G-Client -- gblogger

1. Browse Command gblogger-blog brings up the list of blogs owned by the currently authenticated user.

2. Posting Command gblogger-new-entry takes a post URL and sets up a special buffer where you can compose your article. the post url is obtained from the feed of blogs above, use the post link for the blog to which you wish to post.

3. Browsing Command gblogger-atom-display displays the atom feed for a specified blog as a browsable HTML page. In addition to reading your blog, this helps you find the edit url for individual posts.

4. Editting Command gblogger-edit-entry takes the edit url of a previously posted entry. It retrieves the entry, and sets up a special composition buffer where you can edit the entry.

5. Submitting The special composition buffer created by commands gblogger-new-entry and gblogger-edit-entry provide a special command gblogger-publish (bound to C-c C-c) that submits the entry to blogger.

6. Deleting Command gblogger-delete-entry deletes an entry specified by its edit url.
posted @ 2011-11-06 20:44  Kaffeeck  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报