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是非成败转头空 青山依旧在 几度夕阳红 。。。
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数据库更新时经常会 join 其他表做判断更新,PostgreSQL 的写法与其他关系型数据库更有不同,下面以 SQL Server, MySQL,PostgreSQL 的数据库做对比和展示。


create table A(id int, city varchar(20));
create table B(id int, name varchar(20));
insert into A values(1, 'beijing');
insert into A values(2, 'shanghai');
insert into A values(3, 'guangzhou');
insert into A values(4, 'hangzhou');

insert into B values(1, 'xiaoming');
insert into B values(2, 'xiaohong');
insert into B values(3, 'xiaolv');


现在我要将 xiaohong 的城市改为 shenzhen,看看不同的数据库产品是怎么做的:

SQL Server:

update A
set A.city = 'shenzhen'
from A join B
on A.id = B.id
where B.name = 'xiaohong'



update A
join B ON A.id= B. id
set A.city='shenzhen'
where B.name = 'xiaohong'



update A
set city = 'shenzhen'
from B
where A.id = B.id
and B.name = 'xiaohong'



如果要将 a 表多余的 id 的 city 更新为 ‘abcd’, 即 4 -> ‘abcd’, 实现 update left join 


update a
set city = 'abcd'
from a a1
left join b 
on a1.id = b.id
where a.id = a1.id
and b.id is null


如果要将 a 表中的 city 用 b 表中的那么更新, 即 1- >xiaoming, 2 -> xiaohong, 3 ->xiaolv

update a
set city = b.name
from a a1
join b
on a.id = b.id
where a1.id = a.id