namespace YZR.Core { using System.Data; using System.IO; using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; using NPOI.SS.UserModel; using System.Web; /// <summary> /// RExcel根据需要进行修改(使用NPOI) /// Greate By YZR 2016.4.7 /// </summary> public class RExcel { #region 导出 public static MemoryStream RenderToExcel(DataTable table) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); using (table) { IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(); IRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0); // handling header. foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.Caption);//If Caption not set, returns the ColumnName value // handling value. int rowIndex = 1; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { IRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) { dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(row[column].ToString()); } rowIndex++; } workbook.Write(ms); //下面两句代码等价于ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; } return ms; } public static MemoryStream RenderToExcel(IDataReader reader) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); using (reader) { IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(); IRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0); int cellCount = reader.FieldCount; // handling header. for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { headerRow.CreateCell(i).SetCellValue(reader.GetName(i)); } // handling value. int rowIndex = 1; while (reader.Read()) { IRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { dataRow.CreateCell(i).SetCellValue(reader[i].ToString()); } rowIndex++; } workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; } return ms; } /// <summary> /// 以文件形式保存在本地 /// </summary> /// <param name="ms"></param> /// <param name="filePath"></param> public static string SaveToFile(MemoryStream ms, string filePath) { string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls"; string fileName = filePath + "\\" + filename; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { byte[] data = ms.ToArray(); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Flush(); data = null; } ClearFile(filePath);//Excel文件清理 return fileName; } /// <summary> /// 以文件形式保存在本地 /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="fileName"></param> public static string SaveToFile(DataTable table, string fileName) { MemoryStream ms = RenderToExcel(table); return SaveToFile(ms, fileName); } /// <summary> /// 将流保存在浏览器客户端 /// </summary> /// <param name="ms"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="fileName"></param> public static void RenderToBrowser(MemoryStream ms, HttpContext context, string fileName) { if (context.Request.Browser.Browser == "IE") fileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;fileName=" + fileName); context.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()); } /// <summary> /// 将文件保存在浏览器客户端====》需要先使用SaveToFile获取Excel文件保存在本地,再通过此方法将本地文件发送到浏览器 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> public static void RenderToBrowser(string fileName) { //string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("..\\Util\\Excel") + "\\" + fileName; DownLoad(fileName); } /// <summary> /// 推荐版本 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <param name="ms"></param> /// <param name="encoding"></param> public static void RenderToBrowser(string fileName, MemoryStream ms, Encoding encoding = null) { encoding = encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8; if (ms != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response; response.Clear(); response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); response.Charset = encoding.BodyName;// "utf-8"; if (!HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent.Contains("Firefox") && !HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent.Contains("Chrome")) { fileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName, encoding); } response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName); response.BinaryWrite(ms.GetBuffer()); ms.Close(); ms = null; response.Flush(); response.End(); } } private static void DownLoad(string path) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; if (path != null && File.Exists(path)) { System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(path); //清除缓冲区流中的所有内容输出 context.Response.Clear(); // Response.Redirect("~/Content.aspx?content=" + ExtHelper.Escape("<h1>"+path+"</h1>")); //将下载保存对话框指定默认的文件名添加到HTTP头中 //Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.Name); string[] split = path.Split(new Char[] { ':', '\\' }); string fileName = ""; if (split.Length > 0) { fileName = split[split.Length - 1]; } context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName == "" ? path : fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8));//避免中文出现乱码现象 //在header中指定文件的大小,使浏览器能显示下载过程 context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString()); //设置输出流的 HTTP MIME 类型 context.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; // 发送文件流到客户端 context.Response.WriteFile(file.FullName); // 停止该页的执行 context.Response.End(); //HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { context.Response.Write("文件自动下载中断,请手动下载,Path路径不存在或者为null"); } } /// <summary> /// 清理Excel文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="FilePath"></param> public static void ClearFile(string FilePath) { String[] Files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(FilePath); if (Files.Length > 10) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(Files[i]); } catch { } } } } #endregion #region 导入 /* 需要注意的是,sheet.LastRowNum = sheet.PhysicalNumberOfRows - 1,这里可能存在BUG: 当没有数据或只有一行数据时sheet.LastRowNum为0,PhysicalNumberOfRows 表现正常。 这里读取流中的Excel来创建Workbook对象,并转换成DataTable: */ /// <summary> /// 将上传的流转为DataTable /// </summary> /// <param name="excelFileStream"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable RenderFromExcel(Stream excelFileStream) { using (excelFileStream) { IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0);//取第一个表 DataTable table = new DataTable(); IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0);//第一行为标题行 int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;//LastCellNum = PhysicalNumberOfCells int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum;//LastRowNum = PhysicalNumberOfRows - 1 //handling header. for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++) { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(headerRow.GetCell(i).StringCellValue); table.Columns.Add(column); } for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= rowCount; i++) { IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow(); if (row != null) { for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++) { if (row.GetCell(j) != null) dataRow[j] = GetCellValue(row.GetCell(j)); //根据Excel列类型获取列的值 } } table.Rows.Add(dataRow); } return table; } } /// <summary> /// 根据Excel列类型获取列的值 /// </summary> /// <param name="cell">Excel列</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetCellValue(ICell cell) { if (cell == null) return string.Empty; switch (cell.CellType) { case CellType.Blank: return string.Empty; case CellType.Boolean: return cell.BooleanCellValue.ToString(); case CellType.Error: return cell.ErrorCellValue.ToString(); case CellType.Numeric: case CellType.Unknown: default: return cell.ToString();//This is a trick to get the correct value of the cell. NumericCellValue will return a numeric value no matter the cell value is a date or a number case CellType.String: return cell.StringCellValue; case CellType.Formula: try { HSSFFormulaEvaluator e = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(cell.Sheet.Workbook); e.EvaluateInCell(cell); return cell.ToString(); } catch { return cell.NumericCellValue.ToString(); } } } /// <summary> /// 这里的Excel可能没有数据,所以可以加一个方法来检测: /// </summary> /// <param name="excelFileStream"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool HasData(Stream excelFileStream) { using (excelFileStream) { IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream); if (workbook.NumberOfSheets > 0) { ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); return sheet.PhysicalNumberOfRows > 0; } } return false; } /// <summary> /// 或者是直接生成SQL语句来插入到数据库: /// </summary> /// <param name="excelFileStream"></param> /// <param name="insertSql"></param> /// <param name="dbAction">action</param> /// <returns></returns> public static int RenderToDb(Stream excelFileStream, string insertSql) { int rowAffected = 0; using (excelFileStream) { IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0);//取第一个工作表 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0);//第一行为标题行 int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;//LastCellNum = PhysicalNumberOfCells int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum;//LastRowNum = PhysicalNumberOfRows - 1 for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= rowCount; i++) { IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); if (row != null) { builder.Append(insertSql); builder.Append(" values ("); for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++) { builder.AppendFormat("'{0}',", GetCellValue(row.GetCell(j)).Replace("'", "''")); //根据Excel列类型获取列的值 } builder.Length = builder.Length - 1; builder.Append(");"); } if ((i % 50 == 0 || i == rowCount) && builder.Length > 0) { //每50条记录一次批量插入到数据库 //这里写数据库的插入操作
builder.Length = 0; } } } return rowAffected; } #endregion #region 扩展 /* 将集合的导出操作 public static MemoryStream RenderToExcel<T>(List<T> listRainInfo) { string schoolname = "401"; //创建Excel文件的对象 NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFWorkbook book = new NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFWorkbook(); //添加一个sheet NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet1 = book.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); //获取list数据 List<FX_LOG_ICK_T> listRainInfo = bll.GetAllToList(); //给sheet1添加第一行的头部标题 NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow row1 = sheet1.CreateRow(0); row1.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("电脑号"); row1.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("姓名"); //将数据逐步写入sheet1各个行 for (int i = 0; i < listRainInfo.Count; i++) { NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow rowtemp = sheet1.CreateRow(i + 1); rowtemp.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(listRainInfo[i].PrimaryKey.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(listRainInfo[i].XM.ToString()); } // 写入到客户端 System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); book.Write(ms); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return ms; } * */ #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Excel操作==>保存在本地 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string RExcelDemo() { IDataBase action = RUtility.Instance.GetDbUtility("Register"); action.ROpen(); DataTable dt = action.Select(); string filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("..\\Util\\Excel"); RExcel.SaveToFile(dt, filePath); string Result = "{\"Text\":\"Success\"}"; return Result; } /// <summary> /// Response /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void RexcelDemo2() { IDataBase action = RUtility.Instance.GetDbUtility(TableName); action.ROpen(); DataTable dt = action.Select(); action.RClose(); /* RExcel类可以根据需要进行更改 */ MemoryStream ms = RExcel.RenderToExcel(dt); string fileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls"; //方式一:将数据流发送到浏览器客户端 RExcel.RenderToBrowser(ms, HttpContext.Current, fileName); //方式二:将数据流发送到浏览器客户端 WebHelper.SendFile(fileName, ms);//发送文件流到客户端 }
IDataBase action = RUtility.Instance.GetDbUtility("Register"); action.ROpen(); DataTable dt = action.Select(); action.RClose(); /* RExcel类可以根据需要进行更改 */ //方式一:将数据流发送到浏览器客户端 MemoryStream ms = RExcel.RenderToExcel(dt); string fileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff") + ".xls"; RExcel.RenderToBrowser(ms, HttpContext.Current, fileName); return; //方式二:将本地文件发送到浏览器客户端 string filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\Util\\Excel"); string strFile = RExcel.SaveToFile(dt, filePath); RExcel.RenderToBrowser(strFile);