.NetCore 3.1 WebApi 使用Mysql临时表Dapper与Linq处理报表



  1   public async Task<TheMostUnitAndClassStudentDataShowokFormart> TheMostVolatileClassGetStudentExamInfo(string uni_id, int level, int gp_id, int gc_id, int ga_id)
  2         {
  3             // --AND M.ttm_date >= @sd AND M.ttm_date <= @ed 暂时注释,方便测试
  4             var data = new TheMostUnitAndClassStudentDataShowokFormart
  5             {
  6                 examNames = new List<string>(),
  7                 studentEveryExamTotalScore = new List<decimal[]>(),
  8                 studentName = new List<string>()
  9             };
 10             var listdata = new List<TheMostUnitAndClassGroupStudentDataShowList>();
 11             if (!uni_id.IsNullOrEmptyStr())//校级调用的时候,求波动最大的班级
 12             {
 13                 string sql = @"DROP temporary TABLE  if EXISTS mytempdatatable01;
 14                             CREATE TEMPORARY table mytempdatatable01
 15                             SELECT tu.unit_session_uid,us.unit_session_sdate,us.unit_session_edate FROM unit tu 
 16                             INNER JOIN unit_session us ON tu.uni_id=us.uni_id AND us.unit_session_type='1' 
 17                             WHERE tu.uni_id=@uni_id AND tu.isdel=0  and us.isdel=0 LIMIT 1;
 18                             SET @sd='1990-01-01',@ed='1990-01-01';
 19                             SET @sd=(SELECT unit_session_sdate FROM mytempdatatable01);
 20                             SET @ed=(SELECT unit_session_edate FROM mytempdatatable01);
 22                             SELECT distinct
 23                                U.ttm_id,U.ttm_name,U.uni_id  ,U.stt_avgscore ,U.stt_id,U.class_uid
 24                              FROM(
 25                                    SELECT distinct
 26                                    M.ttm_id,M.ttm_name,D.class_uid,M.uni_id,SM.cou_id ,SM.stt_avgscore,TD.stt_id,C.class_level
 27                                     FROM test_main M
 28                                    LEFT JOIN test_detail D ON M.ttm_id=D.ttm_id 
 29                                  LEFT JOIN school_test_transcripts SM ON M.ttm_id=SM.ttm_id
 30                                  LEFT JOIN school_test_transcripts_detail TD ON SM.stt_id=TD.stt_id 
 31                                  INNER JOIN class C ON D.class_uid=C.class_uid
 32                                    WHERE 1=1                              
 33                                        AND M.uni_id=@uni_id
 34                                          AND SM.uni_id=@uni_id
 35                                        AND M.isdel=0 AND D.isdel=0 AND TD.isdel=0 AND TD.score_type=0
 36                                     -- AND M.ttm_date>=@sd AND M.ttm_date<=@ed  
 37                                    GROUP BY  M.uni_id,M.ttm_id,M.ttm_name,TD.stt_id
 38                                )U
 39                                    INNER JOIN unit_session S ON U.uni_id=S.uni_id AND S.unit_session_type=1
 40                                    AND U.stt_avgscore IS NOT null 
 41                                     AND U.uni_id=@uni_id
 42                                    WHERE U.class_level=@class_level
 43                                    GROUP BY U.uni_id, U.ttm_id,U.ttm_name,U.stt_id; ";
 44                 var modelFirst = await ZRF_DapperHelper.QueryAsync<TheMostUnitAndClassGroupStudentTempInfo>(sql, new { uni_id = uni_id, class_level = level });
 45                 if (modelFirst == null || !modelFirst.Any())
 46                     return data;
 48                 var ttm_ids = modelFirst.Select(c => c.ttm_id).Distinct().ToList();//有多少次 ttm_id考试
 50                 var tempDic = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();
 51                 var tempEveryStudentScoreInfoList = new List<GetStudentThisExamPerIDAndScore>();
 52                 for (int m = 0; m < ttm_ids.Count; m++)
 53                 {
 54                     //每次考试有多少班级考试的次数,可能是同一个班级考试
 55                     var everyExamStudentCoreInfo = (await ZRF_DapperHelper.QueryAsync<GetStudentThisExamPerIDAndScore>(@"
 56                                                        SELECT 
 57                                                             M.ttm_id,D.stt_id,D.per_id,D.sttd_score,P.per_name
 58                                                              FROM
 59                                                         school_test_transcripts M 
 60                                                          LEFT join school_test_transcripts_detail D on M.stt_id=D.stt_id
 61                                                         INNER JOIN personnel P ON D.per_id=P.per_id AND P.isdel=0
 62                                                         WHERE M.isdel=0 AND D.isdel=0 AND M.ttm_id=@ttm_id GROUP BY D.stt_id,D.per_id,D.sttd_score", new { ttm_id = ttm_ids[m] })).ToList();
 63                     if (everyExamStudentCoreInfo != null && everyExamStudentCoreInfo.Any())
 64                     {
 65                         tempEveryStudentScoreInfoList.AddRange(everyExamStudentCoreInfo);
 66                         var examCout = everyExamStudentCoreInfo.Select(c => c.stt_id).Distinct().ToList();//其中考试 考了几次
 67                         var disticntStudentPer_Id = everyExamStudentCoreInfo.Select(c => c.per_id).Distinct().ToList();//这一批考试的所有学生去重
 68                         decimal getThisExamAvgScore = everyExamStudentCoreInfo.Select(c => c.sttd_score).Average();//这次考试的平均分
 69                         for (int s = 0; s < disticntStudentPer_Id.Count; s++)//求每一个学生的标准差
 70                         {
 71                             string thisStudent = disticntStudentPer_Id[s];//这个学生的per_id
 72                             //string studentName = everyExamStudentCoreInfo.FirstOrDefault(c => c.per_id == thisStudent).per_name;
 73                             //decimal totalScore = everyExamStudentCoreInfo.Where(c => c.per_id == thisStudent).Select(c => c.sttd_score).Sum();//这个学生的总分
 74                             decimal bzc = 0;
 75                             List<decimal> thisStudentScore = everyExamStudentCoreInfo.Where(c => c.per_id == thisStudent).Select(c => c.sttd_score).ToList();
 76                             for (int studentScorecount = 0; studentScorecount < thisStudentScore.Count; studentScorecount++)//该考了几次考试
 77                             {
 78                                 bzc += (thisStudentScore[studentScorecount] - getThisExamAvgScore) * (thisStudentScore[studentScorecount] - getThisExamAvgScore);
 79                             }
 80                             double tempbzf = double.Parse(bzc.ToString()) * 1.0 / examCout.Count;
 82                             bzc = decimal.Parse(Math.Sqrt(tempbzf).ToString("f2"));
 83                             //  listper_id.Add($"{thisStudent}_{ttm_ids[m]}_{studentName}", bzc);
 84                             if (!tempDic.ContainsKey(thisStudent))
 85                             {
 86                                 tempDic.Add(thisStudent, bzc);
 87                             }
 88                         }
 89                     }
 90                 }
 91                 var dictinctDicStudent = tempDic.OrderByDescending(c => c.Value).Take(5).ToList();//不重复的5个学生
 93                 List<string> examName = new List<string>();//考试的名称
 94                 List<string> studentName = new List<string>();//学生名称
 95                 List<decimal[]> top5Score = new List<decimal[]>();//学生分数
 97                 foreach (var item in dictinctDicStudent)
 98                 {
 99                     string per_id = item.Key;
100                     string per_name = tempEveryStudentScoreInfoList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.per_id == per_id).per_name;
101                     studentName.Add(per_name);
103                     List<decimal> everyExamScoreForStudent = new List<decimal>();
104                     for (int i = 0; i < ttm_ids.Count; i++)
105                     {
106                         string exam_Name = modelFirst.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ttm_id == ttm_ids[i]).ttm_name;
107                         if (!examName.Contains(exam_Name))
108                         {
109                             examName.Add(exam_Name);
110                         }
111                         everyExamScoreForStudent.Add(tempEveryStudentScoreInfoList.Where(c => c.per_id == per_id && c.ttm_id == ttm_ids[i]).Select(c => c.sttd_score).Sum());
112                     }
113                     top5Score.Add(everyExamScoreForStudent.ToArray());
114                 }
116                 #region MyRegion  存在重复的逻辑
117                 //var diclist = listper_id.OrderByDescending(c => c.Value).Take(5).ToList(); 
119                 //List<string> top5Studentid = new List<string>();//学生id
120                 //List<decimal[]> top5Score = new List<decimal[]>();//学生分数
121                 //List<string> examName = new List<string>();
122                 ////5个学生
123                 //diclist.Select(c => c.Key).ToList().ForEach(c =>
124                 //{
125                 //    string ttm_id = c.Split("_")[1];
126                 //    string per_id = c.Split("_")[0];
127                 //    string _examName = modelFirst.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ttm_id == ttm_id).ttm_name;
128                 //    top5Studentid.Add(c.Split("_")[2]);
129                 //    if (!examName.Contains(_examName))
130                 //    {
131                 //        examName.Add(_examName);
132                 //    }
133                 //    var lscore = new List<decimal>();
134                 //    for (int i = 0; i < ttm_ids.Count; i++)
135                 //    {
136                 //        decimal totalscore = tempEveryStudentScoreInfoList.Where(c => c.ttm_id == ttm_ids[i] && c.per_id == per_id).Select(c => c.sttd_score).Sum();
137                 //        lscore.Add(totalscore);
138                 //    }
139                 //    top5Score.Add(lscore.ToArray());
140                 //}); 
141                 #endregion
143                 data.examNames = examName;
144                 data.studentName = studentName;
145                 data.studentEveryExamTotalScore = top5Score;
146             }
147             return data;
148         }
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