new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), "UserName", "TestTable");
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), "*","PrizeID", "TestTable", "Alias",null,ParentRsb,QueryPattern.Where);//子查询作为数据源
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), "*", "Alias", list, ParentRsb, QueryPattern.From);
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), "*", "TestTable", "Alias", null);

            //RSqlBuilder ParentRsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize",null);

            //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.SubSelectWhere("*", "Prize", "Awards", "Alias", null, ParentRsb);
            //================End SubQuery============================================================

            //================Begin Join============================================================
            //RSqlBuilder JRsb = new RSqlBuilder(RAopEnum.Select.ToString(), "UserName", "TestTable","t");
            List<OnKey> keys = new List<OnKey>();
            //string key1=TableNames.Awards.ToString()+".PrizeID";
            //string key2=TableNames.Prize.ToString()+".PrizeID";
            //keys.Add(new OnKey("UserInfo.UserID", "UserInfo.UserID"));
            //keys.Add(new OnKey(TableNames.Awards.ToString() + ".PrizeID", TableNames.Prize.ToString() + ".PrizeID"));
            //keys.Add(new OnKey(TableNames.Awards.ToString() + "."+Awards.PrizeID.ToString(), TableNames.Prize.ToString() + "."+Prize.PrizeID.ToString()));
            keys.Add(new OnKey(TableNames.UserInfo.ToString() + "." + UserInfo.AwardsID.ToString(), TableNames.Awards.ToString() + "." + Awards.AwardsID.ToString()));
            keys.Add(new OnKey(TableNames.UserInfo.ToString() + "." + UserInfo.BranchID.ToString(), TableNames.Branch.ToString() + "." + Branch.BranchID.ToString()));
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Join(new string[1] { TableNames.UserInfo.ToString() }, keys,list);
            //RSqlBuilder rsb=RSqlBuilder.Join(TableNames.Awards.ToString(), TableNames.Prize.ToString(), keys,list);
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Join(new string[2] { TableNames.Awards.ToString(), TableNames.Prize.ToString() }, keys,list);
            RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Join(new string[3] { TableNames.Awards.ToString(), TableNames.UserInfo.ToString(), TableNames.Branch.ToString() }, keys, list);
            //================End Join============================================================

            //================Begin Top============================================================
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("*", "UserInfo", "Alias", null).Top(2);
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Join(new string[2] { TableNames.Awards.ToString(), TableNames.Prize.ToString() }, keys, null).Top(1);
            //RSqlBuilder ParentRsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize",null);
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.SubSelectWhere("*", "PrizeID", "Awards", "Alias", null, ParentRsb).Top(2);//where子查询
            //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.SubSelectForm("*", "Alias", null, ParentRsb).Top(2);//Form子查询
            //================End Top============================================================

            //================Begin OrderBy============================================================
//前10条的升序排序 //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize", null).Top(10).OrderByAsc(Prize.PrizeID); //连表的前几条升序排序 //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Join(new string[2] { TableNames.Awards.ToString(), TableNames.Prize.ToString() }, keys, null).Top(5).OrderByAsc(Awards.AwardsID);//最好加上表名作为前缀 //子查询的前几条数据降序排序 //RSqlBuilder ParentRsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize",null); //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.SubSelectWhere("*", "PrizeID", "Awards", "Alias", null, ParentRsb).Top(3).OrderByDesc(Prize.PrizeID);//where子查询 //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.SubSelectForm("*", "Alias", null, ParentRsb).Top(2).OrderByDesc(Prize.PrizeID);//Form子查询 //================End OrderBy============================================================ //注意点,子查询嵌套连表有一些限制 //1.允许将连表的数据(rsb)嵌入到子查询中,但必须先得到连表的JoinRsb,再在另外一个rsb实例中使用JoinRsb(其实就是一句话,子查询和连表不能链式编程) //2.没有实现将子查询数据用去连表操作 //================Begin 分页============================================================ //兼容数据库 //可扩展,更面向对象//RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize", null).Page("*", "t", 1, 5, "PrizeID",null); //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize", null).Page(1, 5,"*", "t", "PrizeID"); //================End 分页============================================================ //================Begin Count============================================================ //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize", null).Page("*", "t", 1, 5, "PrizeID", null).Count(); //================End Count============================================================ //================Begin GroupBy============================================================ //================End GroupBy============================================================ //================Begin Distinct============================================================ //注意点: //1.distinct在分页前,不能distinct分页数据 //distinct只作用于内层 //不重复前10条的升序排序 //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize", null).Top(10).OrderByAsc(Prize.PrizeID).Distinct(); //连表的前几条升序排序 //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.Join(new string[2] { TableNames.Awards.ToString(), TableNames.Prize.ToString() }, keys, null).Top(5).OrderByAsc(Awards.AwardsID).Distinct();//最好加上表名作为前缀 //子查询的前几条数据降序排序 //RSqlBuilder ParentRsb = RSqlBuilder.Select("PrizeID", "Prize", null); //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.SubSelectWhere("*", "PrizeID", "Awards", "Alias", null, ParentRsb).Top(3).OrderByDesc(Prize.PrizeID).Distinct();//where子查询 //RSqlBuilder rsb = RSqlBuilder.SubSelectForm("*", "Alias", null, ParentRsb).Top(2).OrderByDesc(Prize.PrizeID);//Form子查询 //================End Distinct============================================================ //是否跳过aop,默认为false rp.SkipAop = false; if (rsb.innerRunnable != null) { return ""; } //获取rp运行结果 RRunnable run = rp.ExecuteQuerySqlBuilder(rsb); //RRunnable run = rp.ExecuteScalarSqlBuilder(rsb); rp.RClose(); //Result标识运行结果是否正常 if (run.Result == 1) { //获取运行结果的上下文 RContext context = run.getContext(); //通过上下文获取结果集(以集合形式返回) //List<YZR> d = context.getDataSource<YZR>(); //通过上下文获取结果集(以DataTable形式返回) DataTable dt = context.getDataSource2<DataTable>(); int c = dt.Rows.Count; List<Dictionary<string, object>> record = context.getDataSource(); //context = run2.getContext(); //通过上下文获取结果集(以字符串形式返回) //string value = context.getDataSource2<string>(); } else { //运行结果的操作信息 string Error = run.Meassage; //详细信息(json表示) string ErrorJsonString = run.ToString(); //信息数据 Dictionary<string, string> dic = (Dictionary<string, string>)run.Data; //.net framework异常内部信息 Exception ex = run.innerException; } string Result = "{\"Text\":\"Success\"}"; return Result; }



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