
  • 列表内容assert()是一种预处理宏(preprocessor marco),使用一个表达式来作为条件,只在DEBUG模式下才有用。

assert的行为依赖与NDEBUG的预处理变量的状态,如果定义了这个变量,则assert什么也不做。如果定义了NDEBUG,编译器会认为是非DEBUG模式(like release模式)

// 去注释则禁用 assert()
//#define NDEBUG
using namespace std;
int main()
	string word;
	size_t the = 5;
	cin >> word;
	assert(word.size() > the);

	if (word.size() < the) {
		cerr << "Error :" << __FILE__
			<< " : in function " << __func__
			<< " at line " << __LINE__ << endl
			<< "        Compiled on " << __DATE__
			<< " at " << __TIME__ << endl
			<< "        Word read was \"" << word
			<< "\": Length too short " << endl;

	return 0;

未去注释版本在assert(word.size() > the);这里会退出,如下图


  • 这里有一个问题,如果这么写,将宏定义写在<cassert>头文件之后的话,那么这个禁用将不起效果,这里的assert仍然会执行。
using namespace std;
#define NDEBUG
using namespace std;
int main()
	string word;
	size_t the = 5;
	cin >> word;
	assert(word.size() > the);

	if (word.size() < the) {
		cerr << "Error :" << __FILE__
			<< " : in function " << __func__
			<< " at line " << __LINE__ << endl
			<< "        Compiled on " << __DATE__
			<< " at " << __TIME__ << endl
			<< "        Word read was \"" << word
			<< "\": Length too short " << endl;

	return 0;
  • 但是为什么呢?打开#include<cassert>文档看到这个,说明C++仍然采用了C的定义,所以继续打开#include <assert.h>
// cassert standard header
// NOTE: no include guard
#include <yvals.h>
#include <assert.h>

// assert.h
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Defines the assert macro and related functionality.
#if defined _VCRT_BUILD && !defined _ASSERT_OK
    #error assert.h not for CRT internal use

#include <corecrt.h>


#undef assert

#ifdef NDEBUG

    #define assert(expression) ((void)0)


    _ACRTIMP void __cdecl _wassert(
        _In_z_ wchar_t const* _Message,
        _In_z_ wchar_t const* _File,
        _In_   unsigned       _Line

    #define assert(expression) (void)(                                                       \
            (!!(expression)) ||                                                              \
            (_wassert(_CRT_WIDE(#expression), _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), (unsigned)(__LINE__)), 0) \



而如果在这个之后定义了NDEBUG,也就相当于在上面最后又加了一句#define NDEBUG,但是这个时候检查已经开始了,所以这一句也没用了。

  • 辅助诊断变量,均在预处理器中定义.
__FILE__	//存放文件名的字符串字面值
__LINE__	//存放当前行号的整型字面值
__TIME__	//存放文件编译时间的字符串字面值
__DATE__	//存放文件编译日期的字符串字面值
posted @ 2018-08-27 14:12  Chasssser  阅读(851)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报