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 getent passwd  不能访问到 ldap 的用户,搞了一整个下午! 依然没搞定, 

一开始是不知道nslcd 需要启动,另外getent passwd 域, 无有用结果,


getent passwd cant show domain user


终于算是找到了 http://superuser.com/questions/292199/why-doesnt-getent-show-openldap-users !!!



原来/etc/sssd/sssd.conf  的配置一直是错误的, 因为我用的是 setup 设置的, 但是其中又出现


ldap_search_base = dc=test,dc=com

但是,setup 设置之后又变成了 etest:

ldap_search_base = dc=etest,dc=com


原来通过  nslcd -d 可以调试!!


I started nslcd in debug mode: nslcd -d and saw in the statements that it was looking for objectclass posixAccount. All the entries in my LDAP were of type inetOrgPerson. I had to include the nis.schema in the slapd.conf file, and then add posixAccount as an auxiliary objectclass to each entry. Then, I could finally use getent to see accounts inside LDAP.

Cross posted here:




posted on 2017-05-31 12:08  CanntBelieve  阅读(1366)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报